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This program allows the user to process different image types with some basic commands. The currently supported image type is ppm, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp. And the program allows the user to change the brightness, flipping vertically or horizontally, downscaling, blur (Gaussian blur), sharpen, speia and greyscale (changing to greyscale different com…


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Image Processing V4.0

Overview of the Program:

This program allows the user to process different image types with some basic commands. The currently supported image type is ppm, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp. And the program allows the user to change the brightness, flipping vertically or horizontally, downscaling, blur (Gaussian blur), sharpen, speia and greyscale (changing to greyscale different component ways). Partial Image Manipulation is also supported.

Program Structure



This is the main class that we can run this program in two different ways.

1. Using a script by calling -file / -f

2. Using terminal command lines by leaving it blank. (Start the GUI)

3. Using a text-based input by calling -text

The imageprocess takes in a model, view and controller.

Error handled: 
1. Invalid function call (calling things except: -help/-h, -file/-f or blank)

How an command is executed

1. Setting new Commands in HashMap

Put an command value and key in the commands HashMap that is storage all commands the controller supports. The key should be a String as the name of this command that user will use, and the value should be the specific class for commands that implements the ICommand interface, like

knownCommands.put("[Command Name]", (Scanner s) -> {
  return new [Command class]([Possbile arguments]);};

2. Creating the new Command class

This new created class has to implement the ICommand interface and implements the process method. The constructor of the class depends on the information it needs. If the input from process is null, IllegalArgumentException will be throwed.

// Template
public class [ClassName] implements ImageCommand { 
    String fileNameIn;  // This is for the search of the model. 
    String fileNameOut; // This is for the storage in the library. 
    [Possible variables for constructor]

  public [ClassName](String fileNameIn, String fileNameOut, [Possible variables for constructor]) {
      this.filaNameIn = fileNameIn;
      this.filaNameOut = fileNameOut;
      [Possible variables for constructor]

  public void process(ImageLibrary library, List<String> stringCommands)
          throws IllegalArgumentException {

    ImageModel model = library.contain(fileNameIn);
    if (model == null) {
      System.out.println("Cannot find image");
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find image");
    model.getUpdated(Operations.OperationType.[Operation type from command], [Possible needed Integer], [Possible needs String]), [Possible needs ImageModel masked image]);
    library.put(this.fileNameOut, model);
    System.out.println(fileNameIn + " has been greyscale as " + fileNameOut);

3. Add new enum in Opeations interface

enum OperationType {
  Save,GreyScale, Flip, Brighten, Blur, Sharpen, LumaGreyScale, Sepia, Downscale
  // Current supports commands type. 

Every new added command types should add a specific enum in the OperationType and also implement in the Operator class.

How to implement:

a. Add one case in the switch part.

switch (type) {
  case [New added enum name with command]: 
    this.[Implement method names for this specific command]([Possbiel passed in arguments]);

b. Implement the command method.

private void [Implement method names for this specific command]([Possbile passed in Arguments]]) {
    [Implementation code];
  ensureVal(this.pixels); //Ensure the value does not exceed the 0-255 boundary. 




This is the controller interface that contains the method of starting the whole program as process().

​ This class is the implementation of the controller interface. It will takes in a model, a view

​ and a readable input (from user). Command lines will be read and executed here.

Error handled: 
1. The command fails. Every failed commands will return "Action failed" and specific information about the failuremessage rendered to the view. . 
2. Null input from the Main. Null input for constructor will throw Exception and message rendered to the view. 
3. Rendering message fails. If the rendering message fails, it will throw error. 




This is the interface for image storage. It allows to put a model with name into the library and make copy of an existing image model in the library.


​ This class implements the ImageLibrary as HashMap for library and allows users to store different types of image

​ models and make a copy of the given name.



This is the interface for different images models. It allows different operations to the model and give back copies of the information about the image.


​ This is the abstracted class that implements the ImageModel interface. The abstract class

​ stores the image as an 2-D array of Pixel. Each pixel will represent each pixel from the image.

​ This class allows changes on brightness, greyscale by components, flip, clone and giving back

​ copies of some basic information. This model is compatible for different types of images.

​ It allows the alpha channel input with the extension of pixel.

Error handled: 
1. The prohibited height and width and a null pixel[][] input. 
2. Wrong input for fliping. 

​ PPModel is specific for the PPM image. It extends from the AbstractImageModel. There is

​ no change over the abstract class.



This is the interface for representing different types of pixels (3-channels, 4-channels pixels). It allows to return different value component, set a new value for itself and make a hard copy of itself.


​ This is an abstract class that implements the Pixel interface. This class stores the rgb

​ information as a arraylist, which is flexible on the length. The length is currently limited in the abstract class as 3 since the only allowed type is ppm. Its methods allow it to make a hard

​ copy of it self (this method is abstract), make changes on the value-component.


​ This class extends from the AbstractPixelModel and override the abstract method copy().

Error handled: 
1. The length of pixel array input of ppm file is longer than 3 intergers. 


This is the interface that contains an enumeration of all supported commands and the inherited Operator class will implement all those supported commands as void method that mutate the pixels. Commands class will create operator and pass into this interface.

- Operator

This is a class that implements the Operation. This class contains all the command's implementation that will mutate the copy of the model's pixels as new pixels.

Handled Error: 
1. The passed in arguments from update method is empty or invalid. 
2. The updation fails. 
- ColorTransformation

This is a class that uses for applying a filter to the pixels that can alter the color on the pixels as the projection in the given filter (2-D arrays) (as two matrix's multiplication).

- KernelOperator

This is a class that uses for applying a kernel to the pixels that can achieve some blur, sharpen or more image effect changes that can be processed by kernel projection.

Handled Error:
1. The passed in kernel or filter is empty. 
2. The passed in arguments are empty. 
3. The updation fails. 



This is an interface for view. It allows to change a image with name to a writable string and render messages to the output.


​ This class implements the ImageView. This is a generalized view class that can accept different types of image model. It can only output the ppm now. But just by adding information about head lines of png or jpg file, it will be adaptable.

Error handled: 
1. The library or the appendable output is null. 
2. The failure of rendering message. 
3. The failure of finding the given name image in the library. 

Important Updates for ImageProcess

1. More functions added

a. Supports more image types(JPEG, PNG, BMP, WEBMP, GIF, PPM, ...)
b. Supports the tranformation between different image types. 
(IMPORTANT: Transfering a png file with transparency to other types will cause the pixel that has 0 on alpha channel as complete transparent becomes a white pixel)
c. Supports functions as blur (Gaussian blur), sharpen, speia color and greyscale color. 

2. Justification on structure changes (v2.0)

In order to achieve better functionality that allows the publisher to add new functions after the publishment of this application without touching the model, a new interface Operations and its class Operator that implements it are added. They functions as the main pixels processor in the whole function. As a result, all new added functions will be added toward operations instead of the model. The model becomes purely the storage of a image's basic information and its pixels. As a result, in the future, if any new functions are needed, the model will not be alerted. 
The basic logic of Operations begins with the change in the controller. Instead of calling the model's functions, the controller's commands will create a new Operator and call the update method that updates the copyed model's pixels. The update method called in the controller's commands will give the Operation type as what the command needs and also possible needed information for updating. Then, the command will go to the update method. With the given operation type, the switch function will lead to the needed method in the operator. Eventually, the update will return a updated pixels to the controller. And the controller will put the copyed model with updated pixels into the library with given name. 

3. Justification on New files

The part that is changed is in the View package since we implement GUI. The GUI enables the user to click different buttions and bars to choose the action they want instead of using text input in the terminal. The new ImageHistogram file is responsible for creating a histogram panel that takes in image information on pixels and create a histogram for it basing on the frequency of color values' appearance. There are new interfaces for the View, there is a ViewGUI interface that extends ViewEmitter interface. ViewGUI is for constructing the GUI Frame, and ViewEmitter is to allow listeners to take in user inputs and emit it to the GUI. A new class that implements these 2 interfaces, called the ImageViewGUIImpl class is for constructing the whole JFrame GUI. We create a new ImageGUIControllerImpl class that implements the normal ImageController interface and a new ViewListener interface. We treat this controller as a listener to get user inputs from the GUI and apply changes to the models inside the library and the view for the GUI. 

4. Implement new downscale function

There is no change on either the controller or the model. The only change made is in the opereation where is the placce the change designed to placed. The downscale in the controller will take into four arugments, height, width, file-in-library, and saved name in the library. Since the operation used to take in a string input and a integer input, I transfer the integer input into string after receiving it from the controller and pass one string and one integer to the operation so that the operation does not need to change. The algorihtm used to downscale is called bilinear interpolation (it is a simlified version). After resizing the original image, each pixel will be altered by its original image's surrounding value (itself, right pixel, the pixel below it and right pixel of the pixel below it. After the algorithm, a new pixel with more fitted color will replace the original one in the resized image.  

5. Implement new Partial Image Manipulation

Commands classes such as blur, sharpen, greyscale, sepia, component visualizations (Blur, Sharpen, LumaGreyScale, GreyScale, Sepia) have been updated with a new private final field called "mask" which is a String that represents the name of the masked image loaded previously in the library by the user. New constructor that take in the current image name, the masked image name and the output image name is added to every command classes stated above. The mask String is declared as an empty String for the previous constructor that only takes in the current image name and the output name. The text-based controller is also updated. The known commands that is being put  into a hashmap of String and Function<Scanner, ImageCommand> is updated for commands stated above. It now store the first two inputs taken from the scanner as a String, and then check if the second input is a name of an image already in the library, if it is it will run the command for image manipulation with a mask image, since the mask image is already in the library, if not then it will run the usual command: blur source-image dest-image . Both the commands, including the new functionality: blur source-image mask-image dest-image work as planned. The method getUpdated in ImageModel interface is altered to have an ImageModel maskedImage in the parameter in order for the mask image to be associate with the image manipulating process. Classes such as Operator, KernalOperator and ColorTransformation have a new field called maskedPixels which is the 2-D array of pixels of the masked image. The methods for greyscale, kernal processing and color transformation processing have been changed so that if a mask image is included, only the pixels of the image that is being operated on that correlates with a black-colored pixel from the mask image will be operated on. So now, we can use both variations of the commands (only those stated above), one that doesn't need a mask image and one that needs one. 

Citation for the Image used:

Clipart Library. “Frowny Face Pictures #1269551.” Clipart Library, Clipart Library, clipart-

Han, Steven. “Aerial View Of Shanghai Skyline At Dusk.”, Getty Images, 16 Oct. 2020, ]


Clipart Library. “Leopard PNG Transparent Images #2387070.” Clipart Library, Clipart Library,



This program allows the user to process different image types with some basic commands. The currently supported image type is ppm, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp. And the program allows the user to change the brightness, flipping vertically or horizontally, downscaling, blur (Gaussian blur), sharpen, speia and greyscale (changing to greyscale different com…







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