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Cluster Stacks Demo

Repository for demonstrating the capabilities and functionalities of Cluster Stacks using the cluster-stack-operator, Cluster API and the cluster-api-provider-docker.

Cluster Stacks


The Cluster Stacks Demo project aims to highlight the usage and benefits of Cluster Stacks, helping users to leverage the Cluster API for simplified Kubernetes cluster management.

Getting Started


We expect you to run a Linux operating system. You also need to install docker and golang.


Bootstrap a cluster using kind (Kubernetes in Docker):

❯ make create-bootstrap-cluster

This will install all necessary operators into the cluster and will apply the clusterstack Custom Resource

Create a workload cluster:

❯ make create-workload-cluster

This will apply the cluster Custom Resource and will wait until the cluster is available and will install the cni.

Known issues

btrfs: Error response from daemon: Duplicate mount point: /dev/mapper

If using btrfs, you might encounter a Duplicate mount point: /dev/mapper error when starting cluster-api-provider-docker. This is a known issue, and you can track its progress and find potential solutions here: kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api#8317


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