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Installation of the WebPanel

Nathan Davies-Lee edited this page Jul 5, 2015 · 12 revisions


  • The Store Plugin by alongubkin
  • A Apache WebServer (nginx is not supported; use it at your own risk)
  • PHP >= 5.3 < 5.6 (tested on 5.3 and 5.4; 5.4 is prefered; 5.5 should work; 5.6 requires a change in the CI Core files)
  • php bcmath
  • Access to the Store Database from the Webspace (webpanel db = store db)
  • A working mysql database driver

Important information about the tutorial

  • Read the complete tutorial or your wont get a nice answer
  • You need to have experience with Webservers (or Webhosting) - I wont explain everything in that tutorial
  • I will add pictures as soon as possible


Download a copy of the Webpanel from Github

Extract the zip-file to a directory on your PC

Go to the application/config folder

Rename the database.sample.php to database.php

Open the database.php with your preferred editor (I am using notepad++)

Replace the configuration with your own configuration

Remove the [] inside the "" (You will know what this means when you see it)

Rename the config.sample.php to config.php

Open the config.php

Replace the encryption key with your custom encryption key (just hit something random at your keyboard)

Upload all the files to your Webspace

Import the application/sql/ion_auth.sql with phpmyadmin into the store database (there are a lot of tutorials on the web)

Open the link to your Webpanel in your browser (usually this is http://LINK-TO-YOUR-WEBSPACE/UPLOAD-DIR)

Login with the default login details

Change the password, or everyone who knows the url to the webpanel is able to log in