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Welcome to the ever-evolving, developer-led digital catalog of the Sound of our Cities project.


One of the objectives of the project is technology transfer. AAU has made a template for showcasing the SooC sound works, and deployed the works online with a CC-License on GitHub: a web-based platform for version control using git. You can think Github also as a social media for developers: users can collaborate on or adopt open-source projects, fork code, share ideas and more. Here, you can maintain, extend, augment your project after the SooC lifetime. It is also easy and free to set-up a GitHub account and host your own portfolio using GitHub-pages.

Simple prerequisite for these are:

  1. Have a GitHub account.

  2. Have knowledge on how to use Git and GitHub.

  3. Understand how GitHub-pages work: Free hosting as well though this is not mandatory.

  4. Familiarize with (Github-flavored) markdown for editing your content. A comprensive guide is at and a quick start at

Contribute to the SooC Digital Catalog

Embed Media

Check the media guide.

Make your own portfolio

You can also extend your portfolio with templates from, e.g., Start BootstrapBootstrap ZeroTheme zy, Bootstrapmade, or any other place where you can download a quick portfolio template.
