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Sennheiser SIMPL+ Modules and Simpl Sharp Pro libraries

Developed by Niklas Olsson - JaDeVa AB

How to download the SIMPL+ modules and SIMPL Demo program

  1. Press the green Clone or download button in the top right, and select Download ZIP
  2. Open up the file and open the SIMPL directory.
  3. Use the


This repository contains

  • SIMPL+ modules
    • Sennheiser_CHG4N_x.x.x_SE - Module to control CHG 4N
    • Sennheiser_SLDW_x.x.x_SE - Module to control SL Rack Receiver DW
    • Sennheiser_TCC2_x.x.x_SE - Module to control TeamConnect Ceiling 2
  • SimplSharp (C#) solution containing projects for both SIMPL+ modules and Simpl Sharp Pro
    • Specialelektronik.Products.Sennheiser.Devices
    • Specialelektronik.Products.Sennheiser.SscLib
      • This project contains the base library for all Sennheiser modules. This is a good starting point to make a driver for future products that utilizes the Sennheiser SSC protocol. It handles the connections and provides some initial parsing.
    • Specialelektronik.Products.Sennheiser.Test
      • This is a S#Pro Demo program. Load this program to your processor and use the Xpanel Sennheiser_Xpanel.vtp to test the libraries.
    • Sennheiser_Modules_CSharp
      • This project contains wrapper classes that is used for the SIMPL+ modules.
  • SIMPL Windows Demo program
  • VTPro-E project to be used with both Simpl Sharp Pro and SIMPL Windows demo programs.
  • Documentation for all SIMPL+ modules, as well as this README as a PDF

This readme is mainly focused on information on how to use the classes in Specialelektronik.Products.Sennheiser.Devices.


You need to add the following reference to you project


Important notes and Known issues

  • The SL Multi-Channel Receiver DW will stop accepting new subscriptions after some reconnects from the module/library. The only way to fix this is to reboot the receiver. This will cause the module/library to not be able to receive any feedback. This is a firmware bug in the receiver that is now confirmed with Sennheiser and will be fixed in an upcoming firmware release.

  • When Sennheiser sends error messages, they sometimes have malformed JSON, so they can't be parsed as JSON. Because of that all errors from the devices are return to you as a string with the JSON in it. If you want to act based on an error you have to subscribe to the Errors event of the device and parse the data yourself. Sennheiser has confirmed the issue and will fix this in an upcoming firmware release.

Getting started

  • Clone the repository.
  • Open the solution in the SIMPL SHARP directory.
  • Build the solution.

Start up your S#Pro project and do the following:

  • Add references to the dependencies shown in the Dependencies section of this readme.
  • Add a reference to Specialelektronik.Products.Sennheiser.Devices.dll that you built in the steps above.
  • The namespace for the library is Specialelektronik.Products.Sennheiser.


Class name: Chg4N

This class integrates with Sennheiser CHG-4N, a battery charger for Sennheiser Handmics and Bodypacks.


// Instantiate the device
var device = new Chg4N();

// Subscribe to events
device.BaysHandler.Events += new EventHandler<Chg4NBaysEventArgs>(BaysHandler_Events);
device.DeviceHandler.Events += new EventHandler<Chg4NDeviceEventArgs>(DeviceHandler_Events);

// Connect to the device

// DeviceHandler event handler
void DeviceHandler_Events(object sender, Chg4NDeviceEventArgs e)
    switch (e.EventType)
        case Chg4NDeviceEventArgs.eChg4NDeviceEventType.Name:
            string name = e.StringValue;
        case Chg4NDeviceEventArgs.eChg4NDeviceEventType.Group:
            string group = e.StringValue;
        case Chg4NDeviceEventArgs.eChg4NDeviceEventType.Version:
            string version = e.StringValue;
        case Chg4NDeviceEventArgs.eChg4NDeviceEventType.Serial:
            string serial = e.StringValue;
        case Chg4NDeviceEventArgs.eChg4NDeviceEventType.Product:
            string product = e.StringValue;
        case Chg4NDeviceEventArgs.eChg4NDeviceEventType.MacAddresses:
            string macAddresses = e.StringValue;

// BaysHandler event handler
void BaysHandler_Events(object sender, Chg4NBaysEventArgs e)
    //First bay is index 0, second is 1 etc.
    switch (e.EventType)
        case Chg4NBaysEventArgs.eChg4NBayEventType.Active:
            bool active = e.Bays[0].Active; 
        case Chg4NBaysEventArgs.eChg4NBayEventType.Charging:
            bool charging = e.Bays[0].Charging; 
        case Chg4NBaysEventArgs.eChg4NBayEventType.Serial:
            string serial = e.Bays[0].Serial; 
        case Chg4NBaysEventArgs.eChg4NBayEventType.BatteryGauge:
            double gauge = e.Bays[0].BatteryGauge; // A value between 0.0 and 1.0
        case Chg4NBaysEventArgs.eChg4NBayEventType.BatteryHealth:
            double health = e.Bays[0].BatteryHealth; // A value between 0.0 and 1.0
        case Chg4NBaysEventArgs.eChg4NBayEventType.MinutesToFull:
            int minutes = e.Bays[0].MinutesToFull; 
        case Chg4NBaysEventArgs.eChg4NBayEventType.DeviceType:
            Chg4NBay.eBayDeviceType type = e.Bays[0].DeviceType;
        case Chg4NBaysEventArgs.eChg4NBayEventType.Ipei:
            string ipei = e.Bays[0].Ipei;
        case Chg4NBaysEventArgs.eChg4NBayEventType.LastPairedRfpi:
            string rfpi = e.Bays[0].LastPairedRfpi;


The device's properties, methods and events are located in a few different locations. This is completely based on how Sennheiser has decided to do in their protocol. On the root class Chg4N you will find some (see below) but you also the following handlers where you will find more.

  • DeviceHandler - Contains things regarding the device. This is found in Chg4N.DeviceHandler.
  • BaysHandler - Contains things regarding the charging bays and the devices inserted into the bays. This is found in Chg4N.BaysHandler.


  • Connect(string ip) - Opens up the connection to the device. Uses default port 45.
  • Connect(string ip, int port) - Opens up the connection to the device.
  • Disconnect - Stops the connection to the device.
  • Send(string data) - Used as a way to send your own commands. Refer to the Sennheiser Sound Control Protocol (SSC). Example command: {"device":{"reset":true}}.
  • Send(object value, params string[] path) - Used as a way to send your own commands. An example would be Send("name", "device", "location").
  • Dispose() - Used to clean up timers and connections. This must be called when your program stops.

DeviceHandler methods

Located in Chg4N.DeviceHandler.

  • PollInfo() - Asks the device about Version, Serial, Product and MacAddresses. This is automatically done on connection, so your should not need to do this manually.


  • IsResponding - Returns true as long as the device is responding. As the protocol uses UDP there is no connection state, so it might take up to a minute before responding goes low after the device has stopped responding. Listen to the Responding event to know when this changes.
  • Debug - Enables debug messages to be printed to the text console while set to true. Make sure this is not left on when not used.
  • DeviceHandler - Returns the device handler, where you have features, properties and events regarding the device.
  • BaysHandler - Returns the bays handler, where you have features, properties and events regarding the charging bays and the devices inserted into the bays.

DeviceHandler properties

Located in Chg4N.DeviceHandler.

  • Name - Sets or gets the name of the device. Max 8 chars.
  • Version - The firmware version of the device. Example: 1.1.0.
  • Serial - The serial number of the device. Example: 1234567890.
  • Product - The product name of the device. Example: CHG4N.
  • MacAddresses - The mac adresses of the device. Example: 00:1B:66:11:22:33.
  • Group - Sets or gets the group (location) of the device.

BayHandler properties

Located in Chg4N.BaysHandler.

  • Bays - An array of the available charging bays. Each bay has a set of properties.
    • Active - Returns true if there is a device inserted into the bay.
    • Charging - Returns true if the inserted device is charging.
    • Serial - Serial number of the inserted device.
    • BatteryGauge - This is the level of power in the battery. 1.0 = Full. 0.0 = Empty.
    • BatteryHealth - This is the health of the in the battery. 1.0 = Perfect condition. 0.0 = Very bad, or no device inserted.
    • MinutesToFull - Returns the number of minutes left until device is fully charged.
    • DeviceType - Returns the device type. Possible types are Handheld or Bodypack.
    • Ipei - The IPEI number of the inserted device.
    • LastPairedRfpi - The last paired RFPI number of the inserted device. This can be used to identify which receiver the inserted device is paired with.


  • Errors - Will trig when there are error messages from the device. The event args contains:
  • Responding - Will trig when the device starts or stops respoding. The event args contains:
    • Responding - Is true if the device is responding.
  • IncomingCommand - This will trig whenever there is incoming data from the device. The use case for this would be to extend the functionality of the library. The event args contains:
    • Command - The JSON data that was received.
    • Handled - If you set this to true then this command will not be handled by the library.

DeviceHandler events

Located in Chg4N.DeviceHandler.

  • Events - This will trig when any of the DeviceHandler properties change. The event args contains:
    • EventType - An enum telling you which property changed.
    • StringValue - The new value of the changed property.

BaysHandler events

Located in Chg4N.BaysHandler.

  • Events - This will trig when any of the BaysHandler bays properties change. The event args contains:
    • EventType - An enum telling you which property changed.
    • Bays - An array with the available charging bays. The changed property might have changed on any or all of the bays.

SL Rack Receiver DW

Class name: Sldw

This class integrates with Sennheiser SpeechLine Digital Wireless (SLDW), a wireless microphone system.


// Instantiate the device
var device = new Sldw();

// Subscribe to events
device.Errors += new EventHandler<SscErrorEventArgs>(Errors);
device.DeviceHandler.Events += new EventHandler<SldwDeviceEventArgs>(DeviceHandler_Events);
device.RxHandler.Events += new EventHandler<SldwRxEventArgs>(RxHandler_Events);
device.TxHandler.Events += new EventHandler<SldwTxEventArgs>(TxHandler_Events);
device.AudioHandler.Events += new EventHandler<SldwAudioEventArgs>(AudioHandler_Events);

// Enable RfQuality feedback reporting

// Connect to the device

// DeviceHandler event handler
void DeviceHandler_Events(object sender, SldwDeviceEventArgs e)
    switch (e.EventType)
        case SldwDeviceEventArgs.eSldwDeviceEventType.Name:
            string name = e.StringValue;
        case SldwDeviceEventArgs.eSldwDeviceEventType.Group:
            string group = e.StringValue;
        case SldwDeviceEventArgs.eSldwDeviceEventType.Version:
            string version = e.StringValue;
        case SldwDeviceEventArgs.eSldwDeviceEventType.Serial:
            string serial = e.StringValue;
        case SldwDeviceEventArgs.eSldwDeviceEventType.Product:
            string product = e.StringValue;
        case SldwDeviceEventArgs.eSldwDeviceEventType.MacAddresses:
            string macAddresses = e.StringValue;
        case SldwDeviceEventArgs.eSldwDeviceEventType.Brightness:
            double brightness = e.Brightness;

// RxHandler event handler
void RxHandler_Events(object sender, SldwRxEventArgs e)
    switch (e.EventType)
        case SldwRxEventArgs.eSldwRxEventType.Identify:
            bool identifying = e.BoolValue;
        case SldwRxEventArgs.eSldwRxEventType.RfQuality:
            double rfQuality = e.DoubleValue; // A value between 0.0 and 1.0
        case SldwRxEventArgs.eSldwRxEventType.MuteSwitchActive:
            bool muteSwitchActive = e.BoolValue;
        case SldwRxEventArgs.eSldwRxEventType.Warnings:
            string warning = e.StringValue;
        case SldwRxEventArgs.eSldwRxEventType.Rfpi:
            string rfpi = e.StringValue;
        case SldwRxEventArgs.eSldwRxEventType.LastPairedIpei:
            string iepi = e.StringValue;

void TxHandler_Events(object sender, SldwTxEventArgs e)
    switch (e.EventType)
        case SldwTxEventArgs.eSldwTxEventType.Active:
            var active = e.BoolValue;
        case SldwTxEventArgs.eSldwTxEventType.DeviceType:
            SldwTxHandler.eSldwTxDeviceType deviceType = e.DeviceType;
        case SldwTxEventArgs.eSldwTxEventType.BatteryType:
            SldwTxHandler.eSldwTxBatteryType batteryType = e.BatteryType;
        case SldwTxEventArgs.eSldwTxEventType.Charging:
            bool charging = e.BoolValue;
        case SldwTxEventArgs.eSldwTxEventType.BatteryGauge:
            double batteryGauge = e.DoubleValue; // A value between 0.0 and 1.0
        case SldwTxEventArgs.eSldwTxEventType.BatteryHealth:
            double batteryHealth = e.DoubleValue; // A value between 0.0 and 1.0
        case SldwTxEventArgs.eSldwTxEventType.BatteryLifetime:
            double batteryLifetimeInMinutes = e.DoubleValue;
        case SldwTxEventArgs.eSldwTxEventType.Warnings:
            string warning = e.StringValue;

void AudioHandler_Events(object sender, SldwAudioEventArgs e)
    switch (e.EventType)
        case SldwAudioEventArgs.eSldwAudioEventType.OutputGain:
            SldwAudioHandler.eSldwAudioOutputGain outputGain = e.OutputGain;
        case SldwAudioEventArgs.eSldwAudioEventType.Eq:
            SldwAudioHandler.eSldwAudioEq eq = e.Eq;
        case SldwAudioEventArgs.eSldwAudioEventType.LowCut:
            bool lowCut = e.LowCut;


The device's properties, methods and events are located in a few different locations. This is completely based on how Sennheiser has decided to do in their protocol. On the root class Sldw you will find some (see below) but you also the following handlers where you will find more.

  • DeviceHandler - Contains things regarding the device. This is found in Sldw.DeviceHandler.
  • RxHandler - Contains things regarding the receiving end, such as RF quality. This is found in Sldw.RxHandler.
  • TxHandler - Contains things regarding the transmitting end (the microphone or bodypack), such as battery level. This is found in Sldw.TxHandler.
  • AudioHandler - Contains things regarding the receiving end, such as Output gain and EQ. This is found in Sldw.AudioHandler.


  • Connect(string ip) - Opens up the connection to the device. Uses default port 45.
  • Connect(string ip, int port) - Opens up the connection to the device.
  • Disconnect - Stops the connection to the device.
  • Send(string data) - Used as a way to send your own commands. Refer to the Sennheiser Sound Control Protocol (SSC). Example command: {"device":{"reset":true}}.
  • Send(object value, params string[] path) - Used as a way to send your own commands. An example would be Send("name", "device", "location").
  • Dispose() - Used to clean up timers and connections. This must be called when your program stops.

DeviceHandler methods

Located in Sldw.DeviceHandler.

  • PollInfo() - Asks the device about Version, Serial, Product and MacAddresses. This is automatically done on connection, so your should not need to do this manually.

RxHandler methods

Located in Sldw.RxHandler.

  • EnableRfQualityFeedback() - Enables subscription to RF quality feedback. When enabled the Sldw.RxHandler.RfQuality property will be continuosly updated. This will also cause the Sldw.RxHandler.Events event to trig whenever there's a change. The reason you have to manually enable this is because the device is quite ”chatty” so if you don't use this feature all that traffic is unneccesary.
  • DisableRfQualityFeedback() - Disables the RF quality feedback (see EnableRfQualityFeedback()).


  • IsResponding - Returns true as long as the device is responding. As the protocol uses UDP there is no connection state, so it might take up to a minute before responding goes low after the device has stopped responding. Listen to the Responding event to know when this changes.
  • Debug - Enables debug messages to be printed to the text console while set to true. Make sure this is not left on when not used.
  • DeviceHandler - Returns the device handler, where you have features, properties and events regarding the device.
  • RxHandler - Returns the RX handler, where you have features, properties and events regarding the receiving end, such as RF quality.
  • TxHandler - Returns the TX handler, where you have features, properties and events regarding the transmitting end (the microphone or bodypack), such as battery level.
  • AudioHandler - Returns the audio handler, where you have features, properties and events regarding the receiving end, such as Output gain and EQ.

DeviceHandler properties

Located in Sldw.DeviceHandler.

  • Name - Sets or gets the name of the device. Max 8 chars.
  • Version - The firmware version of the device. Example: 1.1.0.
  • Serial - The serial number of the device. Example: 1234567890.
  • Product - The product name of the device. Example: CHG4N.
  • MacAddresses - The mac adresses of the device. Example: 00:1B:66:11:22:33.
  • Group - Sets or gets the group (location) of the device.
  • Brightness - Sets or gets the brightness of the frontpanel. 1.0 = 100%. 0.0 = 0%

RxHandler properties

Located in Sldw.RxHandler.

  • Identify - Sets or gets if the identify feature of the device is enabled. It blinks a LED on the frontpanel when true.
  • MuteSwitchActive - Sets or gets if the possibility to use the mute button on the transmitting device (such as the handmic or bodypack) should be possible. If true, the mute button on the transmitting device will be functional.
  • RfQuality - If EnableRfQualityFeedback() has been called, this will contain the current RF connection quality with the transmitter. 1.0 = 100%. 0.0 = 0%
  • Warnings - The warning message shown on the frontpanel of the device. Example: "Bad Link".
  • Rfpi - The RFPI number of the device.
  • LastPairedIpei - The last paired IPEI number of the device. This can be used to identify which transmitter the device is paired with even when the transmitter is in the charger.

TxHandler properties

Located in Sldw.TxHandler.

  • Active - This is true when a transmitter (such as the handmic or bodypack) is turned on and connected to the device.
  • DeviceType - The currently connected transmitter type. Possible values are Handheld, Bodypack, Tablestand and Boundary.
  • BatteryType - The currently connected transmitters battery type. Possible values are Battery and Rechargable.
  • Charging - This is true when a transmitter is charging while it is on and connected. This will not work when charging a handmic or bodypack in the CHG-4N, as it will then disconnect from the device.
  • BatteryGauge - The currently connected transmitters battery level. 1.0 = Full. 0.0 = Empty.
  • BatteryHealth - The currently connected transmitters battery health level. 1.0 = Perfect condition. 0.0 = Very bad
  • BatteryLifetime - The currently connected transmitters battery lifetime in minutes. Lifetime means before you have to replace the rechargable battery with a new one, not until the current charge is depleted. This only works if you have a rechargable battery.
  • Warnings - The warning message shown on the frontpanel of the transmitter. Example: "Low Bat".

AudioHandler properties

Located in Sldw.AudioHandler.

  • OutputGain - Sets or gets the output gain as an enum. The values range from -24dB to 12dB in steps of 6dB.
  • Eq - Sets or gets the currently selected eq. Possible valus are Off, FemaleSpeech, MaleSpeech, Media and Custom.
  • LowCut - Sets or gets if the Low Cut equalizer feature is enabled. It removes the bass frequencies in the audio. Low cut is enabled if true.


  • Errors - Will trig when there are error messages from the device. The event args contains:
  • Responding - Will trig when the device starts or stops respoding. The event args contains:
    • Responding - Is true if the device is responding.
  • IncomingCommand - This will trig whenever there is incoming data from the device. The use case for this would be to extend the functionality of the library. The event args contains:
    • Command - The JSON data that was received.
    • Handled - If you set this to true then this command will not be handled by the library.

DeviceHandler events

Located in Sldw.DeviceHandler.

  • Events - This will trig when any of the DeviceHandler properties change. The event args contains:
    • EventType - An enum telling you which property changed.
    • StringValue - The new value of the changed property.
    • Brightness - The new value of brightness. 1.0 = 100%. 0.0 = 0%

RxHandler events

Located in Sldw.RxHandler.

  • Events - This will trig when any of the RxHandler properties change. The event args contains:
    • EventType - An enum telling you which property changed.
    • BoolValue - Contains the new value of the property for event types Identify and MuteSwitchActive.
    • DoubleValue - Contains the new value of the property for event type RfQuality.
    • StringValue - Contains the new value of the property for event type Warnings.

TxHandler events

Located in Sldw.TxHandler.

  • Events - This will trig when any of the TxHandler properties change. The event args contains:
    • EventType - An enum telling you which property changed.
    • BoolValue - Contains the new value of the property for event types Active and Charging.
    • DoubleValue - Contains the new value of the property for event types BatteryGauge, BatteryHealth and BatteryLifetime.
    • StringValue - Contains the new value of the property for event type Warnings.
    • DeviceType - Contains the new value of the property for event type DeviceType.
    • BatteryType - Contains the new value of the property for event type BatteryType.

AudioHandler events

Located in Sldw.AudioHandler.

  • Events - This will trig when any of the AudioHandler properties change. The event args contains:
    • EventType - An enum telling you which property changed.
    • LowCut - - Contains the new value of the property for event type LowCut.
    • OutputGain - - Contains the new value of the property for event type OutputGain.
    • Eq - - Contains the new value of the property for event type Eq.

TeamConnect Ceiling 2

Class name: Tcc2

This class integrates with Sennheiser TeamConnect Ceiling 2, a microphone mounted in the ceiling of the room.


// Instantiate te device
var device = new Tcc2();

// Subscribe to events
device.DeviceHandler.Events += new EventHandler<Tcc2DeviceEventArgs>(ChargerDeviceHandler_Events);
device.MeterHandler.Events += new EventHandler<Tcc2MeterEventArgs>(MeterHandler_Events);
device.AudioHandler.Events += new EventHandler<Tcc2AudioEventArgs>(AudioHandler_Events);

// Enable feedback reporting

// Connect to the device

// DeviceHandler event handler
void DeviceHandler_Events(object sender, Tcc2DeviceEventArgs e)
    switch (e.EventType)
        case Tcc2DeviceEventArgs.eTcc2DeviceEventType.Name:
            string name = e.StringValue;
        case Tcc2DeviceEventArgs.eTcc2DeviceEventType.Location:
            string group = e.StringValue;
        case Tcc2DeviceEventArgs.eTcc2DeviceEventType.Version:
            string version = e.StringValue;
        case Tcc2DeviceEventArgs.eTcc2DeviceEventType.Serial:
            string serial = e.StringValue;
        case Tcc2DeviceEventArgs.eTcc2DeviceEventType.Product:
            string product = e.StringValue;
        case Tcc2DeviceEventArgs.eTcc2DeviceEventType.MacAddresses:
            string macAddresses = e.StringValue;
        case Tcc2DeviceEventArgs.eTcc2DeviceEventType.Identify:
            bool identifying = e.BoolValue;
        case Tcc2DeviceEventArgs.eTcc2DeviceEventType.CustomLedColor:
            Tcc2DeviceHandler.eLedColor color = e.LedColor;
        case Tcc2DeviceEventArgs.eTcc2DeviceEventType.CustomLedActive:
            bool customLedActive = e.BoolValue;
        case Tcc2DeviceEventArgs.eTcc2DeviceEventType.MicMuteLedColor:
            Tcc2DeviceHandler.eLedColor color = e.LedColor;
        case Tcc2DeviceEventArgs.eTcc2DeviceEventType.MicOnLedColor:
            Tcc2DeviceHandler.eLedColor color = e.LedColor;
        case Tcc2DeviceEventArgs.eTcc2DeviceEventType.LedBrightness:
            int ledBrightness = e.IntValue; // A value between 0 and 5

// MeterHandler event handler
void MeterHandler_Events(object sender, Tcc2MeterEventArgs e)
    switch (e.EventType)
        case Tcc2MeterEventArgs.eTcc2MeterEventType.Elevation:
            var elevationDegrees = e.IntValue; // A value between 0 and 90
        case Tcc2MeterEventArgs.eTcc2MeterEventType.Azimuth:
            var azimuthDegrees = e.IntValue; // A value between 0 and 359
        case Tcc2MeterEventArgs.eTcc2MeterEventType.InputPeakLevel:
            var inputPeakLevelDb = e.IntValue; // A value between -90 and 0

// AudioHandler event handler
void AudioHandler_Events(object sender, Tcc2AudioEventArgs e)
    switch (e.EventType)
        case Tcc2AudioEventArgs.eTcc2AudioEventType.ExclusionZoneActive:
            bool exclusionZoneActive = e.BoolValue;
        case Tcc2AudioEventArgs.eTcc2AudioEventType.DanteMacAddresses:
            string danteMacAddresses = e.StringValue; // Two comma separated addresses
        case Tcc2AudioEventArgs.eTcc2AudioEventType.DanteIpAddresses:
            string danteIpAddresses = e.StringValue; // Two comma separated addresses
        case Tcc2AudioEventArgs.eTcc2AudioEventType.DanteOutputGain:
            int danteOutputGainDb = e.IntValue; // A value between 0 and 24
        case Tcc2AudioEventArgs.eTcc2AudioEventType.SpeakerDetectionThreshold:
            Tcc2AudioHandler.eSpeakerDetectionThreshold threshold = e.SpeakerDetectionThreshold;
        case Tcc2AudioEventArgs.eTcc2AudioEventType.Mute:
            bool muted = e.BoolValue;


The device's properties, methods and events are located in a few different locations. This is completely based on how Sennheiser has decided to do in their protocol. On the root class Tcc2 you will find some (see below) but you also the following handlers where you will find more.

  • DeviceHandler - Contains things regarding the device. This is found in Tcc2.DeviceHandler.
  • MeterHandler - Contains things regarding meters, such as azimuth, elevation and input peak level. This is found in Tcc2.MeterHandler.
  • AudioHandler - Contains things regarding the audio output, such as Dante Output gain and Mute. This is found in Tcc2.AudioHandler.


  • Connect(string ip) - Opens up the connection to the device. Uses default port 45.
  • Connect(string ip, int port) - Opens up the connection to the device.
  • Disconnect - Stops the connection to the device.
  • Send(string data) - Used as a way to send your own commands. Refer to the Sennheiser Sound Control Protocol (SSC). Example command: {"device":{"reset":true}}.
  • Send(object value, params string[] path) - Used as a way to send your own commands. An example would be Send("name", "device", "location").
  • Dispose() - Used to clean up timers and connections. This must be called when your program stops.

DeviceHandler methods

Located in Tcc2.DeviceHandler.

  • PollInfo() - Asks the device about Version, Serial, Product and MacAddresses. This is automatically done on connection, so your should not need to do this manually.

MeterHandler methods

Located in Tcc2.MeterHandler.

The reason you have to manually enable some feedback is because the device is quite ”chatty” so if you don't use those features all that traffic is unneccesary.

  • EnableAzimuthFeedback() - Enables subscription to Azimuth degrees feedback. When enabled the Tcc2.MeterHandler.AzimuthDegrees property will be continuosly updated. This will also cause the Tcc2.MeterHandler.Events event to trig whenever there's a change.
  • DisableAzimuthFeedback() - Disables the Azimuth degrees feedback.
  • EnableElevationFeedback() - Enables subscription to Elevation degrees feedback. When enabled the Tcc2.MeterHandler.ElevationDegrees property will be continuosly updated. This will also cause the Tcc2.MeterHandler.Events event to trig whenever there's a change.
  • DisableElevationFeedback() - Disables the Elevation degrees feedback.
  • EnableInputPeakLevelFeedback() - Enables subscription to input peak level feedback. When enabled the Tcc2.MeterHandler.InputPeakLevelDb property will be continuosly updated. This will also cause the Tcc2.MeterHandler.Events event to trig whenever there's a change.
  • DisableInputPeakLevelFeedback() - Disables the input peak level feedback.


  • IsResponding - Returns true as long as the device is responding. As the protocol uses UDP there is no connection state, so it might take up to a minute before responding goes low after the device has stopped responding. Listen to the Responding event to know when this changes.
  • Debug - Enables debug messages to be printed to the text console while set to true. Make sure this is not left on when not used.
  • DeviceHandler - Returns the device handler, where you have features, properties and events regarding the device.
  • MeterHandler - Returns the meter handler, where you have features, properties and events regarding meters, such as azimuth, elevation and input peak level.
  • AudioHandler - Returns the audio handler, where you have features, properties and events regarding the audio output, such as Dante output gain and Mute.

DeviceHandler properties

Located in Tcc2.DeviceHandler.

  • Name - Sets or gets the name of the device. Max 8 chars.
  • Version - The firmware version of the device. Example: 1.1.0.
  • Serial - The serial number of the device. Example: 1234567890.
  • Product - The product name of the device. Example: CHG4N.
  • MacAddresses - The mac adresses of the device. Example: 00:1B:66:11:22:33.
  • Location - Sets or gets the location of the device. Max length: 8 characters. Allowed chars: 0-9, A-Z, a-z or 'space'. Must start with a letter. May not start or end with a – or _.
  • Position - Sets or gets the position of the device. Intended to be used as the position in the location. Example if location is "Room_1", position might be "Over the table". Max length: 30 chars. Allowed chars: 0-9, A-Z, a-z or 'space'
  • Identify - Sets or gets if the identify feature of the device is enabled. It blinks the LEDs on the mic when true.
  • CustomLedColor - Sets or gets the currently selected custom color for the leds. Available colors are LightGreen, Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, Orange, Cyan and Pink.
  • CustomLedActive - Sets or gets if the the custom led color is active. The color is set with property CustomLedColor.
  • MicMuteLedColor - Sets or gets the currently selected color for the leds when the mic is muted. Available colors are LightGreen, Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, Orange, Cyan and Pink.
  • MicOnLedColor - Sets or gets the currently selected custom color for the leds when the mic is on. Available colors are LightGreen, Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, Orange, Cyan and Pink.
  • LedBrightness - Sets or gets the brightness of the leds on the mic in steps of 20%. A value between 0 and 5 where 0 = 0% and 5 = 100%.

MeterHandler properties

Located in Tcc2.MeterHandler.

  • AzimuthDegrees - If EnableAzimuthFeedback() has been called, this will contain the current the direction of the speaker in degrees. A value between 0 and 359.
  • ElevationDegrees - If EnableElevationFeedback() has been called, this will contain the current the elevation of the speaker in degrees. A value between 0 and 90.
  • InputPeakLevelDb - If EnableInputPeakLevelFeedback() has been called, this will contain the current input peak level in dB of the mic. A value between -90 and 0.

AudioHandler properties

Located in Tcc2.AudioHandler.

  • ExclusionZoneActive - Sets or gets if exclusion zones are active in the device. Exclusion zones are areas where the microphone should not be listening. These are configured in the device settings.
  • DanteMacAddresses - The mac addresses of the Dante outputs. This returns both addresses separated with a comma. Example: 00:1B:66:44:55:66,00:1B:66:77:88:99.
  • DanteIpAddresses - The ip addresses of the Dante outputs. This returns both addresses separated with a comma. If there is no network cable connected or no addresses set, this might return a string only containing a comma. Example:,
  • DanteOutputGain - Sets or gets the current Dante output gain in dB. A value between 0 and 24.
  • SpeakerDetectionThreshold - Sets or gets the currently selected sensitivity of the speaker detection. Available values are QuietRoom, NormalRoom and LoudRoom.
  • Mute - Sets or gets if the audio output is muted. true is muted.


  • Errors - Will trig when there are error messages from the device. The event args contains:
  • Responding - Will trig when the device starts or stops respoding. The event args contains:
    • Responding - Is true if the device is responding.
  • IncomingCommand - This will trig whenever there is incoming data from the device. The use case for this would be to extend the functionality of the library. The event args contains:
    • Command - The JSON data that was received.
    • Handled - If you set this to true then this command will not be handled by the library.

DeviceHandler events

Located in Tcc2.DeviceHandler.

  • Events - This will trig when any of the DeviceHandler properties change. The event args contains:
    • EventType - An enum telling you which property changed.
    • StringValue - Contains the new value of the property for event types Name, Location, Position, Version, Serial, Product and MacAddresses.
    • BoolValue - Contains the new value of the property for event types Identify and CustomLedActive.
    • IntValue - Contains the new value of the property for event type LedBrightness.
    • LedColor - Contains the new value of the property for event types CustomLedColor, MicMuteLedColor and MicOnLedColor.

MeterHandler events

Located in Tcc2.MeterHandler.

  • Events - This will trig when any of the MeterHandler properties change. The event args contains:
    • EventType - An enum telling you which property changed.
    • IntValue - The new value of the changed property.

AudioHandler events

Located in Tcc2.AudioHandler.

  • Events - This will trig when any of the AudioHandler properties change. The event args contains:
    • EventType - An enum telling you which property changed.
    • BoolValue - Contains the new value of the property for event types ExclusionZoneActive and Mute.
    • IntValue - Contains the new value of the property for event type DanteOutputGain.
    • StringValue - Contains the new value of the property for event types DanteMacAddresses and DanteIpAddresses.
    • SpeakerDetectionThreshold - Contains the new value of the property for event type SpeakerDetectionThreshold.

SL Multi-Channel Receiver DW

Class name: SlMcrDw

This class integrates with Sennheiser SpeechLine Multi-Channel Receiver Digital Wireless (SL MCR DW), a wireless microphone system.


// Instantiate the device
var device = new SlMcrDw(4); // Pass in the number of receivers that the device has, or that will be used.

// Subscribe to events
device.Errors += new EventHandler<SscErrorEventArgs>(Errors);
device.DeviceHandler.Events += new EventHandler<SlMcrDwDeviceEventArgs>(DeviceHandler_Events);
device.AudioHandler.Events += new EventHandler<SlMcrDwAudioEventArgs>(AudioHandler_Events);
device.MeterHandler.Events += new EventHandler<SlMcrDwMeterEventArgs>(MeterHandler_Events);
foreach (var handler in device.TxHandlers)
    handler.Events += new EventHandler<SlMcrDwTxEventArgs>(TxHandler_Events);
foreach (var handler in device.RxHandlers)
    handler.Events += new EventHandler<SlMcrDwRxEventArgs>(RxHandler_Events);

    // Enable RfQuality feedback reporting

// Enable  feedback reporting for levels

// Connect to the device

// DeviceHandler event handler
void DeviceHandler_Events(object sender, SlMcrDwDeviceEventArgs e)
    switch (e.EventType)
        case SlMcrDwDeviceEventArgs.eSlMcrDwDeviceEventType.Name:
            string name = e.StringValue;
        case SlMcrDwDeviceEventArgs.eSlMcrDwDeviceEventType.Location:
            string location = e.StringValue;
        case SlMcrDwDeviceEventArgs.eSlMcrDwDeviceEventType.Position:
            string position = e.StringValue;
        case SlMcrDwDeviceEventArgs.eSlMcrDwDeviceEventType.Version:
            string version = e.StringValue;
        case SlMcrDwDeviceEventArgs.eSlMcrDwDeviceEventType.Serial:
            string serial = e.StringValue;
        case SlMcrDwDeviceEventArgs.eSlMcrDwDeviceEventType.Product:
            string product = e.StringValue;
        case SlMcrDwDeviceEventArgs.eSlMcrDwDeviceEventType.MacAddresses:
            string macAddresses = e.StringValue;
        case SlMcrDwDeviceEventArgs.eSlMcrDwDeviceEventType.LedBrightness:
            int ledBrightness = e.IntValue; // A value between 0 and 5
        case SlMcrDwDeviceEventArgs.eSlMcrDwDeviceEventType.Identify:
            bool identifying = e.BoolValue;

// RxHandler event handler
void RxHandler_Events(object sender, SlMcrDwRxEventArgs e)
    switch (e.EventType)
        case SlMcrDwRxEventArgs.eSlMcrDwRxEventType.Identify:
            bool identifying = e.BoolValue;
        case SlMcrDwRxEventArgs.eSlMcrDwRxEventType.RfQuality:
            double rfQuality = e.DoubleValue; // A value between 0.0 and 1.0
        case SlMcrDwRxEventArgs.eSlMcrDwRxEventType.Warnings:
            string warnings = e.StringValue;
        case SlMcrDwRxEventArgs.eSlMcrDwRxEventType.Rfpi:
            string rfpi = e.StringValue;
        case SlMcrDwRxEventArgs.eSlMcrDwRxEventType.LastPairedIpei:
            string ipei = e.StringValue;

void TxHandler_Events(object sender, SlMcrDwTxEventArgs e)
    switch (e.EventType)
        case SlMcrDwTxEventArgs.eSlMcrDwTxEventType.Active:
            var active = e.BoolValue;
        case SlMcrDwTxEventArgs.eSlMcrDwTxEventType.DeviceType:
            SlMcrDwTxHandler.eSlMcrDwTxDeviceType deviceType = e.DeviceType;
        case SlMcrDwTxEventArgs.eSlMcrDwTxEventType.BatteryType:
            SlMcrDwTxHandler.eSlMcrDwTxBatteryType batteryType = e.BatteryType;
        case SlMcrDwTxEventArgs.eSlMcrDwTxEventType.Charging:
            bool charging = e.BoolValue;
        case SlMcrDwTxEventArgs.eSlMcrDwTxEventType.BatteryGauge:
            double batteryGauge = e.DoubleValue; // A value between 0.0 and 1.0
        case SlMcrDwTxEventArgs.eSlMcrDwTxEventType.BatteryHealth:
            double batteryHealth = e.DoubleValue; // A value between 0.0 and 1.0
        case SlMcrDwTxEventArgs.eSlMcrDwTxEventType.BatteryLifetime:
            double batteryLifetimeInMinutes = e.DoubleValue;
        case SlMcrDwTxEventArgs.eSlMcrDwTxEventType.Warnings:
            string warning = e.StringValue;

void AudioHandler_Events(object sender, SlMcrDwAudioEventArgs e)
    switch (e.EventType)
        case SlMcrDwAudioEventArgs.eSlMcrDwAudioEventType.DanteMacAddresses:
            string dateMacAddresses = e.StringValue; // Two comma separated addresses
        case SlMcrDwAudioEventArgs.eSlMcrDwAudioEventType.DanteIpAddresses:
            string danteIpAddresses = e.StringValue; // Two comma separated addresses
        case SlMcrDwAudioEventArgs.eSlMcrDwAudioEventType.DanteOutputGain:
            SlMcrDwAudioHandler.eSlMcrDwAudioOutputGain danteOutputGain = e.DanteOutputGain;
        case SlMcrDwAudioEventArgs.eSlMcrDwAudioEventType.RxOutputGain:
            SlMcrDwAudioHandler.eSlMcrDwAudioOutputGain rxOutputGain =e.RxAudio.OutputGain;
        case SlMcrDwAudioEventArgs.eSlMcrDwAudioEventType.RxEq:
            SlMcrDwRxAudio.eSlMcrDwAudioEq eq = e.RxAudio.Eq;
        case SlMcrDwAudioEventArgs.eSlMcrDwAudioEventType.RxLowCut:
            bool lowCut = e.RxAudio.LowCut;

void MeterHandler_Events(object sender, SlMcrDwMeterEventArgs e)
    switch (e.EventType)
        case SlMcrDwMeterEventArgs.eSlMcrDwMeterEventType.RxInputLevel:
            int rxInputLevel = e.IntValue; // A value between -60 and 0
        case SlMcrDwMeterEventArgs.eSlMcrDwMeterEventType.MixerLevel:
            int mixerLevel = e.IntValue; // A value between -60 and 0


As an argument, you have to pass in the number of receivers that the device has.


The device's properties, methods and events are located in a few different locations. This is completely based on how Sennheiser has decided to do in their protocol. On the root class SlMcrDw you will find some (see below) but you also the following handlers where you will find more.

  • DeviceHandler - Contains things regarding the device. This is found in SlMcrDw.TxHandler.
  • RxHandlers[] - A list of handlers, one for each receiver. Each handler contains things regarding the receiving end, such as RF quality. This is found in SlMcrDw.RxHandler.
  • TxHandlers[] - A list of handlers, one for each receiver. Each handler contains things regarding the transmitting end (the microphone or bodypack), such as battery level. This is found in SlMcrDw.TxHandler.
  • AudioHandler - Contains things regarding the receiving end, such as Output gain and EQ. This is found in SlMcrDw.AudioHandler.
  • MeterHandler - Contains things regarding meters, such as receiver input level. This is found in SlMcrDw.MeterHandler.


  • Connect(string ip) - Opens up the connection to the device. Uses default port 45.
  • Connect(string ip, int port) - Opens up the connection to the device.
  • Disconnect - Stops the connection to the device.
  • Send(string data) - Used as a way to send your own commands. Refer to the Sennheiser Sound Control Protocol (SSC). Example command: {"device":{"reset":true}}.
  • Send(object value, params string[] path) - Used as a way to send your own commands. An example would be Send("name", "device", "location").
  • Dispose() - Used to clean up timers and connections. This must be called when your program stops.

DeviceHandler methods

Located in SlMcrDw.DeviceHandler.

  • PollInfo() - Asks the device about Version, Serial, Product and MacAddresses. This is automatically done on connection, so your should not need to do this manually.

RxHandler methods

Located in SlMcrDw.RxHandler.

  • EnableRfQualityFeedback() - Enables subscription to RF quality feedback. When enabled the SlMcrDw.RxHandlers[x].RfQuality property will be continuosly updated. This will also cause the SlMcrDw.RxHandler.Events event to trig whenever there's a change. The reason you have to manually enable this is because the device is quite ”chatty” so if you don't use this feature all that traffic is unneccesary.
  • DisableRfQualityFeedback() - Disables the RF quality feedback (see EnableRfQualityFeedback()).

MeterHandler methods

Located in SlMcrDw.MeterHandler.

The reason you have to manually enable some feedback is because the device is quite ”chatty” so if you don't use those features all that traffic is unneccesary.

  • EnableMixerLevelFeedback() - Enables subscription to mixer level feedback. When enabled the SlMcrDw.MeterHandler.MixerLevel property will be continuosly updated. This will also cause the SlMcrDw.MeterHandler.Events event to trig whenever there's a change.
  • DisableMixerLevelFeedback() - Disables the mixer level feedback.
  • EnableRxInputLevelFeedbacks() - Enables subscription to receiver input level feedback. When enabled the SlMcrDw.MeterHandler.RxInputLevels[] property will be continuosly updated. This will also cause the SlMcrDw.MeterHandler.Events event to trig whenever there's a change.
  • DisableRxInputLevelFeedbacks() - Disables the receiver input level feedback.


  • IsResponding - Returns true as long as the device is responding. As the protocol uses UDP there is no connection state, so it might take up to a minute before responding goes low after the device has stopped responding. Listen to the Responding event to know when this changes.
  • Debug - Enables debug messages to be printed to the text console while set to true. Make sure this is not left on when not used.
  • DeviceHandler - Returns the device handler, where you have features, properties and events regarding the device.
  • RxHandler - Returns the RX handler, where you have features, properties and events regarding the receiving end, such as RF quality.
  • TxHandler - Returns the TX handler, where you have features, properties and events regarding the transmitting end (the microphone or bodypack), such as battery level.
  • AudioHandler - Returns the audio handler, where you have features, properties and events regarding the receiving end, such as Output gain and EQ.

DeviceHandler properties

Located in SlMcrDw.DeviceHandler.

  • Name - Sets or gets the name of the device. Max 8 chars.
  • Version - The firmware version of the device. Example: 1.1.0.
  • Serial - The serial number of the device. Example: 1234567890.
  • Product - The product name of the device. Example: CHG4N.
  • MacAddresses - The mac adresses of the device. Example: 00:1B:66:11:22:33.
  • Location - Sets or gets the location of the device. Max length: 8 characters. Allowed chars: 0-9, A-Z, a-z or 'space'. Must start with a letter. May not start or end with a – or _.
  • Position - Sets or gets the position of the device. Intended to be used as the position in the location. Example if location is "Room_1", position might be "Over the table". Max length: 30 chars. Allowed chars: 0-9, A-Z, a-z or 'space'
  • Identify - Sets or gets if the identify feature of the device is enabled.
  • LedBrightness - Sets or gets the brightness of the leds on the device in steps of 20%. A value between 0 and 5 where 0 = 0% and 5 = 100%.

RxHandler properties

Located in SlMcrDw.RxHandlers[x].

  • Identify - Sets or gets if the identify feature of the device is enabled. It blinks a LED on the device when true.
  • RfQuality - If EnableRfQualityFeedback() has been called, this will contain the current RF connection quality with the transmitter. 1.0 = 100%. 0.0 = 0%
  • Warnings - The warning message of the device. Example: "Bad Link".
  • Rfpi - The RFPI number of the device.
  • LastPairedIpei - The last paired IPEI number of the device. This can be used to identify which transmitter the device is paired with even when the transmitter is in the charger.

TxHandler properties

Located in SlMcrDw.TxHandlers[x].

  • Active - This is true when a transmitter (such as the handmic or bodypack) is turned on and connected to the device.
  • DeviceType - The currently connected transmitter type. Possible values are Handheld, Bodypack, Tablestand and Boundary.
  • BatteryType - The currently connected transmitters battery type. Possible values are Battery and Rechargable.
  • Charging - This is true when a transmitter is charging while it is on and connected. This will not work when charging a handmic or bodypack in the CHG-4N, as it will then disconnect from the device.
  • BatteryGauge - The currently connected transmitters battery level. 1.0 = Full. 0.0 = Empty.
  • BatteryHealth - The currently connected transmitters battery health level. 1.0 = Perfect condition. 0.0 = Very bad
  • BatteryLifetime - The currently connected transmitters battery lifetime in minutes. Lifetime means before you have to replace the rechargable battery with a new one, not until the current charge is depleted. This only works if you have a rechargable battery.
  • Warnings - The warning message shown on the frontpanel of the transmitter. Example: "Low Bat".

AudioHandler properties

Located in SlMcrDw.AudioHandler.

  • DanteMacAddresses - The mac addresses of the Dante outputs. This returns both addresses separated with a comma. Example: 00:1B:66:44:55:66,00:1B:66:77:88:99.
  • DanteIpAddresses - The ip addresses of the Dante outputs. This returns both addresses separated with a comma. If there is no network cable connected or no addresses set, this might return a string only containing a comma. Example:,
  • DanteOutputGain - Sets or gets the dante output gain as an enum. The values range from -24dB to 12dB in steps of 6dB.
  • RxAudio[] - An array audio settings for each receiver. Each object has a set of properties.
    • OutputGain - Sets or gets the output gain as an enum. The values range from -24dB to 12dB in steps of 6dB.
    • Eq - Sets or gets the currently selected eq. Possible valus are Off, FemaleSpeech, MaleSpeech, Media and Custom.
    • LowCut - Sets or gets if the Low Cut equalizer feature is enabled. It removes the bass frequencies in the audio. Low cut is enabled if true.

MeterHandler properties

Located in SlMcrDw.MeterHandler.

  • MixerLevel - If EnableMixerLevelFeedback() has been called, this will contain the mixed audio level. A value between -60 and 0.
  • RxInputLevels[] - If EnableRxInputLevelFeedbacks() has been called, this will contain an array of incoming audio levels on the different channels. A value between -60 and 0.


  • Errors - Will trig when there are error messages from the device. The event args contains:
  • Responding - Will trig when the device starts or stops respoding. The event args contains:
    • Responding - Is true if the device is responding.
  • IncomingCommand - This will trig whenever there is incoming data from the device. The use case for this would be to extend the functionality of the library. The event args contains:
    • Command - The JSON data that was received.
    • Handled - If you set this to true then this command will not be handled by the library.

DeviceHandler events

Located in SlMcrDw.DeviceHandler.

  • Events - This will trig when any of the DeviceHandler properties change. The event args contains:
    • EventType - An enum telling you which property changed.
    • StringValue - The new value of the changed property.
    • IntValue - Contains the new value of the property for event type LedBrightness.
    • BoolValue - Contains the new value of the property for event type Identify.

RxHandler events

Located in SlMcrDw.RxHandlers[x].

  • Events - This will trig when any of the RxHandler properties change. The event args contains:
    • EventType - An enum telling you which property changed.
    • BoolValue - Contains the new value of the property for event types Identify and MuteSwitchActive.
    • DoubleValue - Contains the new value of the property for event type RfQuality.
    • StringValue - Contains the new value of the property for event types Warnings, Rfpi and LastPairedIpei.

TxHandler events

Located in SlMcrDw.TxHandlers[x].

  • Events - This will trig when any of the TxHandler properties change. The event args contains:
    • EventType - An enum telling you which property changed.
    • BoolValue - Contains the new value of the property for event types Active and Charging.
    • DoubleValue - Contains the new value of the property for event types BatteryGauge, BatteryHealth and BatteryLifetime.
    • StringValue - Contains the new value of the property for event type Warnings.
    • DeviceType - Contains the new value of the property for event type DeviceType.
    • BatteryType - Contains the new value of the property for event type BatteryType.

AudioHandler events

Located in SlMcrDw.AudioHandler.

  • Events - This will trig when any of the AudioHandler properties change. The event args contains:
    • EventType - An enum telling you which property changed.
    • StringValue - Contains the new value of the property for event types DanteMacAddresses and DanteIpAddresses.
    • DanteOutputGain - Contains the new value of the property for event type DanteOutputGain.
    • RxAudio - Contains the SlMcrDwRxAudio object for the receiver that changed for event types RxLowCut, RxEq and RxOutputGain.
      • OutputGain - Contains the new value of the property for event type RxOutputGain.
      • Eq - Contains the new value of the property for event type RxEq.
      • LowCut - Contains the new value of the property for event type RxLowCut.

MeterHandler events

Located in SlMcrDw.MeterHandler.

  • Events - This will trig when any of the MeterHandler properties change. The event args contains:
    • EventType - An enum telling you which property changed.
    • IntValue - The new value of the changed property.

Release notes


  • Added SL Multi-Channel Receiver DW (SlMcrDw)
  • Added properties to Chg4N
    • BaysHandler.Bays[x].Ipei - The IPEI number of the inserted device.
    • BaysHandler.Bays[x].LastPairedRfpi - The last paired RFPI number of the inserted device. This can be used to identify which receiver the inserted device is paired with.
  • Added properties to Sldw
    • RxHandler.Rfpi - The RFPI number of the device.
    • RxHandler.LastPairedIpei - The last paired IPEI number of the device. This can be used to identify which transmitter the device is paired with even when the transmitter is in the charger.

1.0.0 (Initial version)

  • Supports CHG 4N (Chg4N)
  • Supports SL Rack Receiver DW (Sldw)
  • Supports TeamConnect Ceiling 2 (Tcc2)


Crestron modules for Sennheiser products







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