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Sprint#1 retrospective

alexyork edited this page Jul 18, 2011 · 4 revisions

Process Retrospective

Worked well:

  • Great teamwork
  • Good tools
  • Using the post-it board, at first
  • Scrum standups were helpful

To be improved:

  • Not using the post-it board, for adding new bugs
  • More code reviews (crucible)
  • Introduce complexity “at the latest responsible moment”

Design Retrospective

Improvements and simplifications to the design:

  • Remove IModel
  • Remove IModelService
  • Simpler persistance
  • No need for the serialization of complex objects yet
  • The UI only requires getting/setting of strings and bools
  • Therefore... we can...
  • Remove IPersistanceService
  • Remove PersistanceService
  • Anything that needs to work with persisted data can work directly with IMobileKVPersister :-)
  • “Fat Models” which are direct representations of the UI
  • The UI only interacts with our model objects
  • The UI never interacts with a low-level HTTP service
  • Introduce a fully async API
  • Calling functions on the model return void and accept a callback parameter of type Action
  • Service functions should also return void, and accept a callback parameter of type Action
  • Threading should be moved to where the async work occurs: the HTTP service layer
  • Introduce folders and namespaces
  • Services/Threading
  • Services/Persistance
  • Services/Fakes
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