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Socratic_Phoenix edited this page Aug 19, 2017 · 8 revisions

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Operator Name Arity Precedence Function
- negate unary 100 negate
! logical not unary 100 not
~ bitwise not unary 100 bnot
** raise binary 95 pow
* multiply binary 90 multiply
/ divide binary 90 divide
% remainder binary 90 remainder
+ add binary 85 add
- subtract binary 85 subtract
<< left shift binary 80 shiftLeft
>> right shift binary 80 shiftRight
<= less than or equal binary 75 compareTo
>= greater than or equal binary 75 compareTo
< less than binary 75 compareTo
> greater than binary 75 compareTo
== equals binary 70 compareTo or equals
!= does not equal binary 70 compareTo or equals
& bitwise and binary 65 band
` bitwise xor binary 60 bxor
| bitwise or binary 55 bor
&& logical and binary 50 and
|| logical or binary 45 or
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