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Brushing up the basics, going through some python libraries.


1. Importing the necessary libraries :

  • Pandas, Numpy and Scikit-Learn

2. Reading the dataset :

  • There are 31527 samples in the dataset.
  • All the Columns have a few NaN values.
  • Wind Direction is a categorical data with 16 categories representing various directions.

3. Cleaning and Processing the Dataset :

  • Convert all the numeric data from object data-type to float/int data-type.
  • Filled all the NaN values cells with suitable values.
  • Converted the given datetime data to Standard format.
  • Exported the cleaned data as Clean_Data.csv.

DAY-3 and DAY-4

  • Visualization of features using various graphs using matplotlib and seaborn.
  • Explained the observations from the graphs briefly.
  • Plotted the co-relation using heatmap.

DAY-5 and DAY-6

  • Prediction of PM2.5 using various models.
  • Tried ARIMA and VAR models, but both models failed to give satisfactory results.
  • So, atlast we had to use Random Forest Regressor.

DAY-7, DAY-8 and DAY-9

  • Successfully deployed our model.

You can access our model using this link -
