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Troubleshooting code coverage

kevin.hinz edited this page May 3, 2024 · 5 revisions


Knowing where to begin looking for information is the first step to reaching out for help. Most commonly found problems have already been solved and their answers can be found on a Sonar Community Forum channel dedicated to your product (SonarLint, SonarCloud, and SonarQube).

See below for an overview of community guides written for .NET projects and a short list of some known issues.

Community guides

Other possible problems

No coverage information for .NET Core reports

Description: Your code coverage is correctly configured for a .NET Core project and the scanner finds and processes the coverage reports, but no coverage information is shown in SonarQube or SonarCloud.

Possible causes: VSTest issue 800: Code coverage requires DebugType full.

Possible solution: Check that the DebugType property is set to Full in the project file.