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Welcome to the Soffos Platform SDK

The Soffos Generative AI platform is a revolutionary solution that empowers Edtech developers to create or enhance custom AI applications for learning and development, without the need for special AI skills. Additionally, the Soffos Platform provides generative AI tools that instructional designers can use directly to create training materials.

Product Designers and Developers can create simple to complex apps with our SDK

The Soffos Software Development Kit (SDK) and RESTful APIs are low-code tools that help L&D teams accelerate their AI adoption without the need for AI expertise, making the creation of generative AI solutions for L&D easier and faster.

The Soffos SDK is available for Python and JavaScript developers. It includes a pipeline to sequence and deploy multiple modules, while providing asynchronous events to monitor NLP and generative AI operations for truly engaging user experiences. The Soffos platform offers a selection of premier large language models and provides the convenience of automatic failover to alternative models should your preferred choice become unavailable.

At Soffos, our mission is clear – to make the creation of learning materials easier and more efficient using generative AI.

Visit the Soffos Platform and start building your first generative AI application today!

Join our Discord channel: SoffosAI

Soffosai JS


npm install soffosai

API Keys

  • Create an account at Soffos platform.
  • After loggin in, on the left panel, click Projects.
  • Create a new project.
  • Click on the key icon in the project you created and you will find the API Keys for that project.
    • An API key will automatically be provided for you on Project creation but you can still create more when your account is no longer on trial.
  • Protect this API Key as it will incur charges.
  • You can also save your API Key into your environment variables with variable name = SOFFOSAI_API_KEY
  • To set your API key: When you initialize a service, include it on key word arguments:
    import { SoffosServices } from "soffosai";
    let service = new SoffosServices.AmbiguityDetectionService({apiKey: my_apiKey});
    OR set your API key globally:
    import { SoffosServices, SoffosConfig } from "soffosai";
    SoffosConfig.apiKey = "<your API key>";
    let service = new SoffosServices.AmbiguityDetectionService();

CDN package:

<script src="<version here>/dist/soffosai.bundle.js"></script>


Soffosai SDK Examples


The SoffosAIService class handles validation and execution of specified endpoint vs payload. Here is the list of SoffosAIService Subclasses:


  • Syntax:
// Import the Soffos Service you need
import { SoffosServices } from "soffosai";

//Instantiate the SoffosAIService that you need:
let service = new SoffosServices.TagGenerationService({apiKey: my_apiKey});

//Call the service and print the output:
let response = await
    "client_id", // This is the UUID of your clients. The API will accept any string
    "The Matrix is a 1999 science fiction action film written and directed by the Wachowskis. It is the first installment in The Matrix film series...",
    undefined, 5
console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2));
  • For the web package:
// The only difference is the declaration of the service. You must append soffosai.
let service = new soffosai.SoffosServices.SummarizationService({apiKey: my_apiKey});


  • use:
import { SoffosServices } from "soffosai";
let service = new SoffosServices.TagGenerationService({apiKey: my_apiKey});

if you are using a javascript library like React.js or Framework like Angular.

  • use:
<script src="<version here>/dist/soffosai.bundle.js"></script>
    let service = new soffosai.SoffosServices.SummarizationService({apiKey: my_apiKey});

if you are using the soffosai package directly into an html file.

  • If you are going to use multiple services and does not want to provide the API Key to each one of them, you can put your API key on SoffosConfig.apiKey.
import { SoffosConfig, SoffosServices } from "soffosai";
SoffosConfig.apiKey = "<Your API Key>";

// Then you don't have to supply the API Key on a Soffos Service:
let service = new SoffosServices.TagGenerationService();


  • A Soffos Pipeline is a series of Soffos Services working together. In order to create a Pipeline, a service should call .setInputConfig then supply it to the pipeline's constructor:
import { SoffosPipeline, SoffosServices, SoffosConfig } from "soffosai";

SoffosConfig.apiKey = "<api key>";
const file_converter = new SoffosServices.FileConverterService();
    new InputConfig("user_input", "file"), // get the value of "file" property of the user input.
    new InputConfig("user_input", "normalize") // get the value of "normalize" property of the user input.

const document_ingest = new SoffosServices.DocumentsIngestService();
    new InputConfig("user_input", "file", get_filename),
    new InputConfig("file_converter", "text") // get the ouput of the service named "fileconverter", get "text" property of it.
const services = [file_converter, ingestor];
const pipe = new SoffosPipeline(services, false, "my_pipeline");

This newly created Pipeline named "pipe" will then upload a file to soffos and extract its text content then save it as a document. The required input is clearly stated in the setInputConfigs because it has "user_input" in them. Thus to run this Pipeline:

// provided you have a <input type="file" id="file">
let the_file = document.getElementById("file").files[0];
let sample_user_input = {
    "user": "your_client's_id", // always required on services and pipelines
    "my_file": the_file
let response = await;
console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2));
  • For the web package:
const pipe = new soffosai.SoffosPipeline(services, false, "my_pipeline", {apiKey: my_apiKey});

More Flexible way to declare a Pipeline

To make your Pipeline more maintainable and easy to use, create a subclass:

import { SoffosPipeline, InputConfig } from "soffosai";
import { SoffosServices } from "soffosai";

 * Get the filename only out of the given file
 * @private
 * @param {Blob} file - The file that is being converted to text and saved to Soffos db.
 * @returns {string}
function get_filename(file) {

 * Given a file path, upload the file to Soffos and get its reference document_id in addition to the 
 * converted text.
 * @class
 * @alias _SoffosPipelines.FileIngestPipeline
class FileIngestPipeline extends Pipeline {
     * @param {string} [name] - The name of this pipeline. Will be used to reference this pipeline
     *  if this pipeline is used as a Service inside another pipeline.
     * @param {Object} [kwargs] - Include other needed properties like apiKey
    constructor(name=null, kwargs={}) {
        const file_converter = new FileConverterService(kwargs);
            new InputConfig("user_input", "file"),
            new InputConfig("user_input", "normalize")
        const document_ingest = new DocumentsIngestService(kwargs);
            new InputConfig("user_input", "file", get_filename),
            new InputConfig("file_converter", "text")
        return super([file_converter, document_ingest], false, name, kwargs);

     * Start the pipeline processes.
     * @param {string} user - The ID of the user accessing the Soffos API. Soffos assumes that the owner of
     * the api is an application (app) and that app has users. Soffos API will accept any string.
     * @param {Blob} file - The byte stream of the file. The file should not exceed 50Mb in size.
     * @param {string} [normalize='0'] - Whether to perform normalization.
     * @param {string} [execution_code=null] - If this process should be tracked so it can be
     * terminated via terminate() method, execution_code should be provided to reference this pipeline call.
     * @returns {Promise<object>}
     * - An object containing the results of the file conversion and its reference document_id<br>
     * {<br>
     *  file_converter: {"text":<text content>, "tagged_elements": <extracted text snippets and their tags>}<br>
     *  doc_ingest: {document_id: <reference ID of this document's contents>}<br>
     * }
     * @example
     * // provided you have a file input with id="myFile", a text input with id="executionCode",
     * // and a <pre> element with id="response1":
     * import {SoffosPipelines} from "soffosai";
     * async function fileIngest() {
     *     response1.textContent = "";
     *     const file1 = document.getElementById("myFile").files[0];
     *     const execution_code = document.getElementById("executionCode").value;
     *     let pipe = new SoffosPipelines.FileIngestPipeline("my_pipe", {apiKey: my_apiKey});
     *     let response = await"client_id", file1, 0, execution_code);
     *     response1.textContent = JSON.stringify(response, null, 2);
     * }
    async call(user, file, normalize='0', execution_code=null) {
        let payload = {
            "user": user,
            "file": file,
            "normalize": normalize,
            "execution_code": execution_code
        return await;


When you do this, you can easily reuse your pipeline like this:

import { FileIngestPipeline } from "./your_directory/your_file.js";

let pipe = new FileIngestPipeline("myPipe", {apiKey: my_apiKey});

// provided you have a <input type="file" id="file">
let the_file = document.getElementById("file").files[0];
let result = await"client_id", the_file, 0);
console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));

// on your successive calls:
result = await"client2", other_file, 0);
console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));

Use Defaults

When you are well versed by the output of the Services, you can create a pipeline without defining all the required arguments of each Service if you know that the previous Services or user_input will provide it. If you know this, just put "default" in the argument. Take note that the user_input or previous Services' outputs should contain the same property / fieldname. There are special cases where the previous Service's output has "document_id" and the current Service requires "document_ids"; this is already handled and can be defaulted. The same with required "document_text" and available "text". Also required "context" and available "text".


import { SoffosPipeline, InputConfig } from "soffosai"; 
import { SoffosServices } from "soffosai";

function get_content(value) {
    let combined_text = "";
    for (let item of value) {
        combined_text += item.content;
    return combined_text

docSearch = new SoffosServices.DocumentsSearchService({apiKey: my_apiKey});
    "default"// automatically get this value from the output of previous Services or user_input with
                      // the same property / fieldname.

qa = new SoffosServices.QuestionAnsweringService({apiKey: my_apiKey});
    "default",// take the value for this argument from previous Services or from the user_input
    new InputConfig("search", "passage", get_content)
const AskFromDocument = new SoffosPipeline(
    true, // this is the **use_defaults** argument. defaults to **false** if not provided. 
         // You can only use the "**default**" keyword on arguments to mean "default this value" if this 
         //is **true**.  if use_defaults is false, it will be taken as literal string "default".
    {apiKey: my_apiKey}

let input = {
    "user": "client_id", // This is the UUID of your clients. The API will accept any string
    "document_ids": ["1d77babf8164427cad8276ba944e6cbc"],
    "question": "who is Neo?"
let result2 = await;
console.log(JSON.stringify(result2, null, 2));

Predefined Pipelines

  • Soffos will add more predefined pipelines for you. You can use them like this:
import { SoffosPipelines } from "soffosai";

let pipe = new SoffosPipelines.FileIngestPipeline("myPipe", {apiKey: my_apiKey});
result = await"client_id2", the_file)
console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));

Take note of the difference in names:

  • SoffosPipeline is the pipeline Superclass while
  • SoffosPipelines is the namespace for all Soffos Pipelines including SoffosPipeline as SoffosPipelines.SoffosPipeline.


  • Events are being generated on service, Service, and pipeline key operations. These events are:
"soffosai:on-request" - dispatched when a http request is sent to Soffosai API,
"soffosai:on-response" - dispatched when a http response is received,
"soffosai:pipeline-start" - dispatched when a pipeline starts to run,
"soffosai:pipeline-end" - dispatched when the pipeline run ended with success,
"soffosai:on-service-error" -  dispatched when there is an error on the http request
  • This events can be caught by:
window.addEventListener("<event name>", <function or arror function>);
  • Example:
async function captureOnRequest (e) {

window.addEventListener("soffosai:on-request", captureOnRequest);