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Register Interface Builder

  • Automatic address, fields allocation and conflict detection
  • 28 Register Access types (Covering the 25 types defined by the UVM standard)
  • Automatic documentation generation

Automatic allocation

Automatic address allocation

class RegBankExample extends Component {
  val io = new Bundle {
    apb = slave(Apb3(Apb3Config(16,32)))
  val busif = Apb3BusInterface(io.apb,(0x0000, 100 Byte))
  val M_REG0  = busif.newReg(doc="REG0")
  val M_REG1  = busif.newReg(doc="REG1")
  val M_REG2  = busif.newReg(doc="REG2")

  val M_REGn  = busif.newRegAt(address=0x40, doc="REGn")
  val M_REGn1 = busif.newReg(doc="REGn1")

  busif.accept(HtmlGenerator("regif", "AP"))
  // busif.accept(CHeaderGenerator("header", "AP"))
  // busif.accept(JsonGenerator("regif"))
  // busif.accept(RalfGenerator("regbank"))
  // busif.accept(SystemRdlGenerator("regif", "AP"))


Automatic filed allocation

val M_REG0  = busif.newReg(doc="REG1")
val fd0 = M_REG0.field(Bits(2 bit), RW, doc= "fields 0")
M_REG0.reserved(5 bits)
val fd1 = M_REG0.field(Bits(3 bit), RW, doc= "fields 0")
val fd2 = M_REG0.field(Bits(3 bit), RW, doc= "fields 0")
// auto reserved 2 bits
val fd3 = M_REG0.fieldAt(pos=16, Bits(4 bit), doc= "fields 3")
// auto reserved 12 bits


conflict detection

val M_REG1  = busif.newReg(doc="REG1")
val r1fd0 = M_REG1.field(Bits(16 bits), RW, doc="fields 1")
val r1fd2 = M_REG1.field(Bits(18 bits), RW, doc="fields 1")
cause Exception
val M_REG1  = busif.newReg(doc="REG1")
val r1fd0 = M_REG1.field(Bits(16 bits), RW, doc="fields 1")
val r1fd2 = M_REG1.fieldAt(pos=10, Bits(2 bits), RW, doc="fields 1")
cause Exception

28 Access Types

Most of these come from UVM specification

AccessType Description From
RO w: no effect, r: no effect UVM
RW w: as-is, r: no effect UVM
RC w: no effect, r: clears all bits UVM
RS w: no effect, r: sets all bits UVM
WRC w: as-is, r: clears all bits UVM
WRS w: as-is, r: sets all bits UVM
WC w: clears all bits, r: no effect UVM
WS w: sets all bits, r: no effect UVM
WSRC w: sets all bits, r: clears all bits UVM
WCRS w: clears all bits, r: sets all bits UVM
W1C w: 1/0 clears/no effect on matching bit, r: no effect UVM
W1S w: 1/0 sets/no effect on matching bit, r: no effect UVM
W1T w: 1/0 toggles/no effect on matching bit, r: no effect UVM
W0C w: 1/0 no effect on/clears matching bit, r: no effect UVM
W0S w: 1/0 no effect on/sets matching bit, r: no effect UVM
W0T w: 1/0 no effect on/toggles matching bit, r: no effect UVM
W1SRC w: 1/0 sets/no effect on matching bit, r: clears all bits UVM
W1CRS w: 1/0 clears/no effect on matching bit, r: sets all bits UVM
W0SRC w: 1/0 no effect on/sets matching bit, r: clears all bits UVM
W0CRS w: 1/0 no effect on/clears matching bit, r: sets all bits UVM
WO w: as-is, r: error UVM
WOC w: clears all bits, r: error UVM
WOS w: sets all bits, r: error UVM
W1 w: first one after hard reset is as-is, other w have no effects, r: no effect UVM
WO1 w: first one after hard reset is as-is, other w have no effects, r: error UVM
NA w: reserved, r: reserved New
W1P w: 1/0 pulse/no effect on matching bit, r: no effect New
W0P w: 0/1 pulse/no effect on matching bit, r: no effect New
HSRW w: Hardware Set, SoftWare RW New
RWHS w: SoftWare RW, Hardware Set New
ROV w: ReadOnly Value, used for hardware version New
CSTM w: user custom Type, used for document New

Automatic documentation generation

Document Type

Document Usage Status
HTML busif.accept(HtmlGenerator("regif", title = "XXX register file")) Y
CHeader busif.accept(CHeaderGenerator("header", "AP")) Y
JSON busif.accept(JsonGenerator("regif")) Y
RALF(UVM) busif.accept(RalfGenerator("header")) Y
SystemRDL busif.accept(SystemRdlGenerator("regif", "addrmap_name", Some("name"), Some("desc"))) Y
Latex(pdf)   N
docx   N

HTML auto-doc is now complete, Example source Code:

generated HTML document:


Special Access Usage

CASE1: RO usage

RO is different from other types. It does not create registers and requires an external signal to drive it, Attention, please don't forget to drive it.

val io = new Bundle {
  val cnt = in UInt(8 bit)

val counter = M_REG0.field(UInt(8 bit), RO, 0, "counter")
counter :=  io.cnt
val xxstate = M_REG0.field(UInt(8 bit), RO, 0, "xx-ctrl state").asInput
val overflow = M_REG0.field(Bits(32 bit), RO, 0, "xx-ip parameter")
val ovfreg = Reg(32 bit)
overflow := ovfreg
val inc    = in Bool()
val counter = M_REG0.field(UInt(8 bit), RO, 0, "counter")
val cnt = Counter(100,  inc)
counter := cnt

CASE2: ROV usage

ASIC design often requires some solidified version information. Unlike RO, it is not expected to generate wire signals

old way:

val version = M_REG0.field(Bits(32 bit), RO, 0, "xx-device version")
version := BigInt("F000A801", 16)

new way:

M_REG0.field(Bits(32 bit), ROV, BigInt("F000A801", 16), "xx-device version")(Symbol("Version"))

CASE3: HSRW/RWHS hardware set type In some cases, such registers are not only configured by software, but also set by hardware signals

val io = new Bundle {
  val xxx_set = in Bool()
  val xxx_set_val = in Bits(32 bit)

val reg0 = M_REG0.fieldHSRW(io.xxx_set, io.xxx_set_val, 0, "xx-device version")  // 0x0000
val reg1 = M_REG1.fieldRWHS(io.xxx_set, io.xxx_set_val, 0, "xx-device version")  // 0x0004
always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn)
  if(!rstn) begin
     reg0  <= '0;
     reg0  <= '0;
  end else begin
     if(hit_0x0000) begin
        reg0 <= wdata ;
     if(io.xxx_set) begin      // HW have High priority than SW
        reg0 <= io.xxx_set_val ;

     if(io.xxx_set) begin
        reg1 <= io.xxx_set_val ;
     if(hit_0x0004) begin      // SW have High priority than HW
        reg1 <= wdata ;

CASE4: CSTM Although SpinalHDL includes 25 register types and 6 extension types, there are still various demands for private register types in practical application. Therefore, we reserve CSTM types for scalability. CSTM is only used to generate software interfaces, and does not generate actual circuits

val reg = Reg(Bits(16 bit)) init 0
REG.registerAtOnlyReadLogic(0, reg, CSTM("BMRW"), resetValue = 0, "custom field")

when(busif.dowrite) {
   reg :=  reg & ~busif.writeData(31 downto 16) |  busif.writeData(15 downto 0) & busif.writeData(31 downto 16)

CASE5: parasiteField

This is used for software to share the same register on multiple address instead of generating multiple register entities

example1: clock gate software enable

val M_CG_ENS_SET = busif.newReg(doc="Clock Gate Enables")  // x00000
val M_CG_ENS_CLR = busif.newReg(doc="Clock Gate Enables")  // 0x0004
val M_CG_ENS_RO  = busif.newReg(doc="Clock Gate Enables")  // 0x0008

val xx_sys_cg_en = M_CG_ENS_SET.field(Bits(4 bit), W1S, 0, "clock gate enables, write 1 set" )
                   M_CG_ENS_CLR.parasiteField(xx_sys_cg_en, W1C, 0, "clock gate enables, write 1 clear" )
                   M_CG_ENS_RO.parasiteField(xx_sys_cg_en, RO, 0, "clock gate enables, read only"

example2: interrupt raw reg with force interface for software

val RAW    = this.newRegAt(offset,"Interrupt Raw status Register\n set when event \n clear raw when write 1")
val FORCE  = this.newReg("Interrupt Force  Register\n for SW debug use \n write 1 set raw")

val raw    = RAW.field(Bool(), AccessType.W1C,    resetValue = 0, doc = s"raw, default 0" )
             FORCE.parasiteField(raw, AccessType.W1S,   resetValue = 0, doc = s"force, write 1 set, debug use" )

CASE6: SpinalEnum

When the field type is SpinalEnum, the resetValue specifies the index of the enum elements.

object UartCtrlTxState extends SpinalEnum(defaultEncoding = binaryOneHot) {
   val sIdle, sStart, sData, sParity, sStop = newElement()

val raw = M_REG2.field(UartCtrlTxState(), AccessType.RW, resetValue = 2, doc="state")
// raw will be init to sData

Byte Mask


Typical Example

Batch create REG-Address and fields register

import spinal.lib.bus.regif._

class RegBank extends Component {
  val io = new Bundle {
    val apb = slave(Apb3(Apb3Config(16, 32)))
    val stats = in Vec(Bits(16 bit), 10)
    val IQ  = out Vec(Bits(16 bit), 10)
  val busif = Apb3BusInterface(io.apb, (0x000, 100 Byte), regPre = "AP")

  (0 to 9).map { i =>
    // here use setName give REG uniq name for Docs usage
    val REG = busif.newReg(doc = s"Register${i}").setName(s"REG${i}")
    val real = REG.field(SInt(8 bit), AccessType.RW, 0, "Complex real")
    val imag = REG.field(SInt(8 bit), AccessType.RW, 0, "Complex imag")
    val stat = REG.field(Bits(16 bit), AccessType.RO, 0, "Accelerator status")
    io.IQ(i)( 7 downto 0) := real.asBits
    io.IQ(i)(15 downto 8) := imag.asBits
    stat := io.stats(i)

  def genDocs() = {
    busif.accept(CHeaderGenerator("regbank", "AP"))
    busif.accept(HtmlGenerator("regbank", "Interupt Example"))
    busif.accept(SystemRdlGenerator("regbank", "AP"))


SpinalVerilog(new RegBank())

Interrupt Factory

Manual writing interruption

class cpInterruptExample extends Component {
   val io = new Bundle {
     val tx_done, rx_done, frame_end = in Bool()
     val interrupt = out Bool()
     val apb = slave(Apb3(Apb3Config(16, 32)))
   val busif = Apb3BusInterface(io.apb, (0x000, 100 Byte), regPre = "AP")
   val M_CP_INT_RAW   = busif.newReg(doc="cp int raw register")
   val tx_int_raw      = M_CP_INT_RAW.field(Bool(), W1C, doc="tx interrupt enable register")
   val rx_int_raw      = M_CP_INT_RAW.field(Bool(), W1C, doc="rx interrupt enable register")
   val frame_int_raw   = M_CP_INT_RAW.field(Bool(), W1C, doc="frame interrupt enable register")

   val M_CP_INT_FORCE = busif.newReg(doc="cp int force register\n for debug use")
   val tx_int_force     = M_CP_INT_FORCE.field(Bool(), RW, doc="tx interrupt enable register")
   val rx_int_force     = M_CP_INT_FORCE.field(Bool(), RW, doc="rx interrupt enable register")
   val frame_int_force  = M_CP_INT_FORCE.field(Bool(), RW, doc="frame interrupt enable register")

   val M_CP_INT_MASK    = busif.newReg(doc="cp int mask register")
   val tx_int_mask      = M_CP_INT_MASK.field(Bool(), RW, doc="tx interrupt mask register")
   val rx_int_mask      = M_CP_INT_MASK.field(Bool(), RW, doc="rx interrupt mask register")
   val frame_int_mask   = M_CP_INT_MASK.field(Bool(), RW, doc="frame interrupt mask register")

   val M_CP_INT_STATUS   = busif.newReg(doc="cp int state register")
   val tx_int_status      = M_CP_INT_STATUS.field(Bool(), RO, doc="tx interrupt state register")
   val rx_int_status      = M_CP_INT_STATUS.field(Bool(), RO, doc="rx interrupt state register")
   val frame_int_status   = M_CP_INT_STATUS.field(Bool(), RO, doc="frame interrupt state register")


   rx_int_status := (rx_int_raw || rx_int_force) && (!rx_int_mask)
   tx_int_status := (tx_int_raw || rx_int_force) && (!rx_int_mask)
   frame_int_status := (frame_int_raw || frame_int_force) && (!frame_int_mask)

   io.interrupt := rx_int_status || tx_int_status || frame_int_status


this is a very tedious and repetitive work, a better way is to use the "factory" paradigm to auto-generate the documentation for each signal.

now the InterruptFactory can do that.

Easy Way create interruption:

class EasyInterrupt extends Component {
  val io = new Bundle {
    val apb = slave(Apb3(Apb3Config(16,32)))
    val a, b, c, d, e = in Bool()

  val busif = BusInterface(io.apb,(0x000,1 KiB), 0, regPre = "AP")

  busif.interruptFactory("T", io.a, io.b, io.c, io.d, io.e)

  busif.accept(HtmlGenerator("intrreg", "Interupt Example"))
  busif.accept(SystemRdlGenerator("intrreg", "AP"))


IP level interrupt Factory

Register AccessType Description
RAW W1C int raw register, set by int event, clear when bus write 1
FORCE RW int force register, for SW debug use
MASK RW int mask register, 1: off; 0: open; default 1 int off
STATUS RO int status, Read Only, status = raw && ! mask


busif.interruptFactory("T", io.a, io.b, io.c, io.d, io.e)

SYS level interrupt merge

Register AccessType Description
MASK RW int mask register, 1: off; 0: open; default 1 int off
STATUS RO int status, RO, status = int_level && ! mask


busif.interruptLevelFactory("T", sys_int0, sys_int1)

Spinal Factory

BusInterface method Description
InterruptFactory(regNamePre: String, triggers: Bool*) create RAW/FORCE/MASK/STATUS for pulse event
InterruptFactoryNoForce(regNamePre: String, triggers: Bool*) create RAW/MASK/STATUS for pulse event
InterruptLevelFactory(regNamePre: String, triggers: Bool*) create MASK/STATUS for level_int merge
InterruptFactoryAt(addrOffset: Int, regNamePre: String, triggers: Bool*) create RAW/FORCE/MASK/STATUS for pulse event at addrOffset
InterruptFactoryNoForceAt(addrOffset: Int, regNamePre: String, triggers: Bool*) create RAW/MASK/STATUS for pulse event at addrOffset
InterruptFactoryAt(addrOffset: Int, regNamePre: String, triggers: Bool*) create MASK/STATUS for level_int merge at addrOffset
interrupt_W1SCmask_FactoryAt(addrOffset: BigInt, regNamePre: String, triggers: Bool*) create RAW/FORCE/MASK(SET/CLR)/STATUS for pulse event at addrOffset
interruptLevel_W1SCmask_FactoryAt(addrOffset: BigInt, regNamePre: String, levels: Bool*) create RAW/FORCE/MASK(SET/CLR)/STATUS for level event at addrOffset


class RegFileIntrExample extends Component {
   val io = new Bundle {
     val apb = slave(Apb3(Apb3Config(16,32)))
     val int_pulse0, int_pulse1, int_pulse2, int_pulse3 = in Bool()
     val int_level0, int_level1, int_level2 = in Bool()
     val sys_int = out Bool()
     val gpio_int = out Bool()

   val busif = BusInterface(io.apb,  (0x000,1 KiB), 0, regPre = "AP")
   io.sys_int  := busif.interruptFactory("SYS",io.int_pulse0, io.int_pulse1, io.int_pulse2, io.int_pulse3)
   io.gpio_int := busif.interruptLevelFactory("GPIO",io.int_level0, io.int_level1, io.int_level2, io.sys_int)

   def genDoc() = {
     busif.accept(HtmlGenerator("intrreg", "Interrupt Example"))
     busif.accept(SystemRdlGenerator("intrreg", "Intr"))




When the software reads a reserved address, the current policy is to return normally, readerror=0. In order to facilitate software debugging, the read back value can be configured, which is 0 by default

default: begin
   busif_rdata  <= 32'h0000EF00 ;
   busif_rderr  <= 1'b0         ;

Developers Area

You can add your document Type by extending the BusIfVisitor Trait

case class Latex(fileName : String) extends BusIfVisitor{ ... }

BusIfVisitor give access BusIf.RegInsts to do what you want

// lib/src/main/scala/spinal/lib/bus/regif/BusIfBase.scala

trait BusIfVisitor {
  def begin(busDataWidth : Int) : Unit
  def visit(descr : FifoDescr)  : Unit
  def visit(descr : RegDescr)   : Unit
  def end()                     : Unit