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Amos Chua edited this page Feb 6, 2021 · 15 revisions

Table of Contents:

Catergory Question
General Can I repost the source code elsewhere without credit?
What's the difference between this and Azure v329?
Why is this different from the Azure v316 I see in YouTube videos?
Software Tools Which Java JDK version should I use?
Do I need to set the encoding?
Can I use Netbeans instead of IntelliJ for IDE?
What's the difference between HeidiSQL and MySql Workbench? Which one should I use?
Set-up There are two SQL scripts in AzureV316/sql/. Which one should I use?
Where can I download a test client (with localhost) to use for testing?
Testing How do I run the test client?
Are there any stock accounts provided?
How do I add new accounts?
Why do I get a pop-up telling me "This client can be executed only in Korean code-page", when I try to run the client?
Miscellaneous Are there open source projects for Azure Discord Bots as well?
How can I allow other people to connect to the server, if I use this source?
How can I add translations for players?
How can I enable multi-clienting?


Q: Can I repost the source code elsewhere without credit?

A: No. Open source does not mean that it's in the public domain. We would appreciate if you could keep any forks as public repositories on GitHub. If you must VCS it elsewhere, then kindly credit the authors and maintainers.

This is a reminder that reposting without credits, and/or claiming credit for this repository is intellectual property theft. You would be STEALING.

Q: What's the difference between this and Azure v329?

A: This is an open source project for the (continual) development of a KMS v316-based server (by the community).
It is based on an early version of the Azure v316 source code. Azure does not currently have a hosted version of this source code. This is in contrast with the v329 version, which is currently in closed source development, and has a test server hosted (see #announcements in the Azure v329 Discord).
Note: Azure v329 is being rewritten from scratch (at the time of writing), and is not ready for play. The test server is merely for internal testing.

Q: Why is this different from the Azure v316 I see in YouTube videos?

A: AzureMS has had many versions in the past, including the initial v316, the subsequent v329, the v337 development phase, as well as the (current) return to v329 (rewrite). This particular project is a snapshot of an early patch of the v316 version. That is why it may offer a different feature set from what you see on YouTube videos.

Q: Which Java JDK version should I use?

A: Java 8. Refer to the README for more details.

Q: Do I need to set the encoding?

A: Yes! Azure v316 (officially) uses Windows-949 (CP949) instead of Unicode (it's a long story).
Note: CP949 does not support alphabetical sorting

Q: Can I use Netbeans instead of IntelliJ for IDE?

A: Yes - set the encoding to extended unix code eucKR (also stylised as EUC-KR) and you should be good to go.
There some differences, but it would work for the most part.

Q: What's the difference between HeidiSQL and MySql Workbench? Which one should I use?

A: It is entirely up to personal preference.
There aren't many notable differences aside from the fact that you need to use WAMP/XAMP if you're going for the MySQL route, since MySQL Workbench doesn't host the DB, unlike HeidiSQL. The usage of either is split in the staff as well: for instance, Dipi preferring Heidi and KOOKIIE/Brandon/Desc preferring MySQL.

Q: There are two SQL scripts in AzureV316/sql/. Which one should I use?

A: Unless you're absolutely sure you know what you are doing, please use AzureSQLWithData.sql!

Q: Where can I download a test client (with localhost) to use for testing?

A: Right here!

Q: How do I run the test client?

A: Run TAIGA_redirector and it should launch the client for you!

Q: Are there any stock accounts provided?

A: If you ran AzureSQLWithData.sql (as instructed earlier), there should be a stock account provided:

Q: How do I add new accounts?

A: There are 2 main ways: 1) via SQL 2) Turn on auto-register

  • Note: SQL route is only for those who know what they're doing - as such, instructions are not provided.
  • To turn on auto-register, go to the constants file: AzureMS/src/constants/, then set AUTO_REGISTER = true; on line 149 (as of time of writing)

Q: Why do I get a pop-up telling me "This client can be executed only in Korean code-page", when I try to run the client?

A: KMS clients require the locale to be in Korean. See here for instructions.

Q: Are there open source projects for Azure Discord Bots as well?

A: As a matter of fact, yes!
Brandon has made public the (JavaScript) initial AzureMS bot, and KOOKIIE has made a (Python) API library for querying AzureV316-based databases.
Recently, Brandon has also made a plug-and-play (Python) bot called Lapis. You can check it out for a Discord bot that is very easy to setup and use.

Q: How can I allow other people to connect to the server, if I use this source?

A: If you're asking this question, you probably would need to pay someone who knows how to do it, to do it for you (Alternately, Brandon/Bratah can help you set up a client that lets others connect to you at a price). This open source project is mainly focused on server development; custom launcher and re-directors are beyond the scope of this project.

Q: How can I add translations for players?

A: This open source project is mainly focused on server development. NPC dialogue (and most other server-sided text) should already be in English. English locale for the client side would probably require WZ and/or client edits, and are beyond the scope of this project.

Q: How can I enable multi-clienting?

A: This open source project is mainly focused on server development. Client-related issues are beyond the scope of this project.


Kindly forward any unanswered queries to the issues page.
If you'd like to chat with the developers, you may find us in the AzureMS Discord