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This package helps to create a new Test Run in Test Rail with results from Cypress Run.

⚠️ Check that all Test Case IDs, which you use, are existed in Test Rail. If you try to add a new Test Run (if you don't use existed Test Run ID), it doesn't work, because Test Rail API doesn't allow creating a new Test Run using non-existed IDs. Example: you have these Test Case IDs = ['1', '2', '3'], your Cypress autotests have these IDs in results = ['1', '2', '3', '4'] => error! because Test Rail doesn't contain Test Case with ID = 4.



npm i cypress-testrail-integration

Add package into cypress.config.js file

  1. Create any file with Test Rail credentials and data. Example (.env file):
  1. Export package and create a new object into the after-run-api part of the cypress config file (use credentials and data for Test Rail from step 1).
  2. Run addResultsToTestRailTestRun method for creating a new Test Run in Test Rail (with Test Case IDs from autotests) and adding results into created Test Run.

Full code:

const { defineConfig } = require('cypress');


module.exports = defineConfig({
  e2e: {
    setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
      on('after:run', async (results) => {
        // Export package
        const TestrailIntegration = require('cypress-testrail-integration');
        // Create a new object with Test Rail credentials and data
        const testrailIntegration = new TestrailIntegration(
          process.env.TESTRAIL_USERNAME, // Test Rail username
          process.env.TESTRAIL_PASSWORD, // Test Rail password
          process.env.TESTRAIL_HOSTNAME, // Test Rail hostname
          process.env.TESTRAIL_PROJECT_ID, // Test Rail project_id
        // Create a new Test Run in Test Rail and add results from Cypress Run
        await testrailIntegration.addResultsToTestRailTestRun(results);
      return config;
    specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.spec.{js, jsx, ts, tsx}',

Update titles for autotests using template

Update titles for your autotests using this template:

it('[Test Case IDs with any first letter]: [Autotest\'s title]', () => {
  // autotest


it('C1, C2: Verify that google page has input field', () => {
  // autotest
it('C3: Verify that google page doesn\'t have input field ', () => {
  // autotest

Running code

If you completed to updated autotests titles and config file, run this command for test:

npx cypress run

If all works OK, you will see a new Test Run with results. It contains all Test Cases with Test Case IDs from your autotests.

Video example:


Your own parser and titles for autotests

If you want to use your own parser and titles for autotests, you can add a new parser into the constructor for TestrailIntegration.

  1. Create a new parser for the cypress.config.js file
  2. Add it into the TestrailIntegration constructor as a parser param
  3. Update your autotests titles using your own parser


setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
  on('after:run', async (results) => {
    function newParser(title) { // new parser
      const splittedTitle = title.split(':');
      const testCaseIds = splittedTitle[0]
        .map((element) => element = element.trim().substring(1));
      return testCaseIds;
    const TestrailIntegration = require('cypress-testrail-integration');
    const testrailIntegration = new TestrailIntegration(
      parser = newParser // adding a new parser
    await testrailIntegration.addResultsToTestRailTestRun(results);
  return config;

⚠️ Be careful, new parser should return array of the Test Case IDs. Example: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'] or ['1'] for 1 Test Case ID.

Your own name for Test Rail Test Runs

Default name is [Today's date] Test Run: Cypress Autotest, e.g. 2023-01-03 Test Run: Cypress Autotest.

If you want to add a new name for Test Rail Test Run, add it into the constructor. Example:

setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
  on('after:run', async (results) => {   
    const TestrailIntegration = require('cypress-testrail-integration');
    const testrailIntegration = new TestrailIntegration(
      testRunName = 'New Test Run' // adding a new name for Test Run
    await testrailIntegration.addResultsToTestRailTestRun(results);
  return config;

Using created Test Run for results

If you want to use created Test Run in Test Rail for adding results, you can add it's ID into the addResultsToTestRailTestRun method. Example:

setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
  on('after:run', async (results) => {   
    const TestrailIntegration = require('cypress-testrail-integration');
    const testrailIntegration = new TestrailIntegration(

    // 25 is ID for existed Test Rail Test Run
    await testrailIntegration.addResultsToTestRailTestRun(results, runId = 25);
  return config;


You can use this example: This project was set up using cypress-testrail-integration package.


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