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Portfolio Project - Develop RestAPI using NodeJS with Express and MongoDB

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SmartRoute REST API

Portfolio Project for Holberton School

This project is made by the FullDevs Team as a portfolio project for the final project in the end of Foundation in Holberton School. This project is based on the challenge proposed by Quick Company which is a logistics transportation company, the problem they have is that in some transportation routes they calculate the freight costs by using fixed costs values on specific routes. We as a Team we try to solve this problem by developing a Rest API that provide the service of the cost calculation that carries a route according to a vehicle.



SmartRoute API: API URL

*Web app implementing the main service:

Web Application: Web application that uses the API to provide a visualization of the service

(*) Web application located in another repository

SmartRoute Web Application: Web application repository

Why this project is useful?

Our solution provides the cost calculation within a route (currently for Colombia), the optimize route between an origin place and destination place, the tolls within a route, distance and duration of the trip, CRUD operation for data vehicles, CRUD operation for data tolls.

How users can get started with?


Before starting, it is necessary to have already installed and configured in your system:

  • Git ver. 2.11+
  • NodeJS ver. 12.16.1+
  • Redis ver. 6.0.8+ (running on port 6379)
  • MongoDB ver. 4.2.10+

Google Maps and OpenRouteService Maps API KEY's.

Check these pages for more information about API KEY's:

start 🚀

Clone the repository to have the local project:

git clone

Get inside the path of the project:

cd Quick_Project

Installing dependecies:

npm install

Declare the following variables inside the file .env:

- GOOGLE_API=(here goes your google API key)
- API_OPENROUTES=(here goes your openrouteservice API key)
- URL_DB=mongodb://localhost (if you're using a local MongoDB)

Start the application with:

npm start

Now you can start using the API with the following endpoints:

  • /tolls
  • /vehicles
  • /routes/tolls

You can check the API documentation within a browser in:

  • /api-docs

Built with 🛠️

Programming Language: JavaScript

JavaScript Runtime Environment:

  • NodeJS


  • Express


  • Mongoose
  • Morgan
  • Node-fetch
  • Swagger
  • IORedis
  • Jest
  • Dotenv

Information 🗒

The following resources were needed for the development of this project:

API peajes: It is a service with updated toll prices in Colombia

API Google Routes: A service provided by google where it predicts which is the most suitable route to reach the destination.

By FullDevs Team: 🗒

  • Juan Carlos Rengifo - Front-end
  • Jefferson Alexander Leon - Front-end/Back-end
  • Eduard Sneyder Amador - DevOps/Back-end
  • Andres Santiago Reyes - Back-end


Portfolio Project - Develop RestAPI using NodeJS with Express and MongoDB






No releases published


