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HDB Driver (TypeScript)

minimal type-safe hdb driver

npm node-test codecov Quality Gate Status

Get Started

npm i -S ts-hdb
import { HDBClient } from "ts-hdb";

async function run() {
  const client = new HDBClient({
    host: "hostname",
    port: 443,
    user: "username",
    password: "password",
    useTLS: true,
  for await (const row of client.streamQueryObject(
    'SELECT A,B,c,D as "d" FROM A_TABLE'
  )) {
    // the type of `row` is { A: any, B: any, C: any, d: any}
    // row.A
    // row.B
    // row.C
    // row.d



export NODE_DEBUG=hdb-client