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pe_carbonrelay cookbook

Cookbook to setup graphite carbon relay proxies in a flexible way. It supports all carbon-c-relay parameters and it can read all of them from a databag.

For more information go to:

Supported Platforms

  • Debian
  • Ubuntu
  • Centos
  • RedHat

Note: at this moment, there is no package available for RH/Centos platforms, but the cookbook supports them.


You can define the attributes, or use a databag to read and setup all of them. For instance, here you see the attribute file of this cookbook:

# Main attributes
default[:pe_carbonrelay][:data_bag] = 'metrics'
default[:pe_carbonrelay][:bag_name] = 'relay'
default[:pe_carbonrelay][:environment] = node[:chef_environment]?node[:chef_environment]:"_default"

# package and version
default[:pe_carbonrelay][:version] = '0.36'
default[:pe_carbonrelay][:download] = "{node[:pe_carbonrelay][:version]}_amd64.deb"
default[:pe_carbonrelay][:checksum] = "1411b3890fe9c7d009cfd787ad7cfa7ab5664311"
default[:pe_carbonrelay][:package] = "carbon-c-relay"

# Daemons configuration
default[:pe_carbonrelay][:daemon] = {
#	"default" => {
##		:disable => false,
#		:interface => "",
#		:port => 2003,
##		:threads => 16,
##		:batchsize => 2500,
##		:queuesize => 25000,
##		:hoststats => "default",
#		:cluster => {
#			"local" => {
#				:mode => "forward",
#				:nodes => [
#					{ :host => "", :port => 2013, :proto => "tcp" },
#				]
#			}
#		},
#              "rules": [
#                       {"type": "match", "expr": "sl.*", "to": "pe", "stop": true },
#                       {"type": "match", "expr": "*", "to": "local", "stop": false },
#                       {"type": "rewrite", "in": "(.+)", "out": "sl.\\1" },
#                       {"type": "match", "expr": "*", "to": "pe", "stop": true }
#               ]
#	}

The structure of the carbon-c-relay configuration is almost its own configuration. It will create init.d files and configuration to launch each daemon.


The easy way is just use a databag to define the way to forward the metrics

	"id": "relay",
        "_default": {
		"daemon": {
			"default": {
				"disable": false,
				"interface": "",
				"port": 2003,
				"cluster": {
					"local": {
						"mode": "forward",
						"nodes": [
							{"host": "", "port": 2013, "proto": "udp"}
                                "rules": [
                                        {"type": "match", "expr": "sl.*", "to": "pe", "stop": true },
                                        {"type": "match", "expr": "*", "to": "local", "stop": false },
                                        {"type": "rewrite", "in": "(.+)", "out": "sl.\\1" },
                                        {"type": "match", "expr": "*", "to": "pe", "stop": true }

To apply the cookbook just include pe_carbonrelay in your node's run_list:

  "run_list": [


Author:: Jose Riguera (Springer SBM) (