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Sonder Team's Awesome Resources on GitHub is a curated collection of valuable tools, libraries, frameworks, and learning materials, serving as a valuable asset for developers seeking high-quality resources to enhance their projects and skills.


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Apprenticeship programs

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Amazon's apprenticeship The website is a platform dedicated to showcasing Amazon's apprenticeship programs. It provides information and resources for individuals interested in pursuing apprenticeships at Amazon. The site highlights various apprenticeship opportunities available across different fields, including technology, operations, and skilled trades. It offers details about the application process, program duration, and the benefits of joining an apprenticeship at Amazon. Visitors can access success stories of past apprentices, learn about the supportive learning environment, and explore the potential career pathways that can be pursued through these programs.
Google Apprenticeship The website "" provides a platform for individuals to explore and pursue apprenticeship opportunities offered by Google. It offers a range of apprenticeship programs designed to provide hands-on learning experiences in various fields such as technology, business, and design. The website offers comprehensive information about the programs, including eligibility criteria, application process, and benefits. It serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking to kickstart their careers through practical training, mentorship, and real-world projects provided by Google's apprenticeship programs.

Coding Challenges and Interview Preparation Resources

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AlgoExpert is an online platform designed to help individuals improve their coding and algorithmic problem-solving skills. It offers a comprehensive collection of interview-focused coding challenges and video explanations to guide users through the problem-solving process. covers a wide range of topics, including data structures, algorithms, and system design, with a specific focus on technical interview preparation for software engineering roles. By providing curated practice questions and detailed video tutorials, aims to equip users with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in technical interviews and advance their careers in the field of software development.
CodeWars CodeWars is an online platform that offers a coding community and a collection of coding challenges to help developers improve their coding skills. Users can join the platform, select their preferred programming language, and solve coding problems called "katas" of various difficulty levels. The platform encourages a gamified learning experience, where users can earn points and climb through different ranks based on their performance. CodeWars supports a wide range of programming languages and provides a collaborative environment for users to learn from and engage with other developers, making it a valuable resource for honing programming abilities.
Coding Interview University The GitHub repository is a comprehensive resource for individuals preparing for coding interviews in the field of computer science and software engineering. Created by jwasham, it offers a structured and self-paced curriculum covering a wide range of topics, including data structures, algorithms, system design, and more. The repository contains a curated list of study materials, books, online courses, and practice problems to help learners build their technical skills and improve their problem-solving abilities. It serves as a valuable guide for individuals aspiring to excel in coding interviews and land job opportunities in the tech industry.
Exercism Exercism is an online platform that offers coding practice exercises and mentorship for programmers of all levels. It provides a collection of coding challenges in various programming languages, allowing individuals to improve their coding skills and gain mastery in a particular language or concept. The platform encourages a collaborative learning environment by connecting learners with mentors who provide feedback and guidance on their solutions. focuses on developing practical coding skills and promotes a growth mindset through iterative learning and community engagement. It serves as a valuable resource for programmers to sharpen their coding abilities and expand their knowledge.
formation Formation is a website that offers a range of resources and tools for developers. It provides tutorials, guides, and articles on various programming languages, frameworks, and technologies. The platform aims to help developers enhance their skills, stay updated with industry trends, and solve coding challenges. With a user-friendly interface and a vast collection of content, serves as a valuable hub for programmers looking to expand their knowledge and improve their craft.
HackerRank HackerRank is an online platform that offers a coding and programming environment for developers, students, and tech enthusiasts. It provides a vast collection of coding challenges and contests across various domains, including algorithms, data structures, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and more. Users can solve coding problems in multiple programming languages, participate in coding competitions, and measure their skills through a gamified ranking system. HackerRank also serves as a recruitment tool for companies, enabling them to assess and hire talented developers based on their performance in coding challenges. The platform fosters learning, skill development, and community engagement within the programming and tech community.
Hack in Science Hack in Science ( is an online platform that provides a hands-on learning experience for individuals interested in mastering scientific programming and data analysis. It offers a collection of interactive coding tutorials, exercises, and projects designed to teach programming languages such as Python and R, along with practical data analysis techniques. The platform focuses on a problem-solving approach, allowing learners to apply their programming skills to real-world scientific scenarios. With its accessible and engaging format, Hack in Science enables users to develop their coding abilities and gain the necessary skills to tackle scientific challenges and explore data-driven insights.
LeetCode LeetCode is an online platform that offers a comprehensive collection of coding challenges and interview preparation resources for software engineers and developers. It provides a vast library of algorithmic problems from various domains, allowing users to practice and enhance their coding skills. LeetCode offers a simulated coding interview environment, enabling users to familiarize themselves with the interview process of top technology companies. The platform also provides solutions, explanations, and discussion forums to facilitate learning and collaboration among its community. LeetCode serves as a valuable tool for individuals seeking to improve their programming abilities and prepare for technical interviews.

Data and Datasets

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AlphaFold AlphaFold is a revolutionary deep learning-based protein structure prediction system developed by DeepMind in collaboration with the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI). AlphaFold utilizes advanced artificial intelligence techniques to predict the three-dimensional structure of proteins, which is crucial for understanding their function and behavior. The website provides access to the AlphaFold database, allowing researchers to explore predicted protein structures and related data. This breakthrough technology has the potential to significantly accelerate scientific research and drug discovery by providing accurate protein structure predictions, thus unlocking new insights into biology and medicine.
DATA.GOV is a comprehensive online platform that serves as a central repository for a vast collection of public datasets and resources provided by various US government agencies. It offers access to a wide range of data across diverse topics, including health, education, transportation, climate, and more. promotes transparency and open data initiatives by enabling individuals, researchers, businesses, and policymakers to easily discover, download, and utilize government datasets for analysis, research, and decision-making purposes. The platform fosters data-driven innovation and collaboration, empowering users to leverage valuable information to drive insights, develop applications, and address societal challenges.
DATA.GOV.UZ DATA.GOV.UZ is the official website of the data portal for the government of Uzbekistan. It serves as a central repository for a wide range of open data and information related to various sectors of the country's economy and public services. The portal provides access to datasets, reports, and statistics on topics such as demographics, education, healthcare, economy, transportation, and more. It aims to promote transparency, encourage data-driven decision-making, and facilitate collaboration between government agencies, researchers, businesses, and the general public. The platform empowers users to explore, analyze, and utilize valuable data to drive innovation, development, and evidence-based policy-making in Uzbekistan.
Dataset Search Dataset Search is a search engine developed by Google specifically designed to help researchers and data scientists find relevant datasets for their projects. It allows users to search for publicly available datasets from various domains, including social sciences, life sciences, physical sciences, and more. The platform aggregates datasets from different online sources and provides detailed information about each dataset, including descriptions, authors, licensing, and links to the data. By offering a centralized and easy-to-use interface, Google Dataset Search simplifies the process of discovering and accessing valuable datasets, facilitating research and data-driven insights across a wide range of disciplines.
Data Hub Data Hub is an online platform that serves as a centralized hub for accessing and sharing open data sets from various domains. It offers a vast collection of high-quality, publicly available datasets that cover a wide range of topics, including government data, scientific research, social and economic data, and more. The platform provides an intuitive interface for browsing, searching, and downloading datasets, as well as tools for data exploration and visualization. promotes open data initiatives, enabling individuals, researchers, and organizations to discover, utilize, and contribute to the wealth of open data available, fostering transparency, innovation, and data-driven decision-making.
Kaggle Kaggle Datasets is an online platform that hosts a vast collection of public datasets for data scientists, researchers, and enthusiasts. It provides a hub for sharing and accessing diverse datasets across various domains, such as finance, healthcare, social sciences, and more. Users can explore, download, and contribute to the datasets, which are often used for data analysis, machine learning, and other data-driven projects. Kaggle Datasets encourages collaboration and knowledge-sharing among its community members, fostering innovation and enabling data-driven insights and solutions to real-world problems.
UCI UCI Machine Learning Repository maintained by the University of California, Irvine. The repository serves as a comprehensive collection of datasets for researchers and practitioners in the field of machine learning. It offers a wide range of datasets across various domains, including classification, regression, clustering, and more. The repository provides valuable resources for training and evaluating machine learning algorithms, conducting research, and exploring real-world data. Researchers can access and download datasets with detailed descriptions, attribute information, and data formats, contributing to the advancement of machine learning and data science.
Unsplash Data is a website that offers a collection of freely available data sets from Unsplash, a popular online platform for high-quality, royalty-free images. The data sets provided on the website include various attributes related to the images, such as descriptions, tags, user information, and image statistics. These data sets can be utilized by researchers, developers, and data enthusiasts for analysis, research, machine learning, or creating applications and services. With the availability of diverse and comprehensive data from Unsplash, the website serves as a valuable resource for accessing and exploring image-related data in an open and accessible manner.
WBOD is the official website of the World Bank, a global financial institution focused on promoting sustainable economic development and reducing poverty worldwide. The website serves as a comprehensive data hub, providing access to a vast collection of economic, social, and environmental data. Users can explore and download datasets, indicators, and reports covering various aspects of global development. It offers tools for data visualization and analysis, allowing researchers, policymakers, and the public to gain insights, track progress, and make informed decisions. is a valuable resource for those interested in understanding and addressing global development challenges.


University Courses

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Class Central "Class Central is a listing of online courses. We aggregate courses from many providers to make it easy to find the best courses on almost any subject, wherever they exist. We focus primarily on free (or free to audit) courses from universities, offered through massive open online course (MOOC) platforms. Whatever you are interested in learning, it is more than likely that our catalog includes a course that will meet your needs." - Class Central.
Coursera "Coursera partners with more than 275 leading universities and companies to bring flexible, affordable, job-relevant online learning to individuals and organizations worldwide. We offer a range of learning opportunities — from hands-on projects and courses to job-ready certificates and degree programs." - Coursera.
DATA 8 Data 8 is an introductory course in data science offered at the University of California, Berkeley. It focuses on teaching students how to think critically about data and how to use computational tools to analyze and interpret data effectively. The course covers key concepts such as data cleaning, visualization, inference, and prediction, using Python and the Jupyter Notebook environment. It emphasizes a hands-on approach, with students working on real-world projects and developing their skills in data manipulation and analysis. Data 8 aims to equip students with the fundamental knowledge and tools necessary to tackle data-driven problems in various fields.
D2L D2L is an online platform that provides comprehensive resources and tutorials for deep learning. It serves as a valuable learning hub for both beginners and experienced practitioners. The platform offers interactive textbooks, code examples, and hands-on exercises to help users understand and implement various concepts in deep learning. D2L covers a wide range of topics, including neural networks, convolutional networks, recurrent networks, natural language processing, and reinforcement learning. With its user-friendly approach and practical approach, aims to democratize deep learning education and empower individuals to explore the vast potential of this field.
edX edX is an online learning platform that offers a diverse range of courses and programs from leading universities and institutions. Learners can access a wide variety of subjects, including computer science, business, humanities, and more. With a focus on accessibility and affordability, edX provides both free and paid courses, allowing individuals to learn at their own pace. The platform features interactive content, assessments, and discussion forums to enhance the learning experience. edX also offers professional certificate programs and online degrees to cater to the needs of learners seeking career advancement or formal qualifications. Through edX, individuals can gain valuable knowledge and skills from prestigious institutions globally.
FutureLearn FutureLearn is an online learning platform that offers a diverse selection of courses from renowned universities and institutions worldwide. With its interactive and flexible approach to education, FutureLearn enables learners to acquire new skills, explore various subjects, and engage in collaborative learning. Through multimedia materials, quizzes, and discussions, learners can enhance their knowledge at their own pace. FutureLearn also provides opportunities for networking and connecting with a global community of learners, fostering a vibrant environment for knowledge sharing and personal development. Whether through free courses or paid programs, FutureLearn strives to make quality education accessible to all, anytime and anywhere.
GetSmarter GetSmarter is an online education platform that partners with top universities and industry experts to offer short, interactive courses. Designed for working professionals, GetSmarter courses provide practical skills and knowledge in various fields, including business, finance, marketing, and more. The courses are delivered in a collaborative online learning environment, combining video lectures, interactive modules, and group discussions. With a focus on career advancement, GetSmarter helps learners acquire valuable expertise and credentials. The platform offers a flexible learning experience, allowing individuals to balance their professional commitments while gaining new skills and staying relevant in their respective industries.
PLL.Harvard The PLL.Harvard is the online platform for the Program on Positive Leadership and Strategy (PL+US) at Harvard University. PL+US is a research and education initiative that explores the principles and practices of positive leadership in organizations. The website provides information about the program's research, faculty, and initiatives, along with resources and publications related to positive leadership and strategy. Visitors can access articles, case studies, and tools aimed at fostering positive leadership behaviors, creating thriving workplaces, and driving sustainable organizational success. The platform serves as a hub for individuals interested in learning about and applying positive leadership principles in their professional settings.
Harvard Online The Harvard Online serves as the central hub for online learning offerings from Harvard University. It provides access to a wide range of online courses, certificates, and programs across various disciplines, including business, computer science, health, humanities, and more. Learners can explore and enroll in self-paced or instructor-led courses delivered by Harvard faculty and industry experts. The platform offers flexible learning options, interactive course materials, and opportunities for collaboration and networking. Whether individuals are seeking professional development, career advancement, or personal enrichment, offers a comprehensive array of online learning opportunities from one of the world's most prestigious universities.
HBS Online HBS Online is an online learning platform that provides courses and programs developed by Harvard Business School (HBS). It offers a range of business-related subjects, including leadership, entrepreneurship, finance, and more. HBS Online courses are designed to deliver practical knowledge and skills through a combination of interactive modules, case studies, and collaborative learning experiences. Learners can access the platform at their own pace and interact with a global community of professionals. With its focus on real-world applications and prestigious Harvard affiliation, HBS Online provides individuals with an opportunity to enhance their business acumen and advance their careers.
MIT OCW MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is an initiative by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that provides free and open access to a vast collection of course materials from their undergraduate and graduate-level courses. It offers a diverse range of subjects, including engineering, sciences, humanities, and more. Through OCW, learners can access lecture notes, assignments, exams, and even video lectures from MIT professors. The platform allows self-paced learning and serves as a valuable resource for students, educators, and self-learners around the world, promoting the dissemination of knowledge and fostering lifelong learning opportunities.
MIT OLL The MIT Open Learning Library is an online platform that offers a comprehensive collection of educational resources and courses from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It provides free access to a wide range of materials, including textbooks, lecture notes, problem sets, and multimedia content. The library covers various subjects, from science and engineering to humanities and social sciences. Learners can access these resources to supplement their studies, explore new topics, or delve into specific areas of interest. The MIT Open Learning Library serves as a valuable resource for self-learners, educators, and students seeking high-quality educational materials from one of the world's leading institutions.
OSSU The Open Source Society University (OSSU) is a collaborative and community-driven initiative that offers a complete curriculum in computer science and software engineering. OSSU provides a structured pathway of courses and resources, following a comprehensive and rigorous curriculum similar to that of traditional university programs. It offers free access to educational materials, including textbooks, online courses, and coding projects, allowing individuals to acquire knowledge and skills in computer science at their own pace. OSSU fosters self-directed learning and provides a supportive community for learners to connect, collaborate, and share their progress. It serves as a valuable resource for aspiring computer science professionals seeking a well-rounded education.
Stanford Online Stanford Online is the online learning initiative of Stanford University, offering a diverse range of courses and programs across various disciplines. It provides learners worldwide with the opportunity to access high-quality education from Stanford's renowned faculty. Stanford Online offers both self-paced and instructor-led courses, covering subjects such as computer science, engineering, business, arts, and more. Learners can acquire new skills, expand their knowledge, and earn certificates upon successful completion of courses. With its flexible and accessible learning platform, Stanford Online aims to democratize education and empower individuals to pursue their educational goals from anywhere in the world.
Stanford Engineering Everywhere Stanford Engineering Everywhere (SEE) is an initiative by Stanford University that offers free online access to engineering courses. SEE provides individuals around the world with the opportunity to learn from Stanford's esteemed engineering faculty through video lectures, assignments, and exams. The platform covers a wide range of engineering subjects, including computer science, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering. Learners can access course materials and follow the curriculum at their own pace. Stanford Engineering Everywhere aims to make quality engineering education accessible to everyone and serves as a valuable resource for individuals interested in expanding their knowledge and skills in engineering.
Yale Online Yale Online is an online platform offered by Yale University that provides a diverse range of high-quality educational programs and courses accessible to learners worldwide. It offers a variety of subjects across disciplines, including arts, sciences, business, health, and more. The platform allows learners to engage with Yale's renowned faculty and access their expertise through video lectures, assignments, and interactive learning materials. With a commitment to academic excellence, offers a flexible and convenient learning experience, empowering individuals to expand their knowledge, enhance their skills, and advance their personal and professional goals through online education.

Professional and Career Courses

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General Education

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Khan Academy Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization that offers a vast collection of free online courses and resources covering a wide range of subjects. Founded by Salman Khan, it provides an accessible platform for learners of all ages to access high-quality educational content. Khan Academy offers interactive lessons, practice exercises, and personalized learning tools to support self-paced learning. It covers subjects such as math, science, humanities, computer programming, test preparation, and more. With its mission to provide a free world-class education to anyone, anywhere, Khan Academy has become a popular and valuable resource for students, educators, and lifelong learners worldwide.
Envato Tuts+ Envato Tuts+ is an online learning platform that offers a vast library of high-quality tutorials, courses, and educational resources on various creative and technical topics. It provides in-depth and accessible content covering areas such as web development, design, photography, audio production, and more. Envato Tuts+ aims to empower learners, from beginners to experienced professionals, by providing them with practical skills, industry insights, and creative inspiration. With a focus on practical application and hands-on learning, Envato Tuts+ serves as a valuable resource for individuals looking to enhance their creative and technical abilities in a flexible and self-paced online learning environment.
PBS Learning Media PBS Learning Media is an online educational platform that provides free access to a vast collection of educational resources for students, teachers, and parents. Created by the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), the platform offers a wide range of multimedia content, including videos, interactive lessons, games, and activities, covering various subjects and grade levels. PBS Learning Media aims to support and enhance classroom instruction by providing engaging and curriculum-aligned materials that promote critical thinking, creativity, and active learning. It serves as a valuable tool for educators to supplement their teaching and for students and parents to explore educational content that is both informative and entertaining.

Economics and Finance

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CFI Corporate Finance Institute (CFI) is a leading provider of online financial training and certification programs. They specialize in delivering comprehensive courses in corporate finance, financial modeling, valuation, accounting, and other essential finance topics. CFI's programs are designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the world of finance. Their interactive and practical approach, combined with real-world examples, helps learners grasp complex financial concepts effectively. With a commitment to high-quality education, CFI aims to empower individuals and organizations with the tools and expertise necessary for making informed financial decisions and driving business success.
EFI EFI is an interactive educational platform that offers a playful and engaging way to learn about economics. It provides a collection of online games, simulations, and exercises that allow users to explore various economic concepts and principles. Through hands-on activities, EFI aims to demystify economics and make it accessible to a wide audience. It covers topics like supply and demand, market equilibrium, fiscal policy, and more. By blending entertainment with educational content, EFI provides a unique and enjoyable learning experience that promotes a deeper understanding of economic theory and its practical applications.

Exact and Natural Sciences

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Diffusion Models The GitHub repository Awesome Diffusion Models is a curated collection of resources dedicated to diffusion models. It serves as a comprehensive reference for researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts interested in understanding and exploring diffusion models in various domains. The repository contains links to research papers, datasets, code implementations, tutorials, and other valuable resources related to diffusion models. It aims to provide a centralized hub of knowledge and tools to facilitate learning, experimentation, and advancement in the field of diffusion models, offering a valuable resource for anyone interested in this area of study.
Feynman Lectures The Feynman Lectures on Physics is a celebrated collection of physics lectures delivered by Nobel laureate Richard P. Feynman. Originally given as a course at Caltech in the early 1960s, the lectures provide a comprehensive and engaging introduction to various topics in physics, from classical mechanics to quantum mechanics and electromagnetism. Feynman's exceptional teaching style and ability to simplify complex concepts make the lectures highly accessible and enjoyable for both students and enthusiasts. The Feynman Lectures on Physics have become a classic educational resource, inspiring countless individuals to explore and appreciate the wonders of the physical world.
New Scientist Academy New Scientist Academy is an online learning platform that offers a wide range of science courses and educational resources. It aims to provide accessible and engaging science education to learners of all levels, from beginners to professionals. The platform features expert-led courses, interactive modules, and multimedia content covering various scientific disciplines, including physics, biology, chemistry, and more. New Scientist Academy enables learners to expand their knowledge, stay updated with the latest scientific discoveries, and enhance their critical thinking and analytical skills. With a focus on high-quality scientific education, it fosters a deeper understanding of the world and promotes lifelong learning in the field of science.
Susan Fowler The website Susan Fowler is a blog post written by Susan J. Fowler. It offers guidance and resources for individuals interested in learning physics. The post provides advice on how to approach studying physics effectively, recommended textbooks and online resources, and tips for understanding complex concepts. It aims to assist beginners in developing a solid foundation in physics by suggesting strategies for self-study and highlighting useful learning materials. Susan J. Fowler's blog post serves as a valuable starting point for those interested in exploring and deepening their understanding of physics.

Information Technology

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365 Data Science 365 Data Science is an online educational platform that focuses on providing comprehensive training in data science and analytics. It offers a wide range of courses, tutorials, and resources designed to equip learners with the necessary skills and knowledge in data manipulation, statistical analysis, machine learning, and data visualization. With a practical approach and hands-on learning, 365 Data Science aims to make complex data science concepts accessible to beginners and experienced professionals alike. The platform offers a structured curriculum, real-world case studies, and a supportive community, enabling individuals to develop expertise in data science and excel in this rapidly growing field.
CODE is a nonprofit organization dedicated to expanding access to computer science education. Their mission is to ensure that every student has the opportunity to learn computer science and develop the skills needed for success in the digital age. offers a comprehensive curriculum and resources for educators to teach computer science in schools, along with online coding tutorials for students of all ages. They advocate for increased computer science education in schools, promote diversity and inclusion in the field, and work towards creating a more equitable and accessible technology-driven future.
DataCamp DataCamp is an online learning platform focused on data science and analytics. It offers interactive courses and projects that help individuals develop practical skills in areas such as programming, data manipulation, data visualization, machine learning, and more. DataCamp's curriculum is designed to be hands-on and engaging, with a combination of video lessons and interactive coding exercises. Learners can practice their skills directly in the browser using real-world datasets. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive content, DataCamp provides a convenient and effective platform for individuals to acquire and enhance their data science knowledge and abilities.
Data Flair Data Flair is an online training platform, offering a wide range of courses in data science, big data, artificial intelligence, and other emerging technologies. Their website,, provides comprehensive educational resources, tutorials, and hands-on exercises to help learners acquire in-demand skills. With a focus on practical learning, Data Flair equips students with real-world application knowledge through industry-relevant projects and case studies. Their engaging and interactive approach aims to empower individuals to excel in the rapidly evolving field of data science and technology, making them a valuable resource for aspiring professionals and enthusiasts alike.
Dataquest Dataquest is an online learning platform that specializes in data science education. It offers interactive courses and projects designed to help individuals develop practical data skills. Through a combination of hands-on coding exercises, real-world projects, and personalized feedback, Dataquest empowers learners to acquire the technical knowledge and analytical abilities necessary for a career in data science. The platform covers a wide range of topics, including Python programming, data manipulation, statistical analysis, machine learning, and data visualization. With its accessible and self-paced learning environment, Dataquest enables individuals to gain expertise in data science at their own convenience.
DLA DeepLearningAI (DLA) is an organization focused on providing high-quality education and training in the field of deep learning and artificial intelligence. Led by renowned AI expert Andrew Ng, DeepLearningAI offers comprehensive online courses and programs that cover topics such as neural networks, deep learning frameworks, computer vision, natural language processing, and more. Their courses combine theoretical foundations with practical applications, equipping learners with the skills needed to build and deploy deep learning models. DeepLearningAI aims to democratize AI education, making it accessible to a wide range of individuals and empowering them to contribute to the advancement of the field.
DLI The Deep Learning Institute (DLI) is an educational initiative by NVIDIA that focuses on providing training and resources in the field of deep learning. DLI offers a variety of courses and workshops designed to teach practical skills and techniques in areas such as computer vision, natural language processing, and deep neural networks. The courses cater to both beginners and advanced learners, covering topics ranging from fundamentals to advanced algorithms and frameworks. DLI aims to empower individuals and organizations to leverage the power of deep learning, fostering innovation and advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Elements of AI Elements of AI is an online educational platform that offers a comprehensive introduction to the field of artificial intelligence. Developed by the University of Helsinki and Reaktor, it provides a series of free courses designed to demystify AI for learners with varying backgrounds. The program covers fundamental concepts such as machine learning, neural networks, and ethical considerations surrounding AI. With interactive exercises and real-world examples, Elements of AI aims to increase AI literacy globally, empowering individuals to understand and engage with AI technologies and their potential societal impact.
FreeCodeCamp FreeCodeCamp is a non-profit online platform that offers a comprehensive curriculum for learning web development and programming. It provides a hands-on, project-based approach where learners can acquire skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various other technologies. FreeCodeCamp's curriculum also covers topics like data structures, algorithms, and popular frameworks. Learners can earn certifications by completing coding challenges and building real-world projects. The platform fosters a supportive community where learners can seek help, collaborate, and contribute to open-source projects. FreeCodeCamp's mission is to make quality coding education accessible to all and empower learners to enter the tech industry.
GG GG is a popular online platform that serves as a comprehensive resource for computer science and programming. It offers a vast collection of articles, tutorials, coding challenges, interview preparation materials, and programming examples. GG covers a wide range of topics, including data structures, algorithms, programming languages, system design, and more. It serves as a valuable learning resource for beginners, intermediate learners, and professionals in the field of computer science and programming. With its user-friendly interface and extensive content, GG has become a go-to platform for individuals seeking to enhance their coding skills and deepen their understanding of computer science concepts.
Jovian is an online platform that aims to simplify and enhance the learning and collaboration experience for data science and machine learning practitioners. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools and resources for data science projects, including Jupyter notebooks, version control, and a shared platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing. enables users to easily share, reproduce, and showcase their data science work, fostering a vibrant community of learners and professionals. With features like code execution tracking, project organization, and integration with popular libraries, empowers individuals and teams to accelerate their data science workflows and drive innovation in the field.
Machine Learning Mastery Machine Learning Mastery is a website offering comprehensive resources and tutorials on machine learning and data science. It provides practical guidance, code examples, and insights to help individuals master the field of machine learning.
Microsoft Learn Microsoft Learn is an online learning platform provided by Microsoft, offering a vast array of educational resources and training materials. It covers a wide range of subjects related to Microsoft technologies, products, and services. The platform provides interactive tutorials, documentation, videos, and other learning resources to help individuals enhance their skills and knowledge in areas such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, data science, software development, and more. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive content, Microsoft Learn empowers learners to acquire valuable technical expertise and stay updated with the latest advancements in Microsoft technologies and solutions.
OPENEDG OPENEDG, also known as Open Education and Development Group, is an organization that focuses on providing high-quality education and certifications in the field of Python, JS, C++ and C. It offers a comprehensive curriculum and online learning platform that enables individuals to learn Python from beginner to advanced levels. OPENEDG's certifications, such as the Python Institute's PCAP, PCPP, and PCEP, validate individuals' Python proficiency and enhance their career prospects. The organization aims to promote Python, JS and C++ programming skills globally and foster a community of skilled Python, JS and C++ developers by offering accessible and standardized learning resources and certification programs.
Practical DL for Coders is an online platform that offers a practical and comprehensive deep learning course created by Jeremy Howard and Rachel Thomas. The course provides hands-on training in deep learning techniques and frameworks, allowing students to build and deploy real-world AI applications. It covers a range of topics, including computer vision, natural language processing, and tabular data analysis. The course focuses on a practical, code-first approach, making it accessible to individuals with different backgrounds. With its emphasis on applied deep learning, Practical DL for Coders aims to empower learners to effectively utilize AI technologies in their own projects and contribute to the field.
PY4E PY4E (Python for Everybody) is an educational platform created by Dr. Charles Severance, a renowned professor at the University of Michigan. It offers a comprehensive and beginner-friendly approach to learning the Python programming language. PY4E provides a series of online courses, textbooks, and resources that cover fundamental programming concepts, web development, database management, and data visualization using Python. It focuses on practical applications and hands-on exercises to reinforce learning. PY4E caters to learners of all levels, including those with no prior programming experience, aiming to empower individuals to develop programming skills and apply Python in various domains.
RS School RS School, also known as Rolling Scopes School, is an online educational platform that focuses on teaching web development and programming skills. It offers comprehensive and practical courses, workshops, and coding challenges to individuals interested in expanding their knowledge and expertise in front-end and back-end web development, as well as related technologies. RS School aims to provide a supportive learning environment where students can enhance their technical skills through hands-on projects, collaboration with peers, and mentorship from experienced professionals. The program equips learners with practical skills sought after by the industry, helping them embark on successful careers in web development.
Sololearn Sololearn is a popular online platform that offers free coding and programming courses, allowing individuals to learn and enhance their coding skills. It provides a user-friendly interface and interactive lessons on a wide range of programming languages, including Python, Java, HTML, CSS, and more. Sololearn offers a supportive community where learners can engage with fellow programmers, participate in coding challenges, and receive feedback on their code. The platform also features a mobile app, enabling learners to access lessons and practice coding on the go. Sololearn empowers individuals to acquire valuable programming knowledge and build a strong foundation in computer science.
The Full Stack The Full Stack is a website that serves as a comprehensive resource for individuals interested in deep learning and its practical applications. It offers a range of educational materials, including courses, tutorials, and resources, to help learners develop a full-stack understanding of deep learning. The website covers various topics such as neural networks, computer vision, natural language processing, and reinforcement learning. It provides hands-on coding exercises and real-world examples to enhance learning and practical skills. With its focus on bridging the gap between theory and implementation, aims to empower learners to become proficient in deep learning and build robust AI solutions.
The Odin Project The Odin Project is an open-source, online learning platform designed to teach individuals web development skills. It offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide range of topics, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, and more. The Odin Project provides a self-paced learning experience with hands-on projects, coding exercises, and community support. It aims to empower individuals to become proficient web developers through practical, project-based learning. The platform is accessible to learners of all backgrounds and skill levels, making it an inclusive and valuable resource for those seeking to enter the field of web development.
Udacity Udacity is an online learning platform that offers courses and nanodegree programs in various fields, with a focus on technology and programming. It provides accessible and flexible education to learners worldwide, enabling them to acquire in-demand skills and advance their careers. Udacity's courses are designed in collaboration with industry experts and companies to ensure relevance and practicality. The platform offers hands-on projects, interactive quizzes, and mentorship support to enhance the learning experience. With its emphasis on career-oriented education, Udacity equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the rapidly evolving technology industry.
UNIV.AI UNIV.AI is an AI education and consulting firm that focuses on empowering individuals and organizations in the field of artificial intelligence. They offer comprehensive training programs and consulting services, equipping learners with practical knowledge and skills in machine learning, data science, and related technologies. Their experienced instructors and consultants collaborate with businesses, academia, and professionals to deliver tailored AI solutions and accelerate the adoption of AI in various industries. UNIV.AI aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice, enabling individuals and organizations to harness the potential of AI and contribute to advancements in the field.
Visual Go Visual Go is an online educational platform that offers interactive visualizations of various algorithms and data structures. It provides a hands-on learning experience by allowing users to step through the execution of algorithms in real-time, visualizing the changes and operations at each step. The platform covers a wide range of topics, including sorting algorithms, graph algorithms, data structures, and more. With its intuitive visual representations and explanations, helps students and enthusiasts grasp complex concepts more easily. It serves as a valuable resource for computer science education, fostering a deeper understanding of algorithms and aiding in problem-solving skills development.
w3school W3Schools is an online learning platform that provides web development tutorials and references. It offers a comprehensive range of programming languages, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and more. W3Schools provides a hands-on learning experience through interactive coding examples, exercises, and quizzes. It is widely recognized for its user-friendly interface and beginner-friendly approach, making it accessible to individuals with varying levels of coding experience. With its vast collection of tutorials and resources, W3Schools has become a popular destination for developers and learners seeking practical knowledge and skills in web development. is an online platform developed by Google that provides a wealth of resources, tools, and guidelines for web developers to create modern, high-performance websites and applications. It offers insights and best practices for web development, covering topics such as performance optimization, accessibility, SEO, and security. includes interactive tutorials, case studies, and performance analysis tools to help developers build fast, engaging, and accessible web experiences. With a focus on advancing web technologies and standards, serves as a valuable resource for developers seeking to improve their skills and create outstanding web projects.


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Ninja Nerd Ninja Nerd is an educational platform that focuses on providing engaging and informative content in the field of science and healthcare. Led by an experienced team of healthcare professionals, Ninja Nerd offers online courses, tutorials, and video lectures covering topics such as anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and pathology. With a dynamic teaching style and visually appealing presentations, Ninja Nerd aims to simplify complex scientific concepts, making them accessible and enjoyable for learners. Their educational resources are designed to empower students, healthcare professionals, and enthusiasts to deepen their understanding and excel in their academic and professional pursuits.
Open WHO Open WHO is an online platform developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) that provides free and open-access training and learning resources related to public health. It offers a wide range of courses, guidelines, tools, and educational materials on various topics, including disease outbreaks, emergencies, health systems, and more. Open WHO aims to enhance the knowledge and skills of health professionals, policymakers, and the general public in addressing global health challenges. The platform promotes collaboration, knowledge sharing, and capacity building, enabling individuals and organizations to access reliable information and resources to improve public health practices worldwide.

eBooks and Textbooks

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Open ML Open ML is an online resource that offers a comprehensive and interactive textbook on machine learning. The website provides a structured and intuitive learning experience for individuals interested in understanding and applying machine learning concepts. It covers fundamental topics such as data preprocessing, model selection, and evaluation, as well as advanced techniques including deep learning and reinforcement learning. With practical examples, code snippets, and interactive visualizations, the website allows learners to gain hands-on experience and develop a solid foundation in machine learning. It serves as a valuable resource for both beginners and experienced practitioners looking to enhance their knowledge in the field.
OpenStax OpenStax is a nonprofit organization dedicated to making high-quality educational resources more accessible and affordable. They create and provide open-source textbooks and learning materials for various subjects, including science, mathematics, social sciences, and more. OpenStax's materials are available online for free, allowing students and educators to access them without financial barriers. Their resources undergo rigorous peer review and are designed to align with educational standards. OpenStax aims to revolutionize education by promoting open educational resources, empowering learners with free and accessible content, and supporting educators in delivering quality instruction.
The Data School The Data School is an online platform dedicated to providing comprehensive and practical education in data science and analytics. It offers a wide range of resources, including tutorials, and ebooks, designed to help learners acquire the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the field of data science. The platform covers various topics such as Python programming, data manipulation, visualization, statistical analysis, and machine learning. With a focus on real-world applications and hands-on learning, aims to empower individuals with the tools and expertise to leverage data effectively and make informed decisions in today's data-driven world.

Global Volunteering Programs

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Give Volunteers Give Volunteers is a website for GIVE Volunteers, a nonprofit organization that offers meaningful volunteer programs abroad. The website provides information about their mission, volunteer opportunities, and destinations. It highlights their focus on sustainable development and cultural immersion experiences. Visitors can learn about the various projects available, such as community development, environmental conservation, and education initiatives. The site also features testimonials, photos, and videos to give potential volunteers an insight into the impact and experiences they can expect. Overall, serves as a platform for individuals seeking impactful volunteer opportunities and a chance to make a difference globally.
Global Landscapes Forum Global Landscapes Forum is a website that offers volunteering opportunities through the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) for youth interested in environmental and sustainable development initiatives. It provides a platform for young individuals to contribute their skills, time, and passion to projects and events related to landscape restoration, climate action, biodiversity conservation, and more. The website connects volunteers with diverse projects, enabling them to make a meaningful impact and gain valuable experience in the field. Through GLF's youth volunteering program, participants can engage in global efforts to address environmental challenges and work towards a more sustainable future.
World Packers Worldpackers is an online platform that connects travelers with opportunities for cultural exchange and work exchange around the world. Through the platform, individuals can find host communities and organizations offering accommodations and meals in exchange for volunteer work or skills sharing. Worldpackers enables users to search for diverse experiences, including teaching, farming, eco-projects, and more, allowing them to immerse themselves in local cultures while minimizing travel expenses. With a focus on affordability, social impact, and authentic experiences, Worldpackers offers a unique platform for travelers seeking meaningful connections and mutual learning while exploring the world.


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AI Roadmap is a webpage that presents an AI roadmap. It provides an introduction to the roadmap, outlining the goals and objectives related to the development and advancement of artificial intelligence. The roadmap likely covers various aspects of AI, such as research, technology, applications, and ethical considerations. By visiting the webpage, users can gain insights into the planned progression and key milestones in the field of AI, along with an understanding of the potential impact and future directions. It serves as a valuable resource for individuals interested in exploring the trajectory and potential of AI development.
OSA CS OSA CS is a website that provides a comprehensive roadmap for learning computer science (CS) through open-source resources. The platform offers a curated list of projects, tools, and resources that cover various CS topics, including algorithms, data structures, programming languages, web development, and more. It serves as a valuable guide for individuals interested in self-studying or enhancing their CS skills. By providing a structured learning path and directing users to open-source projects, OSA CS facilitates access to quality CS education and supports the open-source community in promoting knowledge sharing and collaboration.
rkhaslarov The website rkhalarov is an online resource that serves as an introduction to computer science. It provides a comprehensive overview of the subject, covering topics such as algorithms, data structures, programming languages, and more. The website offers a structured and informative approach, presenting key concepts and providing examples to enhance understanding. It aims to be a valuable resource for beginners or those interested in gaining a foundational understanding of computer science. The content is presented in a user-friendly manner, making it accessible and engaging for individuals seeking to expand their knowledge in this field. is a comprehensive online resource that provides structured learning roadmaps for various programming languages, frameworks, and technologies. It offers a step-by-step guide to help individuals navigate their learning journey in the field of software development. The platform presents clear and concise roadmaps that outline the necessary skills, tools, and concepts to master, along with recommended resources and tutorials. It caters to beginners, intermediate learners, and experienced professionals, enabling them to enhance their technical skills, stay updated with the latest industry trends, and plan their learning path is a valuable resource for individuals seeking to advance their careers in software development.
TeachYourselfCS TeachYourselfCS is a website that offers a comprehensive and curated curriculum for individuals interested in learning computer science independently. It provides a structured roadmap with a list of essential topics, recommended textbooks, and online resources to guide self-study. The website covers various areas of computer science, including algorithms, data structures, operating systems, programming languages, and more. By providing a clear learning path and valuable resources, TeachYourselfCS aims to assist individuals in acquiring a solid foundation in computer science and gaining the necessary knowledge and skills to pursue further studies or careers in the field.
Training Epam "We have collected various resources and useful materials so that you can vary your speech with grammatical constructions and replenish your vocabulary. All materials are divided by levels. If you don’t know your level, register on our portal and take the test in your profile to determine it." - Epam

Scientific Publications & Research Papers

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Alpha Signal Alpha Signal AI models give you a weekly summary of the top research papers, repos, and tweets identified.
BASE BASE ( is a comprehensive academic search engine that allows users to explore a vast collection of scientific research papers, articles, and publications from various disciplines. With a user-friendly interface, it provides a platform for researchers, students, and academics to access scholarly content from multiple sources, including journals, repositories, and libraries. Users can perform advanced searches, filter results, and access full-text documents. aims to facilitate the discovery and dissemination of knowledge, enabling users to stay updated with the latest research in their respective fields and fostering collaboration and innovation in the academic community.
Nature is the online platform for the prestigious scientific journal Nature. It serves as a hub for accessing a wide range of scientific articles, research papers, and news related to various scientific disciplines. provides valuable resources for scientists, researchers, and academics, enabling them to stay updated with the latest scientific advancements and discoveries. The platform covers diverse fields such as biology, chemistry, physics, medicine, and more. It offers a wealth of information, including original research articles, reviews, editorials, and commentary pieces, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking authoritative scientific content and staying informed about cutting-edge research.
New Scientist New Scientist is a prominent online platform that provides comprehensive coverage of science, technology, and the latest developments in various scientific fields. With a global readership, it delivers reliable news, articles, and features on topics such as physics, biology, space, health, environment, and more. offers a blend of in-depth analysis, research updates, and thought-provoking insights, catering to both experts and enthusiasts alike. It serves as a valuable resource for staying informed about cutting-edge scientific discoveries, breakthroughs, and advancements, fostering a greater understanding of the world and the impact of science on society.
ReefSeek RefSeek is a comprehensive web search engine that focuses on delivering reliable and authoritative academic and scientific information. It offers a user-friendly interface and employs advanced algorithms to search through a vast database of academic journals, articles, books, encyclopedias, and other scholarly resources. prioritizes academic sources, making it a valuable tool for researchers, students, and professionals seeking credible information. With its emphasis on quality and relevance, helps users access accurate and trustworthy material, supporting their pursuit of knowledge and enhancing the credibility of their research endeavors.
REPEC REPEC is the website for RePEc (Research Papers in Economics), a collaborative platform that provides access to a vast collection of scholarly research in the field of economics. RePEc serves as a central hub for economists to share their research papers, working papers, articles, and other publications. It features an extensive database of economic literature, including journals, books, and conference papers, allowing researchers and students to access valuable resources. RePEc also offers various services like rankings of authors and institutions, a discussion forum, and tools for data analysis, making it a valuable resource for the global economics community.
Science - AAAS Science - AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) is a prestigious and influential multidisciplinary scientific journal and organization. It serves as a leading source of groundbreaking research, news, and analysis across a wide range of scientific disciplines. Science
Springer Link Springer Link is an online platform that hosts a vast collection of academic journals, books, and research papers across various disciplines. It serves as a digital library for scholarly publications, offering access to a wide range of scientific, technical, medical, and social sciences literature. Users can browse through the extensive database, search for specific articles or books, and access full-text content for research and academic purposes. Springer Link provides a valuable resource for researchers, scholars, students, and professionals seeking credible and up-to-date information, fostering knowledge dissemination and advancement in diverse fields of study.
Technium Science Technium Science is a scientific publishing company that focuses on disseminating cutting-edge research in various scientific disciplines. They provide a platform for researchers, academics, and professionals to publish their work, fostering knowledge exchange and advancement in the scientific community. Technium Science publishes journals covering a wide range of subjects, including physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, engineering, and more. Their rigorous peer-review process ensures the quality and integrity of the published research. By promoting open access and innovative research, Technium Science contributes to the global scientific landscape, enabling the dissemination of new discoveries and driving progress in scientific knowledge and understanding.
The Global Economy The Global Economy is an online platform that provides comprehensive and up-to-date information on various aspects of the global economy. It offers a wide range of economic indicators, data, and analysis on topics such as GDP, inflation, trade, employment, and more. The platform presents data visually through charts, graphs, and interactive tools, allowing users to explore and understand economic trends and patterns. With its user-friendly interface and reliable data sources, The Global Economy serves as a valuable resource for researchers, students, policymakers, and anyone interested in gaining insights into the global economic landscape.
WorldCat WorldCat is an online catalog and database that provides access to a vast collection of library resources from around the world. It serves as a global library network, allowing users to search for books, journals, articles, multimedia materials, and more across thousands of libraries. enables users to locate and request materials through interlibrary loan services, making it a valuable tool for researchers, students, and anyone seeking information. It offers a user-friendly interface, advanced search options, and the ability to create personal accounts for saving lists and organizing research. promotes collaboration and access to a wealth of knowledge available in libraries worldwide.



Sonder Team's Awesome Resources on GitHub is a curated collection of valuable tools, libraries, frameworks, and learning materials, serving as a valuable asset for developers seeking high-quality resources to enhance their projects and skills.








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