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BZX Wallet Installation Guide

ediarcon edited this page Feb 21, 2022 · 2 revisions


Click on the wallet download link. Here

We download the file that corresponds to the operating system of our computer and unzip it. We open the folder that we have unzipped and execute by double clicking on the logo file.

Choose the option you prefer, 12 or 24 words. 24 is recommended for greater security. Click Ok.

Write in the order that they appear, the recovery phrase and keep it in a safe place, Offline. If you lose this recovery phrase, you will not be able to access your funds. Once the phrase is copied, click next.

Write the recovery phrase in the same order that it was given to you. Click finish. The wallet will install and open automatically, now just wait for it to sync.

Be patient this may take a while.


Now it is important to encrypt our wallet, we are going to put our password. At the top left of the settings, we click on encrypt wallet.

We put our password and click ok. Ready.

Important: if you forget your password you will not be able to access your funds.


Now the last step, but the most important. We are going to make our backup copy, this will allow us to recover our wallet whenever necessary. In the upper left part, file, wallet backup, we put the name we want and choose the destination of the file.

Save this file offline, you can use a pendrive or external hard drive. It is recommended to backup regularly and whenever you update to a new version. We are done, we can now use our wallet safely.

The Bitcoin Zero Team

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