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File metadata and controls

114 lines (99 loc) · 2.59 KB



The Flow interface is a simple valid/payload protocol which means the slave can't halt the bus. It could be used to represent data coming from an UART controller, requests to write an on-chip memory, etc.

Signal Type Driver Description Don't care when
valid Bool Master When high => payload present on the interface  
payload T Master Content of the transaction valid is low


Syntax Description Return Latency
Flow(type : Data) Create a Flow of a given type Flow[T]  
master/slave Flow(type : Data)
Create a Flow of a given type
Initialized with corresponding in/out setup
Return a Flow driven by x
through a register stage that cut valid/payload paths
Flow[T] 1
x.stage() Equivalent to x.m2sPipe() Flow[T] 1
x << y
y >> x
Connect y to x   0
x <-< y
y >-> x
Connect y to x through a m2sPipe   1
x.throwWhen(cond : Bool)
Return a Flow connected to x
When cond is high, transaction are dropped
Flow[T] 0
x.toReg() Return a register which is loaded with payload when valid is high T  
x.setIdle() Set the Flow in an Idle state: valid is False and don't care about payload.    
x.push(newPayload: T) Assign a new valid payload to the Flow. valid is set to True.    

Code example

.. literalinclude:: /../examples/src/main/scala/spinaldoc/libraries/flow/FlowExample.scala
   :language: scala
   :start-at: case class FlowExample()
   :end-before: // end FlowExample

Simulation Support

Class Usage
FlowMonitor Used for both master and slave sides, calls function with payload if Flow transmits data.
FlowDriver Testbench master side, drives values by calling function to apply value (if available). Function must return if value was available. Supports random delays.
ScoreboardInOrder Often used to compare reference/dut data
.. literalinclude:: /../examples/src/main/scala/spinaldoc/libraries/flow/SimSupport.scala
   :language: scala