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Lorenzo edited this page Oct 16, 2015 · 4 revisions


to serve partial graphs from the triple store in JSON-LD format.

Operations Required:

A. query a node: web resource, keyword, entity using the SPARQL endpoint (/sparql?query=)

B. return the node object and its neighbouring nodes in JSON-LD


  • endpoint/list: a list of starting nodes
  • endpoint/<id>: perform A and B

Example of partial graph:

/* Example of JSON representing the graph:
Three nodes:
A. Article
B. keyword
C. semantic entity.
Two edges:
A -> B
C -> B

    "nodes": [
          "@id": "/data/webresource/ahJkZXZ-Y2hyb25vc3RyaXBsZXNyGAsSC1dlYlJlc291cmNlGICAgICAxLkKDA", 
          "schema:url": {
            "@type": "schema:URL", 
            "@value": ""
          "@type": "schema:Article", 
          "schema:headline": {
            "@type": "", 
            "@value": "Solar Eclipse - March 20th 2015"
          "uuid": 5882524647555072, 
          "schema:author": {
            "@type": "schema:Text", 
            "@value": ""
          "schema:datePublished": {
            "@type": "schema:DateTime", 
            "@value": "2015-03-09T10:33:06"
          "schema:about": {
            "@type": "schema:Text", 
            "@value": "We have a total solar eclipse coming up on March 20th which tracks across the North Atlantic and eventually covers a lot of the Arctic. It would seem that this will affect most spacecraft that are in a polar orbit to some extent as, at that sort of time, they would expect to be in sunlight [...]"
          "@id": "lunar+eclipses",
          "@type": "chronos:keyword",
          "chronos:index": "lunar eclipses",
          "@id": "solarsystem:Moon",
          "uuid": 0000000000000002,
          "@type": [
          "astronomy:orbitsPlanet": {
            "@id": "solarsystem:Earth"
          "owl:sameAs": [
              "@id": ""
              "@id": ""
              "@id": ""
          "rdf:label": "Moon"

    "edges": [
            "source": 5882524647555072,
            "destination": "lunar+eclipses",
            "type": "chronos:relConcept"
            "source": 0000000000000002,
            "destination": "lunar+eclipses",
            "type": "chronos:relConcept"

