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Spiderjockey02 edited this page Nov 7, 2020 · 6 revisions

This section is for users self-hosting the bot and wanting to know how to use the welcome plugin.

welcomePlugin: { type: Boolean, default: false },
welcomeRaidConnect: { type: Boolean, default: false },
welcomeMessageToggle: { type: Boolean, default: false },
welcomeMessageChannel: { type: String, default: '00' },
welcomeMessageText: { type: String, default: 'Hello {user}, Welcome to **{server}**!' },
welcomePrivateToggle: { type: Boolean, default: false },
welcomePrivateText: { type: String, default: 'Have a great time here in **{server}**.' },
welcomeRoleToggle: { type: Boolean, default: false },
welcomeRoleGive: { type: Array, default: ['562297641879470082'] },
welcomeGoodbyeToggle: { type: Boolean, default: false },
welcomeGoodbyeText: { type: String, default: '**{user}** just left the server.' },

Note these are the default settings, so it's recommended to edit these values on your database on your own server's settings.

welcomePlugin: Whether or not the welcome plugin should be active or not. (true or false)

welcomeRaidConnect: Keep this false for now.

welcomeMessageToggle: Whether or not the bot should send a welcome message on the server. (true or false)

welcomeMessageChannel: The ID of the Text channel you want the welcome message to be sent to.

welcomeMessageText: The welcome message that will be sent to the welcome channel. (Available variables; {user}, {server})

welcomePrivateToggle: Whether or not the bot should DM the user a welcome mesage. (true or false)

welcomePrivateText: The welcome message that will be sent to the user's DM. (Available variables; {user}, {server})

welcomeRoleToggle: Whether or not the bot should give roles for the new user. (true or false)

welcomeRoleGive: An array of role ID's to give to the user.

welcomeGoodbyeToggle: Whether or not the bot should send a leave message on the server. (true or false)

welcomeGoodbyeText: The leave message that will be sent to the welcome channel. (Available variables; {user}, {server})