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Weather Drip


A weather web application that tourists or vacationers enter a City or Zip-Code and they recieve clothes options depending on the temperature of that place.

Built to help people know what to pack when going to a new place.



User Story

AS A tourist

I WANT to be able to see the weather in a city I input

then be recommended the type of clothing I should wear/bring with me

SO THAT planning my trips and vacations will be easier

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN a webpage with a weather form and dynamic background

WHEN I search for a city I am traveling to

THEN I am shown weather information on a the weather in that city with a blank figure (stick figure?)

WHEN I am viewing the weather information I can view the types of clothes recommended for that weather

THEN I can click the clothes to find a drop down of clothing items

WHEN I use the drop down for the clothes I can get information on the price and where to buy the clothes item


  • RapidAPI
  • Open Weather Maps
  • Materialize
  • Cloudflare
  • W3Schools

Deployed Links

This project is deployed through GitHubs own live pages: