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SVIP Demo 1

Past due by about 1 year 100% complete

SVIP Demo 1

Internal Demo showing initial features
Launch Application, Upload SBOMs, view them via dock viewer

Demo MVP

  • Launch Application using Docker
  • Upload SPDX 2.3 SBOMs
  • Upload CycloneDX 1.4 SBOMs
  • Store SBOMs in a Database
  • Present all SBOMs in a row manner
  • View raw SBOM contents with the docviewer

Completed System Requirements

  • 2.2: The sys…

SVIP Demo 1

Internal Demo showing initial features
Launch Application, Upload SBOMs, view them via dock viewer

Demo MVP

  • Launch Application using Docker
  • Upload SPDX 2.3 SBOMs
  • Upload CycloneDX 1.4 SBOMs
  • Store SBOMs in a Database
  • Present all SBOMs in a row manner
  • View raw SBOM contents with the docviewer

Completed System Requirements

  • 2.2: The system shall allow users to upload any SBOM, regardless of origin format
  • 7.4: The system shall store SBOM files in a database

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