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SonuGiriIITP edited this page Feb 14, 2013 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the landscapeSim wiki Page!

Proposed Order of Work

  1. Get realistic elevation maps which are not 'self-similar' but show more real-world scaling.
  2. Generate stream networks and ‘prune’ them to a realistic density
  3. Buffer large accumulations of flow to form ‘deltas’
  4. Allocate some landcover types according to simple rules on elevation, aspect etc: floodplain, mountain vegetation, forest….
  5. Add agricultural features according to suitability rules (may involve using shape/size rules for individual fields)
  6. Add buildings according to suitability rules
  7. Add roads which connect settlements and human features – use least-cost-path routing to place these?

Minutes of Meeting

5th September 2012 - LB and SG


  1. Implemented Flow accumulation and flow direction calculation using 9x9 window size.
  2. The implementation is different form the previous 3x3 or 5x5 window sizes, now we are keeping the index of the pixel where flow is to be directed.
  3. The erosion took place during the process of assigning flow direction in 9x9 window.
  4. Now we have a DEM_Creator function where we can pass more than one H values and H_weights corresponding to DEM's and function will return a Combined DEM.

Issues and Challenges

  1. Unable to connect to SVN repository using KDESVN client this is due to proxy setting used by IIT Ropar network, soon I should be able to fix it.
  2. After looking at the output images of the previous code, It seems that the distance form river module need to be checked. I hope that I should be able to fix it soon.

27th September 2012 - LB ,AL and SG


  1. SG has to generate and parse a .yaml configuration file which will contain all the parameters required by LandscapeSim tool.
  2. SG has to incorporate 9x9 window flow routing and accumulation procedure into the previous erosion model.
  3. SG has to write code to label all the patches and create adjacency matrix of patches generated in agriculture field module.
  4. SG has to figure out way to place artificial things like buildings and roads onto the map.
  5. SG has to document the entire code and algorithms used in landscape simulation.

Issues Resolved

  1. SG was able to access SVN repository by resolving proxy server issue. On Linux or Unix system network settings for kdesvn is located in the file "~/.subversion/servers". The following few fields required changes... http-proxy-host = my.proxy http-proxy-port = port_number http-proxy-username = [username] http-proxy-password = [password]

4th October 2012 - LB ,AL and SG

Issues Resolved

  1. Updated the svn repository with the latest ,parameter.yaml and files. Some output are missing which can be easily generated by running the


  1. The next step is to have a quick look on the decision tree generation code and then move on the geometric feature code where some features are yet to be implemented.
  2. Documentation of the work is still to be done, I have delayed this step because the code and algorithms we are using are not fixed and keeps on changing.

12th October 2012 - LB ,AL and SG


  1. SG has to get the code onto github.
  2. SG has to take out any local file writing
  3. SG has to look for any other locations where file paths may cause issues on different operating systems
  4. SG has to give the DEM creator options-- SS or fm2D. If the user wants a gradient, the first DEM will always have to be Fm2D
  5. SG has to make a list of the python packages required; on linux, this can lead to an automatic install script, on Windows we just tell the user what they will have to install
  6. SG has to carry on with sequence diagrams and documentation.

19th October 2012 - LB ,AL and SG


  1. The github repository for landscapesim is at
  2. The points discussed in previous meeting has been implemented.


  1. SG has to implement patch labeling and keeps a adjacency matrix for all the patches.
  2. SG has to think about the next feature to be incorporated in geometry module.

25th October 2012 - LB ,AL and SG


  1. The following document describe the work on patch labeling of the fields Patch Labelling .
  2. Take out the gradient parameter form MapGeneration_pure_python and place them in parameter.yaml file.
  3. Introduce the next patch orientation probability parameter for fields.
  4. Reading the grass python scripting tutorial.
  5. Document the parameter file.

6th November 2012 - LB ,AL and SG


  1. The area of agricultural patches are randomly assigned a value between desired minimum area and maximum area.
  2. Now suitability value is assigned taking into account distance of a pixel from river.

Second Semester

04th February 2013-LB ,AL and SG


  1. Get familiar with GRASS and run few flow algorithms.