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Sorters module

The :py:mod:`spikeinterface.sorters` module is where spike sorting happens!

On one hand, SpikeInterface provides wrapper classes to many commonly used spike sorters like Kilosort, Spyking-circus, etc. (see :ref:`compatible-sorters`). All these sorter classes inherit from the :py:class:`~spikeinterface.sorters.BaseSorter` class, which provides the common tools to run spike sorters.

On the other hand SpikeInterface directly implements some internal sorters (spykingcircus2) that do not depend on external tools, but depend on the :py:mod:`spikeinterface.sortingcomponents` module. Note that internal sorters are currently experimental and under development.

A drawback of using external sorters is the installation of these tools. Sometimes they need MATLAB, specific versions of CUDA, specific gcc versions vary or even worse outdated versions of Python/NumPy. In that case, SpikeInterface offer the mechanism of running external sorters inside a container (Docker/Singularity) with the sorter pre-installed. See :ref:`containerizedsorters`.

External sorters: the "wrapper" concept

When running external sorters, we use the concept of "wrappers". In short, we have Python code that generates the external code needed to run the sorter (for instance, a MATLAB script) and also external configuration files. Then, the generated code is run in the background with the appropriate tools (e.g., Python, MATLAB, Command Line Interfaces). When the spike sorting process is finished, the output is loaded back into Python into a :py:class:`~spikeinterface.core.BaseSorting` object.

For instance, the Kilosort2_5Sorter will handle:
  • Formatting the data and parameters for Kilosort2.5, using Kilosort2_5Sorter.setup_recording()
  • Running MATLAB and Kilosort2.5 code in the folder, using Kilosort2_5Sorter.run_from_folder()
  • Retrieving the spike sorting output, using Kilosort2_5Sorter.get_result_from_folder()

From the user's point of view all of this is in the background and it happens automatically when using the :py:func:`~spikeinterface.sorters.run_sorter` function.

Running different spike sorters

The :py:func:`~spikeinterface.sorters` includes :py:func:`~spikeinterface.sorters.run_sorter` function to easily run spike sorters:

from spikeinterface.sorters import run_sorter

# run Tridesclous
sorting_TDC = run_sorter(sorter_name="tridesclous", recording=recording, output_folder="/folder_TDC")
# run Kilosort2.5
sorting_KS2_5 = run_sorter(sorter_name="kilosort2_5", recording=recording, output_folder="/folder_KS2.5")
# run IronClust
sorting_IC = run_sorter(sorter_name="ironclust", recording=recording, output_folder="/folder_IC")
# run pyKilosort
sorting_pyKS = run_sorter(sorter_name="pykilosort", recording=recording, output_folder="/folder_pyKS")
# run SpykingCircus
sorting_SC = run_sorter(sorter_name="spykingcircus", recording=recording, output_folder="/folder_SC")

Then the output, which is a :py:class:`~spikeinterface.core.BaseSorting` object, can be easily saved or directly post-processed:'/path/to/tridescloud_sorting_output')

The :py:func:`~spikeinterface.sorters.run_sorter` function has several options:

  • to remove or not the sorter working folder (output_folder/sorter_output) with: remove_existing_folder=True/False (this can save lot of space because some sorters need data duplication!)
  • to control their verbosity: verbose=False/True
  • to raise/not raise errors (if they fail): raise_error=False/True

Spike-sorter-specific parameters can be controlled directly from the :py:func:`~spikeinterface.sorters.run_sorter` function:

sorting_TDC = run_sorter(sorter_name='tridesclous', recording=recording, output_folder="/folder_TDC",

sorting_KS2_5 = run_sorter(sorter_name="kilosort2_5", recording=recording, output_folder="/folder_KS2.5"
                           do_correction=False, preclust_threshold=6, freq_min=200.)

Parameters from all sorters can be retrieved with these functions:

params = get_default_sorter_params('spykingcircus')
print("Parameters:\n", params)

desc = get_sorter_params_description('spykingcircus')
print("Descriptions:\n", desc)
{'adjacency_radius': 100,
'auto_merge': 0.75,
'clustering_max_elts': 10000,
'detect_sign': -1,
'detect_threshold': 6,
'filter': True,
'merge_spikes': True,
'num_workers': None,
'template_width_ms': 3,
'whitening_max_elts': 1000}

{'adjacency_radius': 'Radius in um to build channel neighborhood',
'auto_merge': 'Automatic merging threshold',
'clustering_max_elts': 'Max number of events per electrode for clustering',
'detect_sign': 'Use -1 (negative), 1 (positive) or 0 (both) depending on the '
                'sign of the spikes in the recording',
'detect_threshold': 'Threshold for spike detection',
'filter': 'Enable or disable filter',
'merge_spikes': 'Enable or disable automatic mergind',
'num_workers': 'Number of workers (if None, half of the cpu number is used)',
'template_width_ms': 'Template width in ms. Recommended values: 3 for in vivo '
                      '- 5 for in vitro',
'whitening_max_elts': 'Max number of events per electrode for whitening'}

Running sorters in Docker/Singularity Containers

One of the biggest bottlenecks for users is installing spike sorting software. To alleviate this, we build and maintain containerized versions of several popular spike sorters on the SpikeInterface Docker Hub repository.

The containerized approach has several advantages:

  • Installation is much easier.
  • Different spike sorters with conflicting dependencies can be easily run side-by-side.
  • The results of the analysis are more reproducible and not dependant on the operating system
  • MATLAB-based sorters can be run without a MATLAB licence.

The containers can be run in Docker or Singularity, so having Docker or Singularity installed is a prerequisite.

Running spike sorting in a Docker container just requires:

  1. have docker installed
  2. have docker Python SDK installed (pip install docker)


  1. have singularity installed
  2. have singularity python (pip install spython)

Some sorters require (or can be accelerated) with use of a GPU. To run containerized sorters with GPU capabilities, CUDA and nvidia-container-toolkit need to be installed. Only NVIDIA GPUs are supported for now.

For Docker users, you can either install Docker Desktop (recommended for Windows and MacOS) or the Docker Engine (recommended for Linux). To enable Docker Desktop to download the containers, you need to create an account on DockerHub (free) and perform the login in Docker Desktop. For Docker Engine, you also need to enable Docker to run without sudo privileges following this post-install guide

The containers are built with Docker, but Singularity has an internal mechanism to convert Docker images. Using Singularity is often preferred due to its simpler approach with regard to root privilege.

The following code creates a test recording and runs a containerized spike sorter (Kilosort 3):

test_recording, _ = toy_example(
test_recording ="test-docker-folder")

sorting = ss.run_sorter(sorter_name='kilosort3',


This will automatically check if the latest compiled kilosort3 Docker image is present on your workstation and if it is not, the proper image will be downloaded from SpikeInterface's Docker Hub repository. The sorter will then run and output the results in the designated folder.

To run in Docker instead of Singularity, use docker_image=True.

sorting = run_sorter(sorter_name='kilosort3', recording=test_recording,
                     output_folder="/tmp/kilosort3", docker_image=True)

To use a specific image, set either docker_image or singularity_image to a string, e.g. singularity_image="spikeinterface/kilosort3-compiled-base:0.1.0".

sorting = run_sorter(sorter_name="kilosort3",

NOTE: the toy_example() returns in-memory objects, which are not bound to a file on disk. In order to run a spike sorter in a container, the recording object MUST be persistent on disk, so that the container can reload it. The save() function makes the recording persistent on disk, by saving the in-memory test_recording object to a binary file in the test-docker-folder folder.

What version of SpikeInterface is run in the container?

The spike-sorter specific images do NOT include the spikeinterface package. This is done because the spike sorters are "frozen" to a specific version, while the spikeinterface package is in constant evolution with new releases.

When starting a container, the first step is then to install spikeinterface and its dependencies.

What version of spikeinterface is installed? It depends!

There are three options:

  1. released PyPi version: if you installed spikeinterface with pip install spikeinterface, the latest released version will be installed in the container.
  2. development main version: if you installed spikeinterface from source from the cloned repo (with pip install .) or with pip install git+, the current development version from the main branch will be installed in the container.
  3. local copy: if you installed spikeinterface from source and you have some changes in your branch or fork that are not in the main branch, you can install a copy of your spikeinterface packahe in the container. To do so, you need to set en environment variable SPIKEINTERFACE_DEV_PATH to the location where you cloned the spikeinterface repo (e.g. on Linux: export SPIKEINTERFACE_DEV_PATH="path-to-spikeinterface-clone".

In all cases, the [full] extra is installed, which includes all optional dependencies.

An alternative solution to finely control the version of spikeinterface is to create a custom Docker image. For example, in this example we create a custom image for Kilosort3 that uses the test branch of a fork:

FROM spikeinterface/kilosort3-compiled-base:0.1.0

RUN pip install "spikeinterface[full] @ git+"

Then you can build and tag the docker image with:

docker build -t my-user/ks3-with-spikeinterface-test:0.1.0 .

And use the custom image whith the run_sorter function:

sorting = run_sorter(sorter_name="kilosort3",

Note that this solution of building a custom image based on the spike-sorting specific images can also be used to create containers for cloud deployment!

Running several sorters in parallel

The :py:mod:`~spikeinterface.sorters` module also includes tools to run several spike sorting jobs sequentially or in parallel. This can be done with the :py:func:`~spikeinterface.sorters.run_sorter_jobs()` function by specifying an engine that supports parallel processing (such as joblib or slurm).

# here we run 2 sorters on 2 different recordings = 4 jobs
recording = ...
another_recording = ...

job_list = [
  {'sorter_name': 'tridesclous', 'recording': recording, 'output_folder': 'folder1','detect_threshold': 5.},
  {'sorter_name': 'tridesclous', 'recording': another_recording, 'output_folder': 'folder2', 'detect_threshold': 5.},
  {'sorter_name': 'herdingspikes', 'recording': recording, 'output_folder': 'folder3', 'clustering_bandwidth': 8., 'docker_image': True},
  {'sorter_name': 'herdingspikes', 'recording': another_recording, 'output_folder': 'folder4', 'clustering_bandwidth': 8., 'docker_image': True},

# run in loop
sortings = run_sorter_jobs(job_list=job_list, engine='loop')

:py:func:`~spikeinterface.sorters.run_sorters` has several "engines" available to launch the computation:

  • "loop": sequential
  • "joblib": in parallel
  • "slurm": in parallel, using the SLURM job manager
run_sorter_jobs(job_list=job_list, engine='loop')

run_sorter_jobs(job_list=job_list, engine='joblib', engine_kwargs={'n_jobs': 2})

run_sorter_jobs(job_list=job_list, engine='slurm', engine_kwargs={'cpus_per_task': 10, 'mem': '5G'})

Spike sorting by group

Sometimes you may want to spike sort using a specific grouping, for example when working with tetrodes, with multi-shank probes, or if the recording has data from different probes. Alternatively, for long silicon probes, such as Neuropixels, one could think of spike sorting different areas separately, for example using a different sorter for the hippocampus, the thalamus, or the cerebellum. Running spike sorting by group is indeed a very common need.

A :py:class:`~spikeinterface.core.BaseRecording` object has the ability to split itself into a dictionary of sub-recordings given a certain property (see :py:meth:`~spikeinterface.core.BaseRecording.split_by`). So it is easy to loop over this dictionary and sequentially run spike sorting on these sub-recordings. SpikeInterface also provides a high-level function to automate the process of splitting the recording and then aggregating the results with the :py:func:`~spikeinterface.sorters.run_sorter_by_property` function.

In this example, we create a 16-channel recording with 4 tetrodes:

recording, _ = se.toy_example(duration=[10.], num_segments=1, num_channels=16)
# >>> [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]

# create 4 tetrodes
from probeinterface import generate_tetrode, ProbeGroup
probegroup = ProbeGroup()
for i in range(4):
    tetrode = generate_tetrode()
    tetrode.set_device_channel_indices(np.arange(4) + i * 4)

# set this to the recording
recording_4_tetrodes = recording.set_probegroup(probegroup, group_mode='by_probe')
# get group
# >>> [0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3]
# similar to this
# >>> [0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3]

Option 1: Manual splitting

# split into a dict
recordings = recording_4_tetrodes.split_by(property='group', outputs='dict')

# loop over recording and run a sorter
# here the result is a dict of a sorting object
sortings = {}
for group, sub_recording in recordings.items():
    sorting = run_sorter(sorter_name='kilosort2', recording=recording, output_folder=f"folder_KS2_group{group}")
    sortings[group] = sorting

Option 2 : Automatic splitting

# here the result is one sorting that aggregates all sub sorting objects
aggregate_sorting = run_sorter_by_property(sorter_name='kilosort2', recording=recording_4_tetrodes,

Handling multi-segment recordings

In several experiments, several acquisitions are performed in sequence, for example a baseline/intervention. In these cases, since the underlying spiking activity can be assumed to be the same (or at least very similar), the recordings can be concatenated. This example shows how to concatenate the recordings before spike sorting and how to split the sorted output based on the concatenation.

Note that some sorters (tridesclous, spykingcircus2) handle a multi-segments paradigm directly. In that case we will use the :py:func:`~spikeinterface.core.append_recordings()` function. Many sorters do not handle multi-segment, and in that case we will use the :py:func:`~spikeinterface.core.concatenate_recordings()` function.

# Let's create 4 recordings
recordings_list = []
for i in range(4):
  rec, _ = si.toy_example(duration=10., num_channels=4, seed=0, num_segments=1)

# Case 1: the sorter handles multi-segment objects

multirecording = si.append_recordings(recordings_list)
# let's set a probe
multirecording = multirecording.set_probe(recording_single.get_probe())
# multirecording has 4 segments of 10s each

# run tridesclous in multi-segment mode
multisorting = si.run_sorter(sorter_name='tridesclous', recording=multirecording)

# Case 2: the sorter DOES NOT handle multi-segment objects
# The `concatenate_recordings()` mimics a mono-segment object that concatenates all segments
multirecording = si.concatenate_recordings(recordings_list)
# let's set a probe
multirecording = multirecording.set_probe(recording_single.get_probe())
# multirecording has 1 segment of 40s each

# run mountainsort4 in mono-segment mode
multisorting = si.run_sorter(sorter_name='mountainsort4', recording=multirecording)

See also the :ref:`multi_seg` section.

Supported Spike Sorters

Currently, we support many popular semi-automatic spike sorters. Given the standardized, modular design of our sorters, adding new ones is straightforward so we expect this list to grow in future versions.

Here is the list of external sorters accessible using the run_sorter wrapper:

  • HerdingSpikes2 run_sorter('herdingspikes')
  • IronClust run_sorter('ironclust')
  • Kilosort run_sorter('kilosort')
  • Kilosort2 run_sorter('kilosort2')
  • Kilosort2.5 run_sorter('kilosort2_5')
  • Kilosort3 run_sorter('kilosort3')
  • PyKilosort run_sorter('pykilosort')
  • Klusta run_sorter('klusta')
  • Mountainsort4 run_sorter('mountainsort4')
  • Mountainsort5 run_sorter('mountainsort5')
  • SpyKING Circus run_sorter('spykingcircus')
  • Tridesclous run_sorter('tridesclous')
  • Wave clus run_sorter('waveclus')
  • Combinato run_sorter('combinato')
  • HDSort run_sorter('hdsort')
  • YASS run_sorter('yass')

Here a list of internal sorter based on spikeinterface.sortingcomponents; they are totally experimental for now:

  • Spyking Circus2 run_sorter('spykingcircus2')
  • Tridesclous2 run_sorter('tridesclous2')

In 2023, we expect to add many more sorters to this list.

Installed Sorters

To check which sorters are useable in a given Python environment, one can print the installed sorters list. An example is shown in a pre-defined miniconda3 environment.

Then you can check the installed Sorter list,

from spikeinterface.sorters import installed_sorters

which outputs,


When trying to use a sorter that has not been installed in your environment, an installation message will appear indicating how to install the given sorter,

recording = run_sorter(sorter_name='ironclust', recording=recording)

throws the error,

AssertionError: This sorter ironclust is not installed.
      Please install it with:

To use IronClust run:

      >>> git clone
  and provide the installation path by setting the IRONCLUST_PATH
  environment variables or using IronClustSorter.set_ironclust_path().

Internal sorters

In 2022, we started the :py:mod:`spikeinterface.sortingcomponents` module to break into components a sorting pipeline. These components can be gathered to create a new sorter. We already have 2 sorters to showcase this new module:

  • spykingcircus2 (experimental, but ready to be tested)
  • tridesclous2 (experimental, not ready to be used)
There are some benefits of using these sorters:
  • they directly handle SpikeInterface objects, so they do not need any data copy.
  • they only require a few extra dependencies (like hdbscan)

From the user's perspective, they behave exactly like the external sorters:

sorting = run_sorter(sorter_name="spykingcircus2", recording=recording, output_folder="/tmp/folder")


There are 3 ways for contributing to the :py:mod:`spikeinterface.sorters` module:

  • helping in the containerization of spike sorters. This is managed on a separate GitHub repo, spikeinterface-dockerfiles. If you find an error with a current container or would like to request a new spike sorter, please submit an Issue to this repo.
  • make a new wrapper of an existing external sorter.
  • make a new sorter based on :py:mod:`spikeinterface.sortingcomponents`