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Robin CHARPENTIER edited this page Jul 7, 2021 · 2 revisions

Qualifiers spreadsheet

You will first need to setup a qualifiers spreadsheet similar to the schedules spreadsheet.

Command: ;set_qualifiers_spreadsheet <spreadsheet_id> [<sheet_name>], where <spreadsheet_id> is the url or the id of the spreadsheet and <sheet_name> is the name of the sheet (tab) containing the schedules. If no <sheet_name> is given as parameter, it will use the first sheet (tab) present in the spreadsheet.

Below are the range settings, every range is mandatory.

Sheet (tab) name

You can also change the sheet used.

Command: ;set_qualifiers_spreadsheet_sheet_name <sheet_name>

Example: ;set_qualifiers_spreadsheet_sheet_name Tier 2

Range lobby id

It will be used by players to register to a lobby and by referees to take/drop matches. Even if there are different brackets, every lobby id must be unique.

Command: ;set_qualifiers_spreadsheet_range_lobby_id <range>, where is a google spreadsheet range. For more info, please check here.

Example: ;set_qualifiers_spreadsheet_range_lobby_id A2:A

Range teams

It should be a range containing the all team/player.

Command: ;set_qualifiers_spreadsheet_range_teams <range>

Range referee

It will be used to take/drop matches and be notified by alerts.

Command: ;set_qualifiers_spreadsheet_range_referee <range>

Range date

It will be used to get/change the match date.

Command: ;set_qualifiers_spreadsheet_range_date <range>

Range time

It will be used to get/change the match time.

Command: ;set_qualifiers_spreadsheet_range_time <range>

Max number of teams in a row

You need to set this value to know how many teams can be present in one row. For example, if your qualifier lobby is on 2 rows in the spreadsheet, and there can be 8 teams total in a lobby, you should set this setting to 4. By default, it is set to 8.

Command: ;set_qualifiers_spreadsheet_max_teams_in_row <max_teams_in_row>

Example: ;set_qualifiers_spreadsheet_max_teams_in_row 4

Player command

The command for players to register to a lobby is ;register_to_lobby <lobby_id>. It will automatically remove the team from any other lobby if the team was in another one already.