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This repository contains the Node.js (TypeScript) backend for the SnelMelder app.

How to setup the project Locally

Make sure you have node.js and MongoDB installed.

First Clone the project.

  git clone

Then open the project in your preferred text editor.

Install dependencies.

  npm i

You will need to rename .env_template to .env and change the following environment variables in the newly created .env file

PORT - The port the API will be listening on (optional, default: 5000)

MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING - The mongodb connection string (example: mongodb://localhost:27017/snelmelder)

Start the server

  npm run build
  npm run server

Run via Docker

Build and run via the following commands: build image and tag it:

  docker build -t snelmelderbackend
  docker run -p 5000:5000 -e MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING=mongodb://host.docker.internal:27017/SnelMelder snelmelderbackend

Seeding database

in the src\helpers\ folder there is a file called "seed.ts". this will seed 5 entities, or any other number you give to it as a parameter. Uncomment the "DeleteAllFromDatabase" method if you wish to delete all entities for a fresh database.

to seed run the following command in console: "npm run seed".