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ShanePMcelrath edited this page Apr 2, 2024 · 6 revisions


IntelliwakeTSNode, short for the IntelliWake TypeScript Node Library provides multiple helper functions for back-end Node servers that are not present in vanilla JavaScript.

This library is meant to be used on the server side.

Database Principles

For consistency across projects (although some of our older projects deviate slightly), we want the following principles adhered to when managing databases.

We are primarily a PostgreSQL shop, so these principles will apply most directly to that database architecture.

PostgreSQL Database Principles

Paginator Calculations

Paginators are a key feature for web-based solutions, particularly for large sets of data. Users want to be able to see the first page of items and then be able to page through the rest of the items, or filter the items and see the results, possibly also in pages.

For this type of action, see our section on Paginator Utilities

Command-Line-Interface (CLI) functions

Simple promise-based keyboard single key input function:

const answer = await KeyboardKey('Are you doing OK (Y/N)?', ['Y', 'N'])
console.log('Answer', answer)

PGSQL Database Operations

Being able to interact and manipulate data is essential for data driven web-applications. Developers desire to be able to interact with this data swiftly, efficiently and without errors. Doing this while allowing for complex data manipulation our library strikes a unique balance between an ORM and plain SQL. This approach allows developers to enjoy the best of both worlds: rapid development through high-level abstractions for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, alongside the flexibility to dive into more intricate data manipulations as needed.

PGSQL Overview