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An express compatable module for creating RESTful password reset endpoints.

Pass-reset assumes very little about your setup. You use a set of functions when configuring the module that tell pass-reset how to perform the various tasks it needs to, eg. sending emails or looking up users in a database (see the configuration section below for more on the specific config functions).


$ npm install pass-reset


Example expiration
var passReset = require('pass-reset');

// The unit (second param) can be one of the following (or undefined for milliseconds):
//   "secs", "mins", "hours", "days", or "weeks"
passReset.expireTimeout(12, 'hours');
Example user lookup routine
var passReset = require('pass-reset');

passReset.lookupUsers(function(login, callback) {
	User.find({ username: login }, function(err, users) {
		if (err) {return callback(err);}
		if (! users.length) {return callback(null, false);}
		var user = users[0];
		callback(null, {
			users: [{
				name: user.username
Example set password routine
var passReset = require('pass-reset');

passReset.setPassword(function(id, password, callback) {
	if (password.length < 8) {
		return callback(null, false, 'Password must be at least 8 characters');
	var hash = doHash(password);
	var update = { $set: { password: hash } };
	User.update({ id: id }, update, { }, function(err) {
		if (err) {return callback(err);}
		callback(null, true);
Example send email routine
var passReset = require('pass-reset');

var template = handlebars.compile([
	'<p>You requested a password reset for the following account(s).</p>',
	'{{#each resets}}',
		'<li>{{name}}: <a href="{{url}}">{{url}}</a></li>',

passReset.sendEmail(function(email, resets, callback) {
		to: email,
		from: '',
		subject: 'password reset',
		body: template({ resets: resets })
	callback(null, true);
Example custom storage for tokens
var passReset  = require('pass-reset');
var redis      = require('redis-url').connect(/* ... */);{
	create: function(id, token, callback) {
		redis.set(token, id, callback);
		redis.expire(token, Math.round(passReset.expireTimeout() / 1000));
	lookup: function(token, callback) {
		redis.get(token, callback);
	destroy: function(token, callback) {
		redis.del(token, callback);


Route for requesting a new reset token'/password/reset',

The requestResetToken method can also take an object of configuration values. The following values are supported:

  • loginParam - The name of the param where the login data (username/email) can be found in req.body.
  • callbackURL - The base URL to direct users to actually perform the reset. This value should contain a "{token}" somewhere which will be replaced with the token, eg. "/password/reset/{token}".
  • next - By default, when pass-reset is done generating a token and sending it, an empty 200 OK response will be sent. To change this behavior, this value can be given a few different values. If a string is given, it is treated as a redirect, if a function is given, it will be called with the req, res, and next parameters, and if any other truthy value is given, the next function will simply be called.'/password/reset',
		next: true,
		loginParam: 'login',
		callbackURL: '/password/reset/{token}',
	function(req, res) {
		// ...
Route for actually reseting passwords

The resetPassword method can also take an object of configuration values. The following values are supported:

  • tokenParam/passwordParam/confirmParam - The name of the params where the respective data (token/password/confirm) can be found in req.body.
  • next - By default, after the password is reset, an empty 200 OK response will be sent. To change this behavior, this value can be given a few different values. If a string is given, it is treated as a redirect, if a function is given, it will be called with the req, res, and next parameters, and if any other truthy value is given, the next function will simply be called.
		next: true,
		tokenParam: 'token',
		passwordParam: 'password',
		confirmParam: 'confirm'
	function(req, res) {
		// ...