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highcharts removed
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fabrizyo committed Nov 3, 2015
1 parent acff3d3 commit 680c975
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Showing 71 changed files with 258 additions and 59,520 deletions.
246 changes: 33 additions & 213 deletions SpagoBIProject/web-content/WEB-INF/jsp/engines/chart/highchart.jsp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,221 +4,41 @@ Copyright (C) 2012 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. - SpagoBI Competenc
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0, without the "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" notice.
If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at --%>

<%@ include file="/WEB-INF/jsp/commons/portlet_base311.jsp"%>

<%@page import="it.eng.spagobi.profiling.bean.SbiAttribute"%>
<%@page import=""%>
<%@page import=",*,
org.json.JSONArray" %>
<%@page import="org.json.JSONObject"%>
<%@page import=""%>
<%@page import="it.eng.spagobi.commons.dao.DAOFactory"%>
<%@page import=""%>
<%@page import=""%>

<%-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --%>
<%-- JAVA CODE --%>
<%-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --%>
String executionId = request.getParameter("SBI_EXECUTION_ID");
if(executionId != null) {
executionId = "'" + request.getParameter("SBI_EXECUTION_ID") + "'";
} else {
executionId = "null";
SourceBean sbModuleResponse = (SourceBean) aServiceResponse.getAttribute("ExecuteBIObjectModule");
//gets the metadata of dataset
String dsId = String.valueOf(sbModuleResponse.getAttribute(DataSetConstants.ID));
String dsLabel = String.valueOf(sbModuleResponse.getAttribute(DataSetConstants.LABEL));
String dsTypeCd = (String) sbModuleResponse.getAttribute(DataSetConstants.DS_TYPE_CD);
JSONArray dsPars = (JSONArray) sbModuleResponse.getAttribute(DataSetConstants.PARS);
String dsTransformerType = (String) sbModuleResponse.getAttribute(DataSetConstants.TRASFORMER_TYPE_CD);
String divId = (executionId != null)?executionId:"highchartDiv";
String divWidth = (String) sbModuleResponse.getAttribute("divWidth");
String divHeight = (String) sbModuleResponse.getAttribute("divHeight");
String theme = (String) sbModuleResponse.getAttribute("themeHighchart");
Integer numCharts = (Integer) sbModuleResponse.getAttribute("numCharts");
String subType = (String) sbModuleResponse.getAttribute("subType");
String divHeightDetail = divHeight;
String divHeightMaster = divHeightDetail;
//only for master/detail chart sets the height of the master chart as 1/3 of the detail height
if (subType != null && subType.equalsIgnoreCase("MasterDetail")) {
Integer tmpDetailHeight = 0;
String postFix = "";
if (divHeightDetail.indexOf("%")>=0){
postFix = "%";
tmpDetailHeight =Integer.valueOf(divHeightDetail.substring(0,divHeightDetail.indexOf("%")));
}else if (divHeightMaster.indexOf("px")>=0){
postFix = "px";
tmpDetailHeight =Integer.valueOf(divHeightDetail.substring(0,divHeightDetail.indexOf("px")));
divHeightMaster = String.valueOf(Math.round(tmpDetailHeight/3)) + postFix;
//gets the json template
JSONObject template = (JSONObject)sbModuleResponse.getAttribute("template");
String docLabel = (String)sbModuleResponse.getAttribute("documentLabel");
String templateString = null;
String s = template.toString();
templateString = s;
} catch (Exception e){
<%@ page language="java"
contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"

<%-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --%>
<%-- HTML CODE --%>
<%-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --%>

<script type="text/javascript" src='<%=urlBuilder.getResourceLink(request, "/js/src/ext/sbi/service/ServiceRegistry.js")%>'></script>
<% if (theme != null && !theme.equals("") ) { %>
<script type="text/javascript" src='<%=urlBuilder.getResourceLink(request, "/js/src/ext/sbi/engines/chart/themes/"+theme+".js")%>'></script>
<% }%>
<!-- defines the export method only for the highcharts docs -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var chartPanel = {};
var template = <%= templateString%>;
Sbi.config = {};

var url = {
host: '<%= request.getServerName()%>'
, port: '<%= request.getServerPort()%>'
, contextPath: '<%= request.getContextPath().startsWith("/")||request.getContextPath().startsWith("\\")?

var params = {
SBI_EXECUTION_ID: <%= executionId %>
Sbi.config.serviceRegistry = new Sbi.service.ServiceRegistry({
baseUrl: url
, baseParams: params
function exportChart(exportType) {
var svgArr = [],
top = 0,
width = 0,
svg = '';
//in case of multiple charts (ie. the master-detail type) redefines the svg object as a global (transforms each single svg in a group tag <g>)
for (var c=0; c < chartPanel.chartsArr.length; c++){
var singleChart = chartPanel.chartsArr[c];
if (singleChart !== undefined && singleChart !== null){
var singleSvg = singleChart.getSVG();
singleSvg = singleSvg.replace('<svg', '<g transform="translate(0,' + top + ')" ');
singleSvg = singleSvg.replace('</svg>', '</g>');
top += singleChart.chartHeight;
width = Math.max(width, singleChart.chartWidth);
//defines the global svg
svg = '<svg height="'+ top +'" width="' + width + '" version="1.1" xmlns="">';
for (var s=0; s < svgArr.length; s++){
svg += svgArr[s];
svg += '</svg>';
//var svg = chartPanel.chart.getSVG();
params.type = exportType;
urlExporter = Sbi.config.serviceRegistry.getServiceUrl({serviceName: 'EXPORT_HIGHCHART_ACTION'
, baseParams:params
Ext.DomHelper.useDom = true; // need to use dom because otherwise an html string is composed as a string concatenation,
// but, if a value contains a " character, then the html produced is not correct!!!
// See source of DomHelper.append and DomHelper.overwrite methods
// Must use DomHelper.append method, since DomHelper.overwrite use HTML fragments in any case.
var dh = Ext.DomHelper;
var form = document.getElementById('export-chart-form');
if (form === undefined || form === null) {
var form = dh.append(Ext.getBody(), { // creating the hidden form
id: 'export-chart-form'
, tag: 'form'
, method: 'post'
, cls: 'export-form'
dh.append(form, { // creating the hidden input in form
tag: 'input'
, type: 'hidden'
, name: 'svg'
, value: '' // do not put value now since DomHelper.overwrite does not work properly!!
// putting the chart data into hidden input
//form.elements[0].value = Ext.encode(svg);
form.elements[0].value = svg;
form.action = urlExporter; = '_blank'; // result into a new browser tab
Ext.onReady(function() {
var config = <%=templateString%>;
config.dsId = <%=dsId%>;
config.dsLabel = "<%=dsLabel%>";
config.dsTypeCd = "<%=dsTypeCd%>";
config.dsPars = <%=dsPars%>;
config.dsTransformerType = "<%=dsTransformerType%>";
config.divId = "<%=divId%>";
config.docLabel ="<%=docLabel%>";
config.theme = "<%=theme%>";
config.numCharts = <%=numCharts%>;
if (config.chart && config.chart.subType && config.chart.subType === 'MasterDetail') {
chartPanel = new Sbi.engines.chart.MasterDetailChartPanel({'chartConfig':config});
chartPanel = new Sbi.engines.chart.HighchartsPanel({'chartConfig':config});
var viewport = new Ext.Viewport({
layout: 'border'
, items: [
region: 'center',
layout: 'fit',
items: [chartPanel]

<%if (subType != null && subType.equalsIgnoreCase("MasterDetail")) {%>
<div id="<%=divId%>__detail" style="height:<%=divHeightDetail%>; width:<%=divWidth%>; float:left;"></div>
<div id="<%=divId%>__master" style="height:<%=divHeightMaster%>; width:<%=divWidth%>; float:left;"></div>
<% }else{
for (int i=0; i<numCharts; i++ ) { %>
<div id="<%=divId%>__<%=i%>" style="height:<%=divHeight%>; width:<%=divWidth%>; float:left;"></div>
<% }
} %>

<%@ include file="/WEB-INF/jsp/commons/footer.jsp"%>
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<TITLE>Service Error</TITLE>

<table cellspacing="20px">

<td width="80%" valign="top">

<H2>Error Highcharts Engine not available</H2>
<b>Description:</b> Highcharts Engine not contained in this distribution. If you want to use Highcharts in this distribution please contact <a href="" target="_blank">SpagoBI Labs</a>




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