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Get Debug Information

guwirth edited this page Mar 10, 2021 · 2 revisions

In case of problems it is often helpful to turn debug information on. This will add more detailed information to stdout or the log files.

Step 1: Produce execution debug output

sonar-scanner -X ...
-X,--debug Produce execution debug output

Step 2: Control level of logs

If you need more debug information you can add the sonar.verbose property by adding the command line parameter -Dsonar.verbose=true.

sonar-scanner -X -Dsonar.verbose=true ...

There is also the sonar.log.level which controls the quantity / level of logs produced during an analysis. sonar.verbose activates DEBUG mode for the analyzer. This is a shortcut of sonar.log.level=DEBUG.

  • sonar.log.level=DEBUG: Display INFO logs + more details at DEBUG level. Similar to sonar.verbose=true
  • sonar.log.level=TRACE: Display DEBUG logs + the timings of all ElasticSearch queries and Web API calls executed by the SonarQube Scanner.
  • sonar.showProfiling=true/false: Display logs to see where the analyzer spends time. This parameter is generating a file containing these timing infos in /profiling/-profiler.xml where is:
    • sonar/profiling/ when analysis is run with Sonar Scanner
    • target/sonar/profiling/ when Maven is used
  • you can combine the flags, e.g. sonar.log.level=TRACE|DEBUG
  • sonar.scanner.dumpToFile: Outputs to the specified file the full list of properties passed to the scanner API as a means to debug analysis.

Step 3: Redirect output to a LOG file

By default the output is written to stdout. Errors are written to stderr. For analysis purpose it is recommended to redirect both to a LOG file.

Microsoft Windows command line:

sonar-scanner -X -Dsonar.verbose=true ... > sonar-scanner.log 2>&1

Linux bash:

sonar-scanner -X -Dsonar.verbose=true ... &> sonar-scanner.log
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