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Signal-to-noise ratio (snr)


  • A_{\mu s} : maximum amplitude of the mean spike waverform (on the best channel).
  • \sigma_b : standard deviation of the background noise on the same channel (usually computed via the median absolute deviation).
\textrm{SNR} = \frac{A_{\mu s}}{\sigma_b}

Expectation and use

A high SNR unit has a signal which is greater in amplitude than the background noise and is likely to correspond to a neuron [Jackson]_, [Lemon]_. A low SNR value (close to 0) suggests that the unit is highly contaminated by noise (type I error).

Example code

Without SpikeInterface:

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats

data        # The data from your recording in shape (channel, time)
mean_wvf    # The mean waveform of your unit in shape (channel, time)
# If your data is filtered, then both data and mean_wvf need to be filtered the same.

best_channel = np.argmax(np.max(np.abs(mean_wvf), axis=1))
noise_level = scipy.stats.median_abs_deviation(data[best_channel], scale="normal")
amplitude = np.max(np.abs(mean_wvf))

SNR = amplitude / noise_level

With SpikeInterface:

import spikeinterface.qualitymetrics as sqm

# Make recording, sorting and wvf_extractor object for your data.
SNRs = sqm.compute_snrs(waveform_extractor=wvf_extractor)
# SNRs is a dict containing the unit IDs as keys and their SNRs as values.

Links to original implementations


.. autofunction:: spikeinterface.qualitymetrics.misc_metrics.compute_snrs


Presented by [Lemon]_ and useful initial discussion by [Jackson]_.