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391 lines (295 loc) · 22.5 KB

Generating Recordings

Recordings are generated combining templates and spike trains. The recordings parameters are divided into different sections:

  • spiketrains
  • templates
  • cell-types
  • recordings
  • seeds

The spiketrains part deals with the generation of spike trains, while the templates, cell-types, and recordings sections specify parameters to assemble templates, select cell types, and build the extracellular recordings, respectively. The seeds contains all the random seeds involved in the simulations to ensure reproducibility.

Spike trains generation

The first step is the spike train generation. The user can specify the number and type of cells in 2 ways:

1. providing a list of rates and corresponding types: e.g. rates = [3, 3, 5], types = ['E', 'E', 'I'] will generate 3 spike trains with average firing rates 3, 3, and 5 Hz and respectively excitatory, excitatory , and inhibitory type. 2. providing n_exc, n_inh, f_exc, f_inh, st_exc, st_min: in this case there will be generated n_exc excitatory spike trains with average firing rate of f_exc and firing rate standard deviation of st_exc (same for inhibitory spike trains)

The firing rates generated with the second option have a minimum firing rate of min_rate (default 0.5 Hz).

Spike trains are simulated as Poisson or Gamma processes (chosen with the parameter process) and in the latter case the gamma parameter controls the curve shape.

Spikes violating the refreactory period ref_per (default is 2 ms) are removed.

t_start (0 s by default) is the start timestamp of the recordings in seconds and duration will correspond to the duration of the recordings.

Spike trains parameters section summary

  # Default parameters for spike train generation (

  # spike train generation parameters

  # rates: [3,3,5] # individual spike trains rates
  # types: ['E', 'E', 'I'] # individual spike trains class (exc-inh)
  # alternative to rates - excitatory and inhibitory settings
  n_exc: 2 # number of excitatory cells
  n_inh: 1 # number of inhibitory cells
  f_exc: 5 # average firing rate of excitatory cells in Hz
  f_inh: 15 # average firing rate of inhibitory cells in Hz
  st_exc: 1 # firing rate standard deviation of excitatory cells in Hz
  st_inh: 3 # firing rate standard deviation of inhibitory cells in Hz
  min_rate: 0.5 # minimum firing rate in Hz
  ref_per: 2 # refractory period in ms
  process: poisson # process for spike train simulation (poisson, gamma)
  gamma_shape: 2 # gamma shape (for gamma process)
  t_start: 0 # start time in s
  duration: 10 # duration in s

Recordings Generation

Specifying excitatory and inhibitory cell-types

In order to select the proper cell type (excitatory or inhibitory) the cell-types section of the parameters allows the user to specify which strings to look for in the cell model name (from the NMC database) to assign it to the excitatory or inhibitory set. In this example from L5 cells, all cells contining LBC (Large Basket Cells) will be marked as inhibitory, and so on. If you use custom cell models, you should overwrite this section as shown in this notebook using cell models from Allen database.

Cell-types parameters section summary

  # excitatory and inhibitory cell names
  excitatory: ['STPC', 'TTPC1', 'TTPC2', 'UTPC']
  inhibitory: ['BP', 'BTC', 'ChC', 'DBC', 'LBC', 'MC', 'NBC', 'NGC', 'SBC']
Template selection and parameters

Templates are selected so that they match the excitatory-inhibitory spike trains (if the cell-types section is provided) and they follow the following rules:

  • neuron locations cannot be closer than the min_dist parameter (default 25 \mu m)
  • templates must have an amplitude of at least min_amp (default 50 \mu V) and at most max_amp (default 500 \mu V)
  • if specified, neuron locations are selected within the xlim, ylim, and zlim limits

Once the templates are selected and matched to the corresponding spike train, temporal jitter is added to them to simulate the uncertainty of the spike event within the sampling period. n_jitters (default is 10) templates are created by upsampling the original templates by upsample times (default is 8) and shifting them within a sampling period. During convolution, a jittered version of the spike is randomly selected. Finally, the templates are linearly padded on both sides (pad_len by default pads 3 ms before and 3 ms after the duration of the template) to ensure a smooth convolution.

The overlap_threshold allows to define spatially overlapping templates. For example, if set to 0.9 (by default) template A and template B are marked as overlapping if on the electrode with the largest peak for template A, template B's amplitude is greater or equal than the 90% of its peak amplitude.

Templates parameters section summary

  # recording generation parameters
  min_dist: 25 # minimum distance between neurons
  min_amp: 50 # minimum spike amplitude in uV
  max_amp: 500 # minimum spike amplitude in uV
  xlim: null # limits for neuron depths (x-coord) in um [min, max]
  ylim: null # limits for neuron depths (y-coord) in um [min, max]
  zlim: null # limits for neuron depths (z-coord) in um [min, max]
  # (e.g 0.8 -> 80% of template B on largest electrode of template A)
  n_jitters: 10 # number of temporal jittered copies for each eap
  upsample: 8 # upsampling factor to extract jittered copies
  pad_len: [3, 3] # padding of templates in ms
  overlap_threshold: 0.8 # threshold to consider two templates spatially overlapping
  seed: null # random seed to draw eap templates
Other recordings settings

After the templates are selected, jittered, and padded, clean recordings are generated by convolving each template with its corresponding spike train. The fs parameters permits resampling of the recordings and if it is not provided recordings are created with the same sampling frequency as the templates. Recordings can be split in times chunks using the chunk_duration (20 s by default) parameter. Chunks can be processed in parallel.

If sync_rate is greater than 0 (and <= 1, default is 0), synchrony is added to spatially overlapping templates. For example, if sync_rate is 0.2, 1 out of 5 spikes on spike trains with overlapping templates will be temporally coincident. sync_jitt (default 1 ms) controls the jittering in time for added spikes.

The modulation parameter is extremely important, as it controls the variablility of the amplitude modulation: * if modulation id none, spikes are not modulated and each instance will have the same aplitude * if modulation id template, each spike event is modulated with the same amplitude for all electrodes * if modulation id electrode, each spike event is modulated with a different amplitude for each electrode

For the template and electrode modulations, the amplitude is modulated as a Normal distribution with amplitude 1 and standard deviation of sdrand (default is 0.05).

Bursting behavior can be selected by setting bursting to True. The number of bursting units can be selected using the n_bursting parameter. By default, if bursting is used, all units are bursty. When bursting is selected, on top of the gaussian modulation the amplitude is modulated by the previous inter-spike-intervals, to simulate the amplitude decay due to bursting. In this case, the max_burst_duration and n_burst_spikes parameters control the maximum length and maximum number of spikes of a bursting event. During a bursting event, the amplitude modulation, previous to the gaussian one, is computed as:

mod = (\frac{avg_{ISI} / n_{consecutive}}{mem_{ISI}})^{exp}

where mod is the resulting amplitude modulation, avg_{ISI} is the average ISI so far during the bursting event, n_{consecutive} is the number of spikes occurred in the bursting period (maximum is n_burst_spikes) and exp is the exponent of the decay (0.1 by default).

In addition to amplitude modulation, bursting can also modulate the spike shape. In order to model this, if shape_mod is True, then the templates are stretched depending on the mod value. The stretching is obtained by projecting the template on a sigmoid-transformed scale, which effectively stretches the waveform. The shape_stretch parameter controls the amount of stretching (default 30). Larger shape_stretch will result in more shape modulation, lower values in less shape modulation. The templates are stretched with the same value on all electrodes, and then, in case of an electrode-type modulation, the eap on each electrode to match the specific mod for the electrode. Also for an template-type modulation, the eap is rescaled at the template level.

Next, noise is added to the clean recordings. Three different noise modes can be used (using the noise_mode parameter):

1. uncorrelated: additive gaussian noise (default) with a standard deviation of noise_level (10 \mu V by default)

2. distance-correlated: noise is generated as a multivariate normal with a covariance matrix decaying with distance between electrodes. The noise_half_distance parameter is the distance for which the correlation is 0.5.

  1. far-neurons: noise is generated by the activity of far_neurons_n far neurons (default 300). In order to use this mode, it is recommended to generate templates with a small or null maximum amplitude. In fact, far neurons if their maximum amplitude is below far_neurons_max_amp (default 10 \mu V) and with an excitatory/inhibitory ratio of far_neurons_exc_inh_ratio (default 0.8). Finally, a random gaussian noise floor is added, with a standard deviation far_neurons_noise_floor times the one from the far neurons' activity, and the noise level is adjusted to match noise_level.

When selecting uncorrelated or distance-correlated, one can use the noise_color option (default is False), so that the noise spectrum is similar to biological noise. If noise_color is True, the gaussian noise is filtered with an IIR resonant filter with a peak at color_peak (default 500) and quality factor color_q (default 1). Moreover, a gaussian noise floor is added to the noise. The amplitude of the gaussian added noise is controlled by random_noise_floor (default 1), which is the percent of gaussian noise over the colored noise (when random_noise_floor=1 50% of the noise is additive gaussian. The final noise level is adjusted so that the overall standard deviation is equal to noise_level.

Finally, and optionally, the recordings can be filtered (if filter is True) with a high-pass or band-pass filter with filter_cutoff frequency(ies) ([300, 6000] by default). If filter_cutoff is a scalar, the signal is high-pass filtered. The order of the Butterworth filter can be adjusted with the filter_order frequency(ies) parameter.

For further analysis, spike events can be annotated as "TO" (temporal overlapping) or "SO" (spatio-temporal overlapping) when overlap is set to True. The waveforms can also be extracted and loaded to the Neo.Spiketrain object if the extract_waveforms is True. Note that this might take some time for long recordings.

Recordings parameters section summary

  fs: null # sampling frequency in kHz (corresponds to dt=0.03125 ms)

  sync_rate: 0 # added synchrony rate for spatilly overlapping templates
  sync_jitt: 1 # jitter in ms for added spikes

  modulation: electrode # type of spike modulation [none (no modulation) |
    # template (each spike instance is modulated with the same value on each electrode) |
    # electrode (each electrode is modulated separately)]
  sdrand:  0.05 # standard deviation of gaussian modulation
  bursting: True # if True, spikes are modulated in amplitude depending on the isi and in shape (if shape_mod is True)
  exp_decay: 0.1 # with bursting modulation experimental decay in aplitude between consecutive spikes
  n_burst_spikes: 10 # max number of 'bursting' consecutive spikes
  max_burst_duration: 100 # duration in ms of maximum burst modulation
  shape_mod: True # if True waveforms are modulated in shape with a low pass filter depending on the isi
  shape_stretch: 30.  # min and max frequencies to be mapped to modulation value
  n_bursting: 3  # number of bursting units
  chunk_duration: 20 # chunk duration for convolution (if running into MemoryError)

  noise_level: 0 # noise standard deviation in uV
  noise_mode: uncorrelated # [uncorrelated | distance-correlated | far-neurons]
  noise_color: False # if True noise is colored resembling experimental noise
  noise_half_distance: 30 # (distance-correlated noise) distance between electrodes in um for which correlation is 0.5
  far_neurons_n: 300 # number of far noisy neurons to be simulated
  far_neurons_max_amp: 10 # maximum amplitude of far neurons
  far_neurons_noise_floor: 0.5 # percent of random noise
  far_neurons_exc_inh_ratio: 0.8 # excitatory / inhibitory noisy neurons ratio
  color_peak: 500 # (color) peak / curoff frequency of resonating filter
  color_q: 1 # (color) quality factor of resonating filter
  random_noise_floor: 1 # (color) additional noise floor

  filter: True # if True it filters the recordings
  filter_cutoff: [300, 6000] # filter cutoff frequencies in Hz
  filter_order: 3 # filter order

  overlap: False # if True, temporal and spatial overlap are computed for each spike (it may be time consuming)
  extract_waveforms: False # if True, waveforms are extracted from recordings
Drifting recordings

When drifting templates are generated (:ref:`drift-templates`), drifting recordings can be simulated when drifting is set to True. The preferred_dir parameter indicates the 3D vector with the preferred direction of drift ([0,0,1], default, is upwards in the z-direction) and the angle_tol (default is 15 degrees) corresponds to the tolerance in this direction. There are two types of drift_mode: slow or fast. The different modalities vary in terms of how the drifting template is selected for each spike during the modulated convolution.

For slow drift, a new position is calculated moving from the initial position along the drifting direction with a velocity of slow_drift_velocity (default 5 \mu m/min). If a boundary position is reached (initial or final positions), the drift direction is reversed. The shape of slow drift can be controlled with the slow_drift_shape parameter (default is a triangluar shape), while the amplitude in \mu m with the slow_drift_amplitude.

For fast drift, the user can set the frequency at which fast drift events occur (every fast_drift_period s, default 20 s). When a fast drift event happens, a new template position is selected randomly among the drifting templates for each drifting neuron, so that the amplitude of the new template on the channel in which the old template has the largest peak is within fast_drift_min_jump and fast_drift_max_jump (defaults 5 and 20, respectively). This is to ensure that each fast drift event is not too abrupt.

Drift can be rigid (all neurons drift coherently) or non-rigid (each neuron drifts differently). The drift_mode_probe parameter controls this and in the case of non-rigid drift, a linear gradient depending on the neuron's depth is applied. By default, the neurons at the bottom of the probe will drift at 50% speed with respect to the neurons at the top of the probe. Other parameters can be controlled. See the :py:func:`~MEArec.drift_tools.generate_drift_dict_from_params` function for more details.

Using the drift parameters, only one drift signal can be generated. However, it is possible to generate multiple drift signals by externally creating a list of drift signals that will be applied simultaneously. Check out the notebooks/generate_templates_and_recorindgs_drift.ipynb for more details.

drifting: False # if True templates are drifted
# these params are shared across multiple drift signals
n_drifting: null # number of drifting units
preferred_dir: [0, 0, 1]  # preferred drifting direction ([0,0,1] is positive z, direction)
angle_tol: 15  # tolerance for direction in degrees
# these params specify one drift signal
drift_mode_speed: slow # drifting mode can be ['slow', 'fast']
drift_mode_probe: rigid # ['rigid', 'non-rigid']
drift_fs: 100 # sampling frequency of drift signal in Hz
non_rigid_gradient_mode: linear # ['linear'] how the gradient on drift is applied on the prefered_dir. linear is 0->max velocity from up to bottom.
non_rigid_linear_min_factor: 0.5 # minimum factor of velocity for the neurons
non_rigid_linear_direction: 1 # the non rigid direction: if 1, non rigid drift is from bottom to top, if -1 is the opposite
non_rigid_step_depth_boundary: null # if not None, the depth in um at which the non rigid drift changes direction
non_rigid_step_factors: null # if not None, the factors of velocity for the non rigid drift
slow_drift_velocity: 5  # drift velocity in um/min.
slow_drift_amplitude: null  # Amplitude of drifts in um. If None, the maximum available value based on the drifting templates is used.
slow_drift_waveform: triangluar  # 'triangluar' or 'sine'
fast_drift_period: 10  # period between fast drift events
fast_drift_max_jump: 20 # maximum 'jump' in um for fast drifts
fast_drift_min_jump: 5 # minimum 'jump' in um for fast drifts
t_start_drift: 0  # time in s when drifting starts
t_end_drift: null  # time in s when drifting stops
Random seeds

The seeds section of the recording parameters contains all the random seeds for: spike train generation (spiketrains), template selection (templates), convolution operations (convolution - including modulation, jittering, and drifting), and noise generation (noise). If seeds are not set, a random seed will be generated and saved, to ensure full reproducibility of the simulations.

  spiketrains: null # random seed for spiketrain generation
  templates: null # random seed for template selection
  convolution: null # random seed for jitter selection in convolution
  noise: null # random seed for noise

Running recording generation using Python

Recordings can also be generated using a Python script, or a jupyter notebook.

import MEArec as mr
recgen = mr.gen_recordings(params=None, templates=None, tempgen=None, n_jobs=None, verbose=False)

The params argument can be the path to a yaml file or a dictionary containing the parameters (if None default parameters are used). One of the templates or tempgen parameters must be indicated, the former pointing to a generated templates file, the latter instead is a TemplateGenerator object. The n_jobs argument indicates how many jobs will be used in parallel (for parallel processing, more than 1 chunk is required). If verbose=True, the output shows the progress of the template simulation. verbose=True corresponds to verbose=1. For a higher level of verbosity verbose=2 can also be used.

The gen_recordings() function returns a gen_templates RecordingGenerator object (recgen).

Running recording generation using CLI (not recommended)

Recordings can be generated using the CLI with the command: mearec gen-recordings. Run mearec gen-recordings --help to display the list of available arguments, that can be used to overwrite the default parameters or to point to another parameter .yaml file. In order to run a recording simulation, the --templates or -t must be given to point to the templates to be used.

The output recordings are saved in .h5 format to the default recordings output folder.

The RecordingGenerator object

The RecordingGenerator class contains several fields:

  • recordings: (n_electrodes, n_samples) recordings
  • spiketrains: list of (n_spiketrains) neo.Spiketrain objects
  • templates: (n_spiketrains, n_jitters, n_electrodes, n_templates samples) templates -- (n_spiketrains, n_drifting_steps, n_jitters, n_electrodes, n_templates samples) for drifting recordings
  • templates_celltypes: (n_spiketrains) templates cell type
  • templates_locations: (n_spiketrains, 3) templates soma locations
  • templates_rotations: (n_spiketrains, 3) 3d model rotations
  • channel_positions: (n_electrodes, 3) electrodes 3D positions
  • timestamps: (n_samples) timestamps in seconds (quantities)
  • voltage_peaks: (n_spiketrains, n_electrodes) average voltage peaks on the electrodes
  • spike_traces: (n_spiketrains, n_samples) clean spike trace for each spike train
  • info: dictionary with parameters used

RecordingGenerator can be saved to .h5 files as follows:

import MEArec as mr
mr.save_recording_generator(recgen, filename=None)

where recgen is a RecordingGenerator object and filename is the output file name.