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This is an API to simplify your connection to SoftGarden.

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SoftGarden API

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This is an API to simplify your connection to SoftGarden. The class \SWE\SoftGardenApi\Api\SoftGarden contains some methods to get and post some specific data.


 * Get a catalogue value by type.
 * @param string $type The catalogue type.
 * @param string $typeId The id of the catalogue.
 * @return string Returns the result as string.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function getCatalogByType(string $type, string $typeId): string;

 * Get a catalogue by type.
 * @param string $type The catalogue type
 * @return array Returns the result.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function getCatalogue(string $type): array;

 * Get all channels.
 * @return Collection<Channel> A collection with all channels.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function getChannels(): Collection;

 * Get a job by id.
 * @param string $channelId The channel id.
 * @param int $jobId The job id.
 * @return Job The job instance.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function getJob(string $channelId, int $jobId): Job;

 * Get the job basket.
 * @param string $channelId The channel id.
 * @return JobSearchResult The JobSearchResult instance.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function getJobBasket(string $channelId): JobSearchResult;

 * Get all job questions of a job.
 * @param int $jobId The job id.
 * @return Collection<JobQuestion> A collection with all questions of the job.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function getJobQuestions(int $jobId): Collection;

 * Get all jobs of a channel.
 * @param string $channelId The channel id.
 * @return Collection<Job> A collection with all jobs of the channel.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function getJobs(string $channelId): Collection;

 * @return bool
public function isUseAutomaticCatalogueCompletion(): bool;

 * @param bool $useAutomaticCatalogueCompletion
public function setUseAutomaticCatalogueCompletion(bool $useAutomaticCatalogueCompletion): void;

 * Search for a job in a channel.
 * @param string $channelId The channel id.
 * @param string $search OPTIONAL. The word we are searching for.
 * @param string $geoLocation OPTIONAL. The geolocation we are searching for.
 * @return JobSearchResult The JobSearchResult instance.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function searchForJob(string $channelId, string $search = '', string $geoLocation = ''): JobSearchResult;

 * Create a new applicant.
 * @param array $data The applicant data.
 * @return ApplicantData The ApplicantData instance.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function createApplicant(array $data): ApplicantData;

 * Check if an applicant exist.
 * @param array $data The applicant data.
 * @return bool Returns true if applicant exists.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function applicantExists(array $data): bool;

 * Get the user access token for an applicant.
 * @param ApplicantData $applicant The applicant instance.
 * @return string The user access token of the applicant.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function getUserAccessToken(ApplicantData $applicant): string;

 * Check if applicant has already applied to a job.
 * @param string $jobId The job id where the applicant want to apply to.
 * @param string $uat The user access token of the applicant.
 * @return bool Returns true if the applicant has already applied to this job.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function hasApplied(string $jobId, string $uat): bool;

 * Get all applications of an applicant.
 * @param string $uat The user access token.
 * @param array $queryParameters OPTIONAL. The query parameters.
 * @return Collection<ApplicationData> Returns a collection of ApplicationData instances.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function getAllApplications(string $uat, array $queryParameters = []): Collection;

 * Get an application of an applicant.
 * @param string $applicationId The application id.
 * @param string $uat The user access token.
 * @return ApplicationData Returns an ApplicationData instance.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function getApplication(string $applicationId, string $uat): ApplicationData;

 * Start the application.
 * @param string $jobId The job id where the applicant want to apply to.
 * @param string $uat The user access token of the applicant.
 * @return string Returns the application id.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function startApplication(string $jobId, string $uat): string;

 * Send application information.
 * @param string $applicationId The application id.
 * @param string $uat The user access token.
 * @param array $applicationData The application data. See
 * @return void
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function sendApplicationInformation(string $applicationId, string $uat, array $applicationData): void;

 * Finalize the application.
 * @param string $applicationId The application id.
 * @param string $uat The user access token of the applicant.
 * @param array $applicationData The application information.
 * @return void
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function finalizeApplication(string $applicationId, string $uat, array $applicationData = []): void;

 * Delete an application if it's not finalized.
 * @param string $applicationId The application id.
 * @param string $uat The user access token.
 * @return void
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function deleteApplication(string $applicationId, string $uat): void;

 * Withdraw a finalized (submitted) application.
 * @param string $applicationId The application id.
 * @param string $uat The user access token.
 * @return void
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function withdrawApplication(string $applicationId, string $uat): void;

Return values


Variable Type Default
id string ''
salutation string ''
firstname string ''
lastname string ''
email string ''
workEmail string ''
username string ''
password string ''
locale string 'de'
internal boolean true
dataPrivacyAccepted boolean true


Variable Type Default
applicationId string ''
status string ''
applicationEditable boolean false
createdOn string ''
lastChangedOn string ''
submittedOn string ''
withdrawnOn string ''
jobId string ''
jobName string ''
firstname string ''
lastname string ''
sex string ''
academictitle string ''
email string ''
externalProfileUrl string ''
locale string 'de'
street string ''
zip string ''
city string ''
country string ''
nationality string ''
phone string ''
mobilePhone string ''
dateofbirth string ''
coverLetterText string ''
region string ''
imported string ''
applicationFeedbackConsent boolean false


Variable Type Default
id string ''
name string ''
accessible boolean false


Variable Type Default
items array []


Variable Type Default
jobDbId integer 0
externalPostingName string ''
internalPostingName string ''
applyOnlineLink string ''
jobCategories array []
audiences array []
employmentTypes array []
workTimes array []
industries array []
workExperiences array []
geoLat string ''
geoLong string ''
geoName string ''
geoCountry string ''
geoState string ''
geoCity string ''
geoZip string ''
geoStreet string ''
jobAdText string ''
jobStartDate integer 0
postingLastUpdatedDate integer 0
jobOwnerSalutation string ''
jobOwnerTitle string ''
jobOwnerFirstname string ''
jobOwnerLastname string ''
jobOwnerStreet string ''
jobOwnerCity string ''
jobOwnerZip string ''
jobOwnerPhone string ''
jobOwnerEmail string ''
jobOwnerAvatarurl string ''
jobOwnerFunction string ''
jobAdUrl string ''
companyName string ''
companyId string ''
projectNumber string ''
internalReferenceId string ''
locale string ''
keywords string ''


Variable Type Default
id integer 0
question string ''
type string ''
answerCatalog array/null null


Variable Type Default
itemsPerPage integer 0
numPages integer 0
offset integer 0
actualPage integer 0
firstPostingOnPage integer 0
lastPostingOnPage integer 0
totalNumberOfJobs integer 0
result Collection<SearchResult> 0


Variable Type Default
jobPostingId integer 0
postingVersionId integer 0
title string ''
applyOnlineLink string ''
config SearchResultConfig null
jobStartDate integer 0
postingVersionStartDate integer 0
postingVersionEndDate integer 0


Variable Type Default
projectLocation array []
projectNumber array []
audience array []
projectLocationGerman array []
location array []
company array []
softgardenvisibility array []
internalPostingName array []
listingStartDate array []
jobcategory array []
projectCompanyNameGerman array []


This API uses Semantic Versioning