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Releases: SpaceGroupUCL/qgisSpaceSyntaxToolkit

v0.3.10: Several bug fixes to v0.3.9

03 Aug 22:56
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Introduces several bug fixes to v0.3.9
* fixes issues #194, #199, #203, #188, #164 and #189
* fixes issues #205 and #206

v0.3.9: Merge pull request #186 from pklampros/v3_conversion

14 Apr 14:21
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Conversion of the plugin from QGIS 2 to QGIS 3.10

Minor bug fixes to version 0.2

29 Aug 22:40
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* fixes bug with monochrome styles in explorer
* fixes issues #162, #168

First expanded release

29 Jun 13:50
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This is the first release incorporating modules contributed by other members of the space syntax community.
It includes four new modules:
• Road centre line cleaner
• Catchment analyser
• Urban data input
• Gate transformer

The new modules have been developed by Space Syntax Limited's Ioanna Kovolou, Abhimanyu Acharya, Stephen Law and Laurens Versluis.

The new version will be demonstrated and used in a workshop at the 11th Space Syntax Symposium, 3rd of July 2017, in Lisbon.

Patch for release 0.1.7

19 Jun 12:05
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Fixes issues #155 and #156 introduced in release 1.0.7
Updates the selections in the advanced graph analysis dialog, depending on the selected analysis type.
Other minor fixes.

Fixes to analysis of segment and road centre line maps

14 Jun 10:35
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Several fixes related to the new analysis of segment and road centre line maps.
General testing for clearing older issues.
Addressed issues: #145 #151 #152 #154 #146 #148 #147 #149

Analysis without segmentation

06 Mar 20:18
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  • angular segment analysis of maps without segmentation of the input. The user needs to indicate that the map is a segment map or a road centre line to skip that step.
    It requires the download and running of the latest depthmapXnet 0.35, available here:

  • fix #143 duplicate id column names would caused one to be dropped

Large integers fix

27 Oct 12:28
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This release includes the following fixes:

  • fix #141 support large numbers in shape files by using double instead of int
  • fix #140 datastore dialog works when no Postgis connection is present

Character encoding fix

23 Aug 10:54
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  • fix #130 to deal with folders and files in different encodings
  • updated packaged networkx to 1.11

NAIN fix

20 Oct 20:29
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fix issue #128 to calculate NAIN according to depthmapX recommendation