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Assignment Management System


This project is a web-based assignment management system designed to streamline the assignment creation, submission, and grading process for educational institutions. It offers secure and user-friendly interfaces for administrators, teachers, and students.


Robust Authentication (Supabase Auth)

  • Secure logins with passwords and email checkups.
  • Two-factor authentication using magic link for enhanced security.
  • Access control based on user roles (admins, teachers, students).

Comprehensive Administrator Dashboard

  • Manage user accounts (add, delete, edit) for teachers and students.
  • Grant or revoke admin privileges for other users.
  • View and manage all user details (teachers, students) with filtering options (department, semester).

Teacher Dashboard

  • Create and manage assignments for specific courses/subjects.
  • View assigned students based on department and semester.
  • Track submission status (submitted/not submitted) for each assignment.
  • Grade submitted assignments and provide feedback to students (real-time).

Student Dashboard

  • View assigned tasks based on their enrolled courses/departments and semesters.
  • Submit assignments by uploading response files.
  • View assignment grading status and feedback provided by teachers (real-time).

Real-time Updates

  • All data updates (assignments, submissions, grades) are reflected instantaneously across all dashboards, ensuring everyone has the latest information.

Persistent Assignment Storage (Supabase Storage with AWS S3 Bucket)

  • Supabase Storage provides a user-friendly interface for teachers and students to upload and manage assignment files.
  • Leveraging AWS S3 for efficient and scalable file storage.

Technologies Used


  • React JS (main library)
  • NextUI (component library)
  • Redux Toolkit (state management)
  • Axios (HTTP client)
  • dayjs (date/time manipulation)
  • FilePond (file upload library)
  • Framer Motion (animation library)


  • Tailwind CSS (utility-first framework)
  • PostCSS (CSS preprocessor)
  • Autoprefixer (adds vendor prefixes)

Dev Tools & Testing

  • Vite (build tool)
  • ESLint (linting)
  • Vitest (testing)


  • Supabase (Backend-as-a-Service)


  • Vercel (deployment platform)

Additional Notes

Getting Started


Ensure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js (v14 or higher)
  • npm or yarn


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd Assignment-Management-System
  3. Install the dependencies: Choose one of the following commands:

    npm install


    yarn install

Setup Environment Variables

Create a file named .env in the root of the project directory. This file will store your Supabase environment variables. You can find instructions on obtaining these values in the Supabase documentation.

Add the following lines to your .env file, replacing the placeholders with your actual values: VITE_SUPABASE_URL=your_supabase_url



Run the Development Server

Start the development server using: npm run dev or yarn start

Open the Application

Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the application.