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Bot usage

Timothy Small edited this page Aug 11, 2023 · 8 revisions

Slash commands

Slash commands can be ran directly from the textbox by adding / at the very beginning of the message.


Generate share links for a song or album.

Example 01

/sharemusic url:

It will generate the following:

Example screenshot of running "/sharemusic url:"


Find a song and share it.

⚠️ Warning

You must select an item in the autocomplete menus.

Example 01

/findsong artist-name:Bilmuri song-name:THE VOID APPROACHETH

Example animation of running "/findsong artist-name:Bilmuri song-name:THE VOID APPROACHETH"


Find an album and share it.

⚠️ Warning

You must select an item in the autocomplete menus.

Example 01

/findalbum artist-name:Bilmuri album-name:GOBLIN HOURS

Example animation of running "/findalbum artist-name:Bilmuri album-name:GOBLIN HOURS"

App commands

App commands can be ran directly on a message posted by yourself or another person. To run it you:

  1. Right click on a message or, if you're on mobile, long pressing on a message.
  2. Selecting Apps in the context menu.
  3. Choosing a command to run.

Get music share links

Generate share links from another user's message that has a link to a song or album.

⚠️ Warning

If a message has more than one link in it, it will attempt to get links for all of the links and make multiple posts for each link.

Example 01

A message contains the following:

Check out this song:

It will generate this response:

Example screenshot of running the 'Get music share links' command on a message that contains "Check out this song:"