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MIDI Input/Output Library

The package midi provides support for sending and receiving MIDI messages over a serial interface of the pyboard or compatible boards (for example the STM32F4DISCOVERY board).

MIDI input and output classes are available in the separate sub-modules midi.midiin and midi.midiout respectively, so your code can import only what is needed.

MIDI Input

Usage example

import pyb
from midi.midiin import MidiIn

def midi_printer(msg):

uart = pyb.UART(2, 31250)
midiin = MidiIn(uart, callback=midi_printer)
while True:

Creating a MidiIn Instance

Import the MidiIn class from the midi.midiin module and create an instance of it:

from midi.midiin import MidiIn

midiout = MidiIn(uart)

The constructor expects an instance of a serial device class as the first positional argument. Actually the only requirement for the passed object is that it has any and read methods. A TypeError is raised otherwise. The given object could be an instance of pyb.UART for serial devices or pyb.USB_VCP when using the USB virtual comm port. If a serial device is used, which is connected to a MIDI input circuit, the baud rate should be set to 31250.

You can also pass debug=True, which causes error messages to be printed to sys.stderr when data is received, that doesn't conform to the MIDI protocol.

The remaining constructor arguments are explained in the following sections.

The Message Callback

To handle incoming MIDI messages, you must also pass a callback function with the callback argument. This function is called whenever a complete MIDI message is received. It should expect one argument, a bytearray with the MIDI message. The bytearray has a variable length, depending on the type of the MIDI message.

To actually read and parse the MIDI input and trigger the callback, you must call the poll method of the MidiIn instance regularly. You can choose the poll interval according to the needs determined by the rest of your code, but it should generally not be longer than it takes to receive a few characters at the current baud rate of your serial instance. For a standard MIDI interface with a 31250 baud rate the time to receive one byte is about 0.3 milliseconds.

Soft Thru

If you pass softthru=True to the MidiIn constructor, the serial device instance you pass must also have a write method, which accepts one argument of type bytes. Each byte received via the read method of the device is then passed to the write method unfiltered and unaltered. This allows you to use the MIDI output as a soft MIDI thru. Please note that this introduces a delay of the MIDI messages passed through, the magnitude of which depends on your poll interval.

Since bytes read from MIDI in are passed immediately, without parsing, one by one to the MIDI out, the softthru option will not work correctly if you also send MIDI messages with the MidiOut class. To keep the proper sequence of MIDI bytes, the MIDI input and output have to be logically merged in this case. This library currently does not provide support for MIDI merging.

Ignoring Active Sense, Timing Clock or System Exclusive Messages

Normally the callback is called for every received message, regardless of its type. You can, however, enable filtering of certain message types, so that they are dropped and never reach your callback.

To enable filtering, call the ignore_types method of your MidiIn instance and pass active_sensing=True, clock=True and/or sysex=True to filter out Active Sensing (0xFE), Timing Clock (0xF8) or System Exclusive (0xF0 ... 0xF7) Messages respectively. You can enable/disable all these filters at once or selectively.

MIDI Output

Usage example

import pyb
from midi.midiout import MidiOut

uart = pyb.UART(2, baudrate=31250)
midiout = MidiOut(uart)

midiout.program_change(0)  # Acoustic Piano per General MIDI standard

for note in (60, 64, 67, 72):
    midiout.note_on(note, velocity=100)
    midiout.note_off(note)  # velocity defaults to 0

Creating a MidiOut Instance

Import the MidiOut class from the midi.midiout module and create an instance of it:

from midi.midiout import MidiOut

midiout = MidiOut(uart)

The constructor expects an instance of a serial device class as the first positional argument. Actually the only requirement for the passed object is that it has a write method, which accepts one argument of type bytes. A TypeError is raised otherwise. The given object could be an instance of pyb.UART for serial devices or pyb.USB_VCP when using the USB virtual comm port. If a serial device is used, which is connected to a MIDI output circuit, the baud rate should be set to 31250.

You can also optionally pass a MIDI channel number as a second parameter to the constructor. This can be retrieved and set via the channel property of the instance and is used as the default channel for channel messages send via this instance. It must be an integer between 1 and 16 and a ValueError is raised when the given channel is out of range or you try to set the channel property to an invalid value.

Sending MIDI Messages

The generic method to send a MIDI message is send and it takes the message to send as a single argument, which must be an iterable yielding integers, e.g. a tuple or list of integers, a bytes or bytearray instance or similar:

# send a Note On message on channel 10 for note 36, velocity 100
midiout.send([0x99, 36, 100])

The MidiOut class provides convenience methods for sending all standard types of MIDI messages and also for the most common controller types.

Channel Messages

All channel message methods accept an optional keyword argument ch to specify the MIDI channel of the message. It defaults to the value of the channel property of the MidiOut instance.

channel_message(command, *data[, ch=None])

The generic channel_message method is mainly used an internal helper method by the other methods listed below. The command parameter must be a MIDI channel message status byte (0x80..0xE0). The lower nibble of command, where the MIDI channel is encoded, is ignored and taken either from the ch keyword parameter or the channel instance property as described above. Additional positional parameters are used as the data bytes of the MIDI message and must be integers, which will be OR'ed with 0x7F to ensure they have a value range 0..127.

All the parameters of the methods listed below in this section have a value range of 0..127, except the ch parameter (1..16) and where noted otherwise.

Note On / Off:

midiout.note_on(note[, velocity])
midiout.note_off(note[, velocity])

Pitch Bend:

# -8191 <= value <= 8192

Mono and Poly Pressure:

# Send a channel pressure message:
# Send a poly pressure message:
midiout.pressure(value, note)

Program Change and Bank Select:

# Send a program change message:
# Send a bank select MSB (CC #0) followed by a program change message:
midiout.program_change(program, msb=0)
# Send a bank select LSB (CC #32) followed by a program change message:
midiout.program_change(program, lsb=0)
# Send a bank select MSB (CC #0, value 1) and LSB (CC #32, value 0)
# followed by a program change message (0 <= bank <= 16383):
midiout.program_change(program, bank=128)

Control Change:

midiout.control_change(controller, value)

The midi.constants module defines constants for all standard controller numbers. These constants are also imported into the namespace of the midi.midiout module. This allows you to send control change messages with controller numbers, for which no convenience method has been provided, but keep the code readable:

midiout.control_change(LEGATO_ONOFF, 127)

High-Resolution Controllers:

The control_change method and each of the standard controller message methods below accept an optional boolean keyword parameter lsb, which defaults to False. If it is True, value is interpreted as a 14-bit value and two control change messagess are sent. First one with the given controller number and the upper 7 bits of value as the control value, and then another with the given controller number plus 32 and the lower 7 bits of value as the control value. lsb is ignored for controller numbers >= 32.

Standard Controllers:

# Send a bank select MSB (CC #0):
# Send a bank select LSB (CC #32):
# Send a bank select MSB (bank >> 7) and a bank select LSB (bank & 0x7f):

midiout.modulation(value)         # CC #1
midiout.breath_controller(value)  # CC #2
midiout.foot_controller(value)    # CC #4
midiout.portamento_time(value)    # CC #5
midiout.data_entry(value)         # CC #6
midiout.volume(value)             # CC #7
midiout.balance(value)            # CC #8
midiout.pan(value)                # CC #10
midiout.expression(value)         # CC #11

Channel Mode Messages


# Send a local control message with value 127 (on):
# Send a local control message with value 0 (off):

# Send an omni mode on message:
# Send an omni mode off message:

# Send a poly mode on message:
# Send a mono mode on message:

# Send all notes off, all sound off and reset all controllers on
# all channels:
# ... or on the given list of channels:
# ... or only on given channel:

System Common Messages

midiout.time_code(frame, seconds, minutes, hours[, rate])

For time_code, the rate parameter must be one of the constants MTC_FRAME_RATE_24, MTC_FRAME_RATE_25, MTC_FRAME_RATE_30_DROP and MTC_FRAME_RATE_30 from the midi.constants module and defaults to MTC_FRAME_RATE_24.

System Real-Time Messages


System Exclusive Messages

System exclusive (sysex) messages consist of a sequence of bytes with an arbitrary length, where the first byte has the value 0xF0 and the last one 0xF7. All bytes in between must have a value <= 0x7F. You can just use the send method to send sysex or use the system_exclusive method, which checks whether the given message (which must be a real sequence, not an iterator) conforms to these rules and raises a ValueError otherwise.

midiout.system_exclusive([0xF0, 0x7E, 0, 6, 1, 0xF7])