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1. The inspiration

Walter Philips edited this page Mar 28, 2024 · 5 revisions

In the beginning

When Erik Wernquist’s “Wanderers” video surfaced for the first time more than 8 years ago it was both mesmerizing and kinda frustrating to watch. Because only by using the director’s imagination and skills one could travel through the vastness of our solar system and visit places which were otherwise out of reach. But the time passed and some new technologies started to emerge: from the Satoshi Nakamoto’s Bitcoin blockchain which was already there, making some waves in the IT space, through the big boom afterwards with all the cryptocurrencies, adopting different approaches like Namecoin and Huntercoin and last year’s NFT metaverse craze, to all the open source projects like Martin Schweiger’s magnificent piece of simulation software, known and unknown contributors to similar projects and 2022’s “jewel in the crown”, previously unthinkable Unreal Engine 5.1 which was not only beyond everything one could imagine but open source too. And all of these projects just made what was unreachable several years ago, reachable now, in everyone’s grasp. Or reachable soon if we have to be more correct.

So for us, being such a science and gaming nerds as we are, it was inevitable in the last few years to start to connect the dots and slowly draw a blueprint of something that we now call “the metaverse of the future”.

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