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BepInEx: Enable debug logging

Spike Himself edited this page Apr 5, 2023 · 2 revisions

To enable debug logging in BepInEx, you have to edit a few lines in BepInEx\config\BepInEx.cfg. Make a backup first so that you can revert these settings easily afterwards!

First, in the section [Harmony.Logger] there is a setting titled LogChannels. Add Debug to it, so that it reads:

LogChannels = Info, Warn, Error, Debug

Then, under the section [Logging.Disk] change the setting for LogLevels to All:

LogLevels = All

If you also want to see this info in the console, you may edit the same LogLevels setting under [Logging.Console] to also say All, but it's not required for the output file.

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