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Hi there 👋
This is a simple implementation of the data provided by This implementation works completely without dependencies and also has TypeScript support! 🎉

ℹ The package was previously an API Wrapper for Restcountries, but I soon noticed that the data there has not been updated in last 4 years. So I decided instead of straining their servers for data, I'd maintain a copy of them in the package. The local data is what is used in the package


  • ES6 Import
import { RestCountryWrapper } from "restcountries-wrapper";

const wrapper = new RestCountryWrapper();
  • Node.js
const { RestCountryWrapper } = require("restcountries-wrapper");

const wrapper = new RestCountryWrapper;

Using the Package

  1. Import the class as shown in Import

  2. Initialise the class (also shown)

  3. Use one of the methods as documented below.


Note ℹ: All of the boolean values are always false

  • getAllCountries

    • Gets all the data
  • getCountryByName

    • Parameters
      • query (Type: string): The name of the country you want to search for
      • sort (Type: boolean): Whether you want the array to be sorted by the length of the name of the country
      • fullText (Type: boolean): Whether the query provided is the full name of the country
    • It uses regex to find match in the country's name, nativeName, altSpellings, isoCodes & translations
  • getCountryByLanguage

    • Parameters
      • query: You already know what it does
      • sort: You already know what it does
    • It uses regex again to find matches in language's ISO Codes, name & nativeName
  • getCountryByCapital

    • Parameters
      • query: Here we go again?
      • sort: I guess we go again, always sorts countries by COUNTRY NAME though
    • It uses regex to match with capital name here we go again
  • getCountryByISOCode

    • Parameters
      • query: Only accepts ISO Codes now, because the first one might be too all encompassing
      • sort: Same thing all the time
    • It uses regex to match with ISO Country Codes only
  • getCountryByRegion

    • Parameters
      • query: The type has been set, please check it out in your editor [For lazy people, here is are the types]
       type Region = "Africa" | "Americas" | "Asia" | "Europe" | "Oceania";
      • sort: Usual Fare By Now NGL
    • Still uses regex because some people who use JS might misspell and regex, why not? Its better NGL
  • getCountryBySubRegion

    • It is a new addition, was not present in the API
    • Parameters
      • query: Usual stuff
      • sort: Sort countries by name length
  • getCountryByCurrencyCode

    • Gets countries by currency codes
    • Parameters
      • query: Usual query
      • sort: How many times to I tell this 🤨
  • getCountryByCallingCode

    • Gets countries by their calling code (Doesn't matter if you use + in the calling code query)
    • Parameters
      • query: Usual Query, no need to provide + of calling code
      • No sort here
  • getCountryByRegionalBloc

    • Gets countries by their regional bloc, works on both codes and Name and Other Acronyms and Alt names
    • Parameters
      • query: Name of regional bloc
      • sort: 🎉 It is back into action 😀
  • getCountryByTLD

    • New Not present in RestCountries API!
    • Parameters
      • query: No need to provide the . in the TLD, I do that for ya!
      • No sort here again

Response Type

All Responses come in the form of type Country[]

  • Example Output
	  "name": "Afghanistan",
	  "topLevelDomain": [
	  "alpha2Code": "AF",
	  "alpha3Code": "AFG",
	  "callingCodes": [
	  "capital": "Kabul",
	  "altSpellings": [
	  "region": "Asia",
	  "subregion": "Southern Asia",
	  "population": 27657145,
	  "latlng": [
	  "demonym": "Afghan",
	  "area": 652230,
	  "gini": 27.8,
	  "timezones": [
	  "borders": [
	  "nativeName": "افغانستان",
	  "numericCode": "004",
	  "currencies": [
		  "code": "AFN",
		  "name": "Afghan afghani",
		  "symbol": "؋",
	  "languages": [
		  "iso639_1": "ps",
		  "iso639_2": "pus",
		  "name": "Pashto",
		  "nativeName": "پښتو",
		  "iso639_1": "uz",
		  "iso639_2": "uzb",
		  "name": "Uzbek",
		  "nativeName": "Oʻzbek",
		  "iso639_1": "tk",
		  "iso639_2": "tuk",
		  "name": "Turkmen",
		  "nativeName": "Türkmen",
	  "translations": {
			"de": "Afghanistan",
			"es": "Afganistán",
			"fr": "Afghanistan",
			"ja": "アフガニスタン",
			"it": "Afghanistan",
			"br": "Afeganistão",
			"pt": "Afeganistão",
			"nl": "Afghanistan",
			"hr": "Afganistan",
			"fa": "افغانستان",
	  "flag": "",
	  "regionalBlocs": [
		  "acronym": "SAARC",
		  "name": "South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation",
		  "otherAcronyms": [],
		  "otherNames": [],
	  "cioc": "AFG",

All of the types used are exported from the package as well (for TypeScript users only), and all responses will be of this format, with possibly more objects or none.

Contact & Stuff

  • All the credit for the data goes to Restcountries
  • Need any help regarding the package? Contact me on Discord on tag SpiderBro#8604. I'll try to help as much as I can!
  • For any suggestions or additions to the package, you can go to the linked GitHub Repository. For Issues, click here & for Pull Requests, click here
  • And finally, sorry for the 🗑 Version 1, I previously made (this might be trash too for all I know), I'd made that when I was just getting into TypeScript, so I messed up big time


A simple and concise wrapper for the API at







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