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Releases: Snowflake-coin/snowflake-frost-wallet


24 May 09:09
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This is the first release of the Snowflake Frost Wallet with support for Semi Smart Contracts using the SFP (Snowflake Protocol) Node!

The wallet.dat file is saved in C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Programs\Snowflake Frost Wallet and has no password. In the next release we will be adding password protection and exporting you private keys. We recommend you make a backup of this file and keep it somewhere safe! We will also give you some instructions as soon as updates become available!

Also the difference between a Community token and a Private token is that the Private token can never hold any real value and Community token can. A Private tokens can be used in private groups like a book club or between game nights to reward each other with tokens.

There could still be some issues in the frost wallet. If you find any or want to make a suggestion, please create an issue in github or send us a message on Discord.

We listed a few of the features that are included in the first release:

- Sending and receiving SNW coins
- Sending and receiving tokens
- Customizable fee amount
- Creating tokens
- Minting tokens
- Enable and disabled receiving and send sounds
- Darkmode
- Resync wallet from block 0
- Resync wallet from wallet creation
- Rewind wallet 1000 blocks
- Showing fiat currency trough coinpaprika and coingecko
- Change fiat currency
- Switch SFP Node and Daemon address