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Codename bAPi mark 2


  • raspian bookworm (pi5/pi4) and wayland are possible problems for WSJT, Xastir, Conky, GridTracker
    • switch back to X11 or revert to buster
    • yad errors can be ignored (yad:12189): Gdk-CRITICAL
    • conky needs review of the following in .conkyrc out_to_wayland = true,
    • ubuntu on Pi5 is an option (offical pi-image tool, other general purpose OS menu option)
  • VARA and winlink varac RMS etc, install manually
    • wine works better with X11 still
    • the Wheezy/WineLink is offline at the moment


  • no .desktop files yet for most things (no menu icons)
  • upgrade your OS first. This script is not upgrading the OS/reboot before using tool.



bAPi mark II, a fork of the awesome, KM4ACK Build-a-Pi project.

Do you enjoy keeping on the bleeding edge of ham radio software?

Allowing you to get up and running fast with supported hardware for ham radio. Choose the applications and build them gentoo style! This keeps your system as lean and mean as possible, and updated to the latest enhancements!

A major fork of this build changes the architecture into a .bapp file for each app. The menu is just a static terminal showing the data in the .bapp app files. All apps in the stable appear to load cross platform.

What this is: AUR platform knock off - because DUR never did? installer for ham development code applications

What this isn't: perfect, its bash and yad following developers make instructions all over the internet It wont promise the apps are working or perfect. After-all this is all live development code on linux.

Platforms Specifically Tested

In theory any Debian platform will work, however the only tested/customized platforms so far. but if you still have python2 as a functioning system or using a distro with python2 .. its getting too old man..


There is more stability with the 32bit OS, there appears to be some speed advantages to 64bit OS

  • Cortex-A53 raspian 32bit Pi3
  • Cortex-A72 debian(rasp-os) 32/64bit Pi4
  • Cortex-A76 debian(rasp-os) 32/64bit Pi5


  • linuxmint and raspberryDesktopOS
  • ubuntu,pop (report issues please)

Additional Requirements

The project depends on yad which is a funny word for a GUI manager to give the menu some life in all the bashing about. All listed platforms have access to yad sudo apt-get install -y yad git will confirm if this script will function at all. Needless to say you also need a Radio Callsign!

Additionally fast install profiles are new! (but not setup fully yet) Quickly deploy a common group of applications which fast installs the critical components for typical EMCOMM work so you dont need to worry.


This script tries to keep as small of a footprint as possible, please make sure to have the newest packages installed for your 20.0.0 or greater OS, by running a sudo apt-get upgrade.

From a local graphical session terminal window, one line install the following .. A one-liner install for copy and paste (use the github copy quciklink!)

cd $HOME && git clone $HOME/bapi && $HOME/bapi/

if you don't want the preloaded dev-package tools SKIP DEV INSTALLL These are the tools needed to build most of the projects here, option given if your dev tools differ. By installing flrig or hamlib you .. also install the same tools and they are basically required to use the other tools so this option is just to skip loading if you want!

Additional Install Guidance

If long term stability is your goal - recommendations are to NOT update the OS, or the packages in this project after stable functionality is reached. This creates your own distribution which you can replicate or multiply. Helpful for EMCOM work. Build an external hard disk image with this tool to boot a spare or work laptop from!

If you have issues make sure your running the newest code, and OS! git pull, and sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y if you really get stuck you can start over mv $HOME/bapi $HOME/bapi.old and git clone again. Or try a git reset --hard followed by a git pull.

To try the beta code, get fancy with git checkout beta

Recommended to flash your SD-Card with the official Raspberry Flash Tool To enable VNC or SSH on PI's Enable the VNC service

Issue Reporting - Feature Requests reflector here Please report issues & feature requests here please keep in mind the scope of this project is the core menu (API) and calling the (.bapp) files which are themselves just ported from the developer, and fitted here into a easy to use format. The more details the better check the errors/ for logs.

Issues with developmental code branches is problematic when operating on early release or development code. Which we are directly getting, the latest and greatest.

Each bapp file has has a link to the best support information found for direct application support and troubleshooting.

Have an app not working? or want to add an application? check out contributing and more in the bapp documentation and template generator tools.

Troubleshooting you can also try touch .debug for more details which may help or make a mess.

~/.bap-source-files is where all the source files and build work takes place. This is just a little menu to save you time!


This project wouldn't be anything without Jason Oleham KM4ACK go check him out on youtube! who this project is a direct spawn from. Special thanks to the beta testers KM4ACK and K3OGG, K4OAM

Wine and Box86 work, from Winelink, Eric Wiessner KI7POL

Autohotspot script work, from, Graeme Richards ZL2GZ

TO DO and junk

  • autostart conky
  • fl suite clean up script/job for all the fl*.gz files in BAPSRC?
  • menu and icons
  • folders work in yad tree view?
    • publish to
  • add the backup to know ver and cpu
  • add uninstaller / app remover


build-a-pi mark II





