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Fairness-Aware Link Analysis

Datasets feature image

General Informations.

This repository has been created to distribute freely our implementations of the algorithms described at the "Fairness-Aware Link Analysis" paper. It also includes the datasets described and used in the forthmentioned paper plus some extra dataset from various resources.


  • Python 3.

  • C++ 11.

  • Optional Compiler that supports openmmp.

    Note: make file is for gcc with openmp.

All the experiments were made in linux Ubuntu. To compile cpp we used gcc compiler.

Repository Structure:

  • FairLar
    • Code
      • Cpp_files
      • Python_files
    • Datasets

How to run the algorithms:

  1. Generate synthetic:

    For this task we use a forest fire model properly modified to take into consideration the homophily of each group. To generate synthetic dataset you must provide 6 parameters. Homopihly of group 0, homophily of group 1, probability to belong to protected group (group 1), number of nodes, edges per node, number of initial nodes. Homophily for each group is a float number in [0, 1] which id the probability to connect with a node of the same group.

    ./homophily_graph_generator.out 0.2 0.4 0.3 1000 5 3

  2. Pagerank, LFPR_N, LFPR_U, LFPR_P:

    You should run the ./pagerank.out inside the dataset's folder, which should contain the "out_graph.txt" file and the "out_community.txt" file. Structure of these files described in Datasets Description. You have the following options:

    ./pagerank.out : Run the forth mentioned algorithms algorithms with phi = ratio of protected category.

    ./pagerank.out -c <community_file> : Run the forth mentioned algorithms with phi described in <community_file>. Community file is a txt file in which id line is a pair of an integer and a float separated with empty space. The integer is the id of the group while the float is tha wanted ratio for this group. There should be as many lines as the groups of the nodes and the sum of the floats should be equal to 1. (e.g. 0 0.3 \n 1 0.7)

    ./pagerank.out -pn <node> : Run the forthmentioned algorithms in personilized - by node - mode. <node> is an integer - the id of the node.

    ./pagerank.out -tk <k> : Run the forthmetnioned algorithms in targeted mode for the top-k nodes by pagerank. <k> is an integer denotes the number of the nodes that will be taken into consideration.

    You can also use the following easy to understand commands.

    ./pagerank.out -pn <node> -c <community_file>

    ./pagerank.out -tk <k> -c <community_file>

  3. Personilized by node pagerank for all nodes of a network:

    You should run the ./person_all_nodes.out inside the dataset's folder, which should contain the "out_graph.txt" file and the "out_community.txt" file.


  4. Sensitive:

    You should run the ./ inside the dataset's folder, which should contain the "out_graph.txt" file and the "out_community.txt" file. You should also provide phi = wanted ratio for the protected group. If phi = 0, then phi = ratio of protected group.

    python 0.5

  5. Targeted, Targeted optimal, targeted top-k:

    You should run each one of these algorithms inside the dataset's folder, which should contain the "out_graph.txt" file and the "out_community.txt" file. You should also provide phi = wanted ratio for the protected group and k = number of nodes for the targeted algorithms. If phi = 0, then phi = ratio of protected group.

    python 0.5 10

    python 0.5 10

    python 0.5 10

  6. LFPR_O

    Before compile the residual_stochastic_opt.cpp scipt you can change the parameters of the stochastic optimization algorithm. i.e.

     // Parameters
     int MAX_ITERATIONS = 30;
     double PRECISION_OF_SOLUTION = pow(10, -8);
     double PRECISION_OF_CAT_RATIO = pow(10, -4);
     double INITIAL_STEP = 1.0;
     int SMALLER_ALLOWED_STEP = pow(10, -10);

    You can also select the starting point based on one of the Local algorithms or choose a random one. Comment/uncomment the corresponing line.

     // Initialize start point.
     // current_point = algs.get_proportional_excess_vector();
     // current_point = get_uniform_initial_point(g);
     current_point = get_random_initial_point();

    Finally, run inside the dataset folder by providing the phi parameter as a command line argument.

    residual_optimization.out 0.5

Datasets Description.

Datasets provided have been collected from various resources. They are graphs with a binary attribute for each node. Every dataset is consisted of two txt files. "out_graph.txt" and "out_community.txt".

"out_graph.txt" is the edge list of the graph. First line of the file is the number of the nodes. Every other line is a pair of node ids (pair of integers) separated by an empty space. line "32 46" denotes an edge from node with id 32 to node with id 46. Every edge is assumed to be directed. So if the graph is undirected for every edge "i j" there is also the edge "j i".

"out_community.txt" includes the group for every node. The first line of the file is the number of groups in the graph. Every other line is a pair of integers. First integer is a node id and the se cond integer is the group that the specific node belongs to. "34 1" denotes that node with id 43 belongs to group 1.

Nodes' ids should be from 0 to n without missing numbers. The same holds for groups' ids.

All above conventions are important for the proper function of the algorithms.

In the datasets provided we have done the forth mentioned preprocessing. In cases where nodes in the graph hadn't have group information we removed them from the graph. We have also kept only the largest weak component of each graph.


  1. Blogs

    A directed network of hyperlinks between weblogs on US politic. You can find more informations about this dataset here: L. A. Adamic and N. S. Glance. 2005. The political blogosphere and the 2004 U.S. election: divided they blog. In LinkKDD.

  2. Books

    A network of books about US politics where edges 1 between books represented co-purchasing. You can find the original dataset here:

  3. DBLP Aminer

    An author collaboration network constructed by the Arnetminer academic search system using publication data from dblp. Two authors are connected if they have co-authored an article. You can find the original dataset here:

  4. DBLP ours 1

    An author collaboration network constructed from DBLP including a subset of data mining and database con-ferences.

  5. DBLP ours 2

    An author collaboration network constructed from DBLP including a subset of data mining and database con-ferences.

  6. Github female ours

    (Pending details about mining)

  7. Github male ours

    (Pending details about mining)

  8. Karate

    The famous Zachary's club clustered. You can find original dataset here:

  9. Linkedin (aminer)

    Nodes correspond to LinkedIn profiles. Two profiles are linked if they were co-viewed by the same user. You can find the original dataset here:

  10. Physics High Energy Citation Network.

    This is the Arxiv HEP-PH (high energy physics 3 phenomenology) citation graph from the SNAP dataset . Nodes correspond to papers and there is an edge from a paper to another, if the first paper cites the second one. You can find the original dataset here:

  11. Pokec

    This is a Slovak social network. Nodes corre- spond to users, and links to friendships. Friendship relations are directed. You can find the original dataset here:

  12. Tmdb ours

    This is a collaboration network between actors. (Pending details about mining)

  13. Twitter

    A political retweet graph from "Ryan A. Rossi and Nesreen K. Ahmed. 2015. The Network Data Repository with InteractiveGraphAnalyticsandVisualization.InAAAI. You can find the original dataset here:"

Additional experiments.

Personalized fairness distribution.

Personalized fairness distribution


  • Replace/Add person all nodes with the new more efficient algorithm.
  • Add auxiliary .ipynb file for automate experiment process.
  • Remove unused variables from cpp file.
  • Fix option for custom ratio in node personilized mode.
  • Add information about dependencies in separate section.