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feat(actor and actor sheet): transfer all data functions from sheet t…
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now the data are calculated before or after the effects, the actor is used for data transformation
and the actor sheet is used for data organization and integration with interface.
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SouOWendel committed Mar 12, 2024
1 parent 7d6a05b commit 33ab28a
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Showing 2 changed files with 170 additions and 183 deletions.
221 changes: 170 additions & 51 deletions module/documents/actor.mjs
Expand Up @@ -18,82 +18,197 @@ export class OrdemActor extends Actor {
// Data modifications in this step occur before processing embedded
// documents or derived data.
const actorData = this;
const systemData = actorData.system;

if (actorData.type == 'agent') {

* @override
* Augment the basic actor data with additional dynamic data. Typically,
* you'll want to handle most of your calculated/derived data in this step.
* Data calculated in this step should generally not exist in template.json
* (such as ability modifiers rather than ability scores) and should be
* available both inside and outside of character sheets (such as if an actor
* is queried and has a roll executed directly from it).
prepareDerivedData() {
const actorData = this;
const systemData = actorData.system;
const flags = actorData.flags.ordemparanormal || {};

// Make separate methods for each Actor type (character, npc, etc.) to keep
// things organized.
if (actorData.type == 'agent') {

* @param {*} system
async _prepareBaseDataAgent(actorData) {
_prepareDataStatus(system) {
const VIG = system.attributes.vit.value;
const PRE = system.attributes.pre.value;
const NEX = system.NEX.value;
const calcNEX = NEX < 99 ? Math.floor(NEX / 5) : 20;
const nexAdjust = calcNEX - 1;
const nexIf = calcNEX > 1;
system.PE.perRound = calcNEX;
if (system.class == 'fighter') {
system.PV.max = 20 + VIG + (nexIf && nexAdjust * (4 + VIG));
system.PE.max = 2 + PRE + (nexIf && nexAdjust * (2 + PRE));
system.SAN.max = 12 + (nexIf && nexAdjust * 3);
} else if (system.class == 'specialist') {
system.PV.max = 16 + VIG + (nexIf && nexAdjust * (3 + VIG));
system.PE.max = 3 + PRE + (nexIf && nexAdjust * (3 + PRE));
system.SAN.max = 16 + (nexIf && nexAdjust * 4);
} else if (system.class == 'occultist') {
system.PV.max = 12 + VIG + (nexIf && nexAdjust * (2 + VIG));
system.PE.max = 4 + PRE + (nexIf && nexAdjust * (4 + PRE));
system.SAN.max = 20 + (nexIf && nexAdjust * 5);
} else {
system.PV.max = system.PV.max || 0;
system.PE.max = system.PE.max || 0;
system.SAN.max = system.SAN.max || 0;

// System access
const system = actorData.system;
* @param {*} system
_prepareDefense(system) {
const REFLEXES = system.skills.reflexes;
const AGI = system.attributes.dex.value;
system.defense.value += AGI;
return ( =
system.defense.value + REFLEXES.value + (REFLEXES.mod || 0));

if (actorData.type !== 'agent') return;

// TODO: Update portuguese class name for english class name (6.3.1)
if (system?.class == 'Combatente') await Actor.updateDocuments([{_id:, system: {class: 'fighter'}} ]);
if (system?.class == 'Especialista') await Actor.updateDocuments([{_id:, system: {class: 'specialist'}} ]);
if (system?.class == 'Ocultista') await Actor.updateDocuments([{_id:, system: {class: 'occultist'}} ]);
* @param {*} system
_prepareSkills(system) {
* Faz um loop das perícias e depois faz algumas verificações para definir a formula de rolagem,
* depois disso, salva o valor nas informações
* */
for (const [keySkill, skillsName] of Object.entries(system.skills)) {
// Definindo constantes para acesso simplificado.
const overLoad = skillsName.conditions.load;
const needTraining = skillsName.conditions.trained;

// Calculate the modifier using d20 rules.
if ( == 'trained') skillsName.value = 5;
else if ( == 'veteran') skillsName.value = 10;
else if ( == 'expert') skillsName.value = 15;
else skillsName.value = 0;

// Formando o nome com base nas condições de carga e treino da perícia.
skillsName.label =
game.i18n.localize(CONFIG.ordemparanormal.skills[keySkill]) +
(overLoad ? '+' : needTraining ? '*' : '') ?? k;

// FORMULA DE ROLAGEM: Criando o que vem antes e depois do D20 das perícias.
const beforeD20Formula = skillsName.attr[1] ? skillsName.attr[1] : 2;

const afterD20Formula =
(skillsName.attr[1] != 0 ? 'kh' : 'kl') +
(skillsName.value != 0 ? '+' + skillsName.value : '') +
(skillsName.mod ? '+' + skillsName.mod : '');

skillsName.formula = beforeD20Formula + 'd20' + afterD20Formula;

async _prepareBaseDataAgent(system) {
// Loop through ability scores, and add their modifiers to our sheet output.
for (const [keySkill, skillsName] of Object.entries(system.skills)) {

* Faz um loop de todos os atributos, depois disso, se o atributo
* necessário para a perícia for o mesmo que a mesma perícia em que o loop
* esta no momento, este valor é atualizado para ser utilizado nas rolagens.
for (const [keyAttr, attribute] of Object.entries(system.attributes)) {
// console.log('keyAttr is ' + keyAttr);
// console.log('skillsName.attr[0] is ' + skillsName.attr[0]);
if (skillsName.attr[0] == keyAttr) {
// console.log('attribute.value ' + attribute.value + ' data.skills[keySkill].attr[1] ' + data.skills[keySkill].attr[1]);
system.skills[keySkill].attr[1] = attribute.value;

* @override
* Augment the basic actor data with additional dynamic data. Typically,
* you'll want to handle most of your calculated/derived data in this step.
* Data calculated in this step should generally not exist in template.json
* (such as ability modifiers rather than ability scores) and should be
* available both inside and outside of character sheets (such as if an actor
* is queried and has a roll executed directly from it).
* Prepare and calcule the spaces of actors
* @param {Object} actorData The actor to prepare.
* @return {undefined}
prepareDerivedData() {
const actorData = this;
_prepareActorSpaces(ActorData) {
const system = ActorData.system;
const spaces = (system.spaces ??= {});
const FOR = system.attributes.str.value || 0;
spaces.over, (spaces.pctMax = 0);

// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const flags = actorData.flags.ordemparanormal || {};
// Get the total weight from items
const physicalItems = ['armament', 'generalEquipment', 'protection'];
const weight = ActorData.items.reduce((weight, i) => {
if (!physicalItems.includes(i.type)) return weight;
const q = i.system.quantity || 0;
const w = i.system.weight || 0;
return weight + q * w;
}, 0);

// Make separate methods for each Actor type (character, npc, etc.) to keep
// things organized.
// Populate the final values
spaces.value = weight.toNearest(0.1);
spaces.max = FOR !== 0 ? FOR * 5 : 2;

* Preparação dos dados específicos do tipo Agente
_prepareAgentData(actorData) {
if (actorData.type !== 'agent') return;
// Plus bonus
spaces.value += spaces.bonus.value;
spaces.max += spaces.bonus.max;

// Loop through ability scores, and add their modifiers to our sheet output.
for (const [keySkill, skillsName] of Object.entries(actorData.system.skills)) {
// Calculate the modifier using d20 rules.
// if (skillsName.mod) skillsName.mod = 0;
if ( == 'trained') skillsName.value = 5;
else if ( == 'veteran') skillsName.value = 10;
else if ( == 'expert') skillsName.value = 15;
else skillsName.value = 0;
spaces.pct = Math.clamped((spaces.value * 100) / spaces.max, 0, 100);

// console.log(JSON.stringify( + skillsName.value);
// Apply the debuffs
if (spaces.value > spaces.max) {
spaces.over = spaces.value - spaces.max;
system.desloc.value += -3;
system.defense.value += -5;
spaces.pctMax = Math.clamped((spaces.over * 100) / spaces.max, 0, 100);
if (spaces.value > spaces.max * 2)

async _migrateData(system) {
// TODO: Update portuguese class name for english class name (6.3.1)
if (system?.class == 'Combatente')
await Actor.updateDocuments([
{ _id:, system: { class: 'fighter' } },
if (system?.class == 'Especialista')
await Actor.updateDocuments([
{ _id:, system: { class: 'specialist' } },
if (system?.class == 'Ocultista')
await Actor.updateDocuments([
{ _id:, system: { class: 'occultist' } },

Expand All @@ -115,8 +230,6 @@ export class OrdemActor extends Actor {
if (this.system.type !== 'agent') return;
let skillUpper;


// Copy the skills scores to the top level, so that rolls can use
// formulas like `@iniciativa.value + 4`.
// TODO: criar acesso rapido de variavel para outras linguagens
Expand All @@ -125,21 +238,27 @@ export class OrdemActor extends Actor {
system[k] = foundry.utils.deepClone(v);

skillUpper = k.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + k.slice(1);
system[game.i18n.localize('ordemparanormal.skill' + skillUpper).toLowerCase()] = foundry.utils.deepClone(v);
game.i18n.localize('ordemparanormal.skill' + skillUpper).toLowerCase()
] = foundry.utils.deepClone(v);

// Copy the attributes to the top level, so that rolls can use
// formulas like `@dex.value`.
if(system.attributes) {
if (system.attributes) {
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(system.attributes)) {
system[k] = foundry.utils.deepClone(v);

if(system.attributes && system.skills) {
system.rollInitiative = ((system.attributes.dex.value == 0) ? 2 : system.attributes.dex.value) + 'd20' +
((system.attributes.dex.value == 0) ? 'kl' : 'kh') + '+' + system.skills.initiative.value;
if (system.attributes && system.skills) {
system.rollInitiative =
(system.attributes.dex.value == 0 ? 2 : system.attributes.dex.value) +
'd20' +
(system.attributes.dex.value == 0 ? 'kl' : 'kh') +
'+' +

// Add level for easier access, or fall back to 0.
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