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SouLxBot Chatbot

Twitch Chatbot that provides a first user to chat after going live feature, and an automated question of the day using !qotd.

Lots of features still to be developed and polished, this is still quite the Work In Progress.


Copy .env.template as .env

Create a copy of of the environment variable template. You will add values to this new file as you proceed through these instructions.

Register a Twitch App

If you already have a Twitch app that you can use, you may skip this step.

Follow the steps outlined at Registering Your App to register a new twitch app.

Create OAuth Token for Bot User

The quick and dirty way is to use a tool like to create an OAuth token for the chatbot user. Otherwise, you'll need to follow a similar flow to below, with different chat related permissions. Twitch Authenticate Bot will get you started.

Add the username for the bot, and the OAuth token you generated to your .env.


Client ID & Secret

Add your Client ID and Client Secret from your created Twitch App into .env.


Get User Code

In a browser goto the following, replacing the {client_id} with your app's client_id. You will want to auth with the twitch channel you want to test with. The channel:manage:predictions is needed for the dice game predictions.

curl "{client_id}&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost&response_type=code&scope=channel%3Amanage%3Apredictions"

This will redirect you to your app's redirect uri, and the redirect url will look similar to:


Extract the {user_code} the code that is returned. You will need it in the next step.

Get User Authorization Token

Send a POST request to the URL below, replacing {client_id}, {client_secret}, and {user_code} with the code you just obtained above.

curl -X POST "{client_id}&client_secret={client_secret}&code={user_code}&grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost"

You should get a response similar to:

  "access_token": "abcd1234",
  "expires_in": 14943,
  "refresh_token": "123456789abcdefgh",
  "scope": [ "channel:manage:predictions" ],
  "token_type": "bearer"

Extract the access_token and refresh_token, then add them to your .env file


Running The Bot

  • Start the bot locally by running go run .
  • The bot has a web server running on port 8080.
    • Use the /register endpoint, to register a user to have the bot join that stream's channel. This endpoint uses basic auth, the credentials are set with the environment variable SOULXBOT_BASICAUTH which defaults to soulxbot:123456. Example: curl -H "Authorization: Basic c291bHhib3Q6MTIzNDU2" http://localhost:8080/register?username={stream_user} This will return an API key that is used with the /golive endpoint to inform the bot that the user has gone live.
    • ⚠️ Currently, the bot will need to see the user say something in chat somewhere before it can successfully register them. (Bug 9/6/23)
    • ⚠️ After registering, you will need to restart the bot in order for it to join the newly registered user's channel. (Bug 9/6/23)
    • Inform the bot that a stream has gone live! http://localhost:8080/golive?key={api_key} with the API key returned from the /register endpoint.


Twitch IRC Bot written in Golang






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