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SmilyOrg committed May 9, 2024
1 parent 1cca67b commit 2983757
Showing 1 changed file with 333 additions and 0 deletions.
333 changes: 333 additions & 0 deletions internal/layout/flex.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
package layout

import (
// . "photofield/internal"


type FlexPhoto struct {
Id image.ImageId
AspectRatio float64

type FlexNode struct {
Index int
Cost float64
ImageHeight float64
TotalAspect float64
Links []*FlexNode
Shortest *FlexNode

// func (n *FlexNode) Dot() string {
// // dot := ""
// dot := fmt.Sprintf("%d [label=\"%d\\nCost: %.0f\\nHeight: %.0f\"];\n", n.Index, n.Index, n.Cost, n.ImageHeight)
// for _, link := range n.Links {
// dot += fmt.Sprintf("\t%d -> %d;\n", n.Index, link.Index)
// // dot += fmt.Sprintf("\t%d -> %d;\n", n.Index, link.Index)
// dot += link.Dot()
// }
// return dot
// }

func (n *FlexNode) Dot() string {
// dot := ""

stack := []*FlexNode{n}
visited := make(map[int]bool)
dot := ""
for len(stack) > 0 {
node := stack[0]
stack = stack[1:]
if visited[node.Index] {
visited[node.Index] = true
dot += fmt.Sprintf("%d [label=\"%d\\nCost: %.0f\\nHeight: %.0f\\nTotalAspect: %.2f\"];\n", node.Index, node.Index, node.Cost, node.ImageHeight, node.TotalAspect)
for _, link := range node.Links {
attr := ""
if link.Shortest == node {
attr = " [penwidth=3]"
dot += fmt.Sprintf("\t%d -> %d%s;\n", node.Index, link.Index, attr)
stack = append(stack, link)

// dot := fmt.Sprintf("%d [label=\"%d\\nCost: %.0f\\nHeight: %.0f\"];\n", n.Index, n.Index, n.Cost, n.ImageHeight)
// for _, link := range n.Links {
// dot += fmt.Sprintf("\t%d -> %d;\n", n.Index, link.Index)
// // dot += fmt.Sprintf("\t%d -> %d;\n", n.Index, link.Index)
// dot += link.Dot()
// }
return dot

func LayoutFlex(infos <-chan image.SourcedInfo, layout Layout, scene *render.Scene, source *image.Source) {

layout.ImageSpacing = 0.02 * layout.ImageHeight
layout.LineSpacing = 0.02 * layout.ImageHeight

sceneMargin := 10.

scene.Bounds.W = layout.ViewportWidth

rect := render.Rect{
X: sceneMargin,
Y: sceneMargin + 64,
W: scene.Bounds.W - sceneMargin*2,
H: 0,

// section := Section{}

scene.Solids = make([]render.Solid, 0)
scene.Texts = make([]render.Text, 0)

// layoutPlaced := metrics.Elapsed("layout placing")
// layoutCounter := metrics.Counter{
// Name: "layout",
// Interval: 1 * time.Second,
// }

// row := make([]SectionPhoto, 0)

// x := 0.
// y := 0.

idealHeight := layout.ImageHeight
minHeight := 0.8 * idealHeight
maxHeight := 1.2 * idealHeight

// baseWidth := layout.ViewportWidth * 0.29

photos := make([]FlexPhoto, 0)

for info := range infos {
photo := FlexPhoto{
Id: info.Id,
AspectRatio: float64(info.Width) / float64(info.Height),
photos = append(photos, photo)

for startTime := time.Now(); time.Since(startTime) < 10*time.Second; {

scene.Photos = scene.Photos[:0]
root := &FlexNode{
Index: -1,
Cost: 0,
Links: nil,
TotalAspect: 0,
stack := []*FlexNode{root}
indexToNode := make(map[int]*FlexNode)

maxLineWidth := rect.W

for len(stack) > 0 {
node := stack[0]
stack = stack[1:]

totalAspect := 0.

// fmt.Printf("stack %d\n", node.Index)

for i := node.Index + 1; i < len(photos); i++ {
photo := photos[i]
totalAspect += photo.AspectRatio
totalSpacing := layout.ImageSpacing * float64(i-1-node.Index)
photoHeight := (maxLineWidth - totalSpacing) / totalAspect
valid := photoHeight >= minHeight && photoHeight <= maxHeight || i == len(photos)-1
badness := math.Abs(photoHeight - idealHeight)
cost := badness*badness + 10
// fmt.Printf(" photo %d aspect %f total %f width %f height %f valid %v badness %f cost %f\n", i, photo.AspectRatio, totalAspect, maxLineWidth, photoHeight, valid, badness, cost)
// Handle edge case where there is no other option
// but to accept a photo that would otherwise break outside of the desired size
if photoHeight < minHeight && len(stack) == 0 {
valid = true
if valid {
n, ok := indexToNode[i]
totalCost := node.Cost + cost
if ok {
if n.Cost > totalCost {
n.Cost = totalCost
n.TotalAspect = totalAspect
n.Shortest = node
// fmt.Printf(" node %d exists, lower cost %f\n", i, n.Cost)
} else {
// fmt.Printf(" node %d exists, keep cost %f\n", i, n.Cost)
} else {
n = &FlexNode{
Index: i,
Cost: totalCost,
ImageHeight: photoHeight,
Links: nil,
TotalAspect: totalAspect,
Shortest: node,
indexToNode[i] = n
if i < len(photos)-1 {
stack = append(stack, n)
// fmt.Printf(" node %d added with cost %f total aspect %f\n", i, n.Cost, n.TotalAspect)
node.Links = append(node.Links, n)
if photoHeight < minHeight {
} else if photoHeight > maxHeight {

// dot := "digraph NodeGraph {\n"
// dot += root.Dot()
// dot += "}"
// fmt.Println(dot)

// fmt.Printf("photos %d\n", len(photos))

shortestPath := make([]*FlexNode, 0)
for node := indexToNode[len(photos)-1]; node != nil; {
// fmt.Printf("node %d cost %f\n", node.Index, node.Cost)
shortestPath = append(shortestPath, node)
node = node.Shortest

// fmt.Printf("max line width %f\n", maxLineWidth)
x := 0.
y := 0.
idx := 0
for i := len(shortestPath) - 2; i >= 0; i-- {
node := shortestPath[i]
prev := shortestPath[i+1]
totalSpacing := layout.ImageSpacing * float64(node.Index-1-prev.Index)
imageHeight := (maxLineWidth - totalSpacing) / node.TotalAspect
// fmt.Printf("node %d (%d) cost %f total aspect %f height %f\n", node.Index, prev.Index, node.Cost, node.TotalAspect, imageHeight)
for ; idx <= node.Index; idx++ {
photo := photos[idx]
imageWidth := imageHeight * photo.AspectRatio
scene.Photos = append(scene.Photos, render.Photo{
Id: photo.Id,
Sprite: render.Sprite{
Rect: render.Rect{
X: rect.X + x,
Y: rect.Y + y,
W: imageWidth,
H: imageHeight,
x += imageWidth + layout.ImageSpacing
// fmt.Printf("photo %d aspect %f\n", idx, photo.AspectRatio)
x = 0
y += imageHeight + layout.LineSpacing

// idx := 0
// for node := root; node != nil; {

// bestCost := math.MaxFloat64
// var bestNode *FlexNode
// for _, link := range node.Links {
// if link.Cost < bestCost {
// bestCost = link.Cost
// bestNode = link
// }
// }
// node = bestNode
// if node == nil {
// break
// }
// imageHeight := maxLineWidth / node.TotalAspect
// fmt.Printf("node %d cost %f total aspect %f height %f\n", node.Index, node.Cost, node.TotalAspect, imageHeight)
// for ; idx <= node.Index; idx++ {
// photo := photos[idx]
// imageWidth := imageHeight * photo.AspectRatio
// scene.Photos = append(scene.Photos, render.Photo{
// Id: photo.Id,
// Sprite: render.Sprite{
// Rect: render.Rect{
// X: rect.X + x,
// Y: rect.Y + y,
// W: imageWidth,
// H: imageHeight,
// },
// },
// })
// x += imageWidth
// fmt.Printf("photo %d aspect %f\n", idx, photo.AspectRatio)
// }
// x = 0
// y += imageHeight
// }

// index := 0
// for info := range infos {
// photo := SectionPhoto{
// Photo: render.Photo{
// Id: info.Id,
// Sprite: render.Sprite{},
// },
// Size: image.Size{
// X: info.Width,
// Y: info.Height,
// },
// }

// imageWidth := baseWidth
// // section.infos = append(section.infos, info.SourcedInfo)

// if x+imageWidth > rect.W {
// for _, p := range row {
// scene.Photos = append(scene.Photos, p.Photo)
// }
// row = nil
// x = 0
// y += layout.ImageHeight + layout.LineSpacing
// }

// photo.Photo.Sprite.PlaceFitWidth(
// rect.X+x,
// rect.Y+y,
// imageWidth,
// float64(photo.Size.X),
// float64(photo.Size.Y),
// )

// row = append(row, photo)

// x += imageWidth + layout.ImageSpacing

// layoutCounter.Set(index)
// index++
// scene.FileCount = index
// }
// for _, p := range row {
// scene.Photos = append(scene.Photos, p.Photo)
// }
// x = 0
// y += layout.ImageHeight + layout.LineSpacing

// rect.Y = y

// newBounds := addSectionToScene(&section, scene, rect, layout, source)
// layoutPlaced()

scene.Bounds.H = rect.Y + y + sceneMargin

scene.RegionSource = PhotoRegionSource{
Source: source,

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