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Install Pronarr on macOS

Kristian Matthews-Kennington edited this page Jan 8, 2023 · 1 revision

This guide provides step-by-step instructions to show you how to install Homebridge on macOS as a service so it will automatically start on boot.

Installing Pronarr

Step 1: Install Node.js

Homebridge requires Node.js installed on your system to run. Download the LTS version of Node.js (v16.16.0) and run the installer with all the default options selected:

### [Download Node.js v16.16 macOS Installer](

From a Terminal window test that Node.js is working:

# test node.js is working
node -v

# test npm is working
npm -v

Step 2: Install Pronarr

Install Pronarr using the following command:

sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm pronarr

The Pronarr config.json can be found under ~/.pronarr and will be created automatically if it does not already exist.

Review the Configuration Reference at the bottom of this guide.

Major Node.js Version Updates

It is recommended to run Pronarr on the current stable LTS version of Node.js.

Configuration Reference

This table contains important information about your setup. You can use the information provided here as a reference when configuring or troubleshooting your environment after setting up Pronarr.

File Location / Command
Config File Path ~/.pronarr/config.json
Storage Path ~/.pronarr