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Modules introduction

Here gives brief introduction of different modules


Dataset source: MovieLens

preprocess the movies.csv and ratings.csv and store in MongoDB


Recommend movies based directly on statistics, and use Spark Core + Spark SQL to implement the statistics recommender to find:

  • hottest movie (with most ratings)
  • Recently hottest movies (group by month, then by ratings, DESC)
  • Top Movies (with highest average rating)
  • Each genre top movie (cross table)



Recommend based on Collaborative filtering, and use Spark Core + Spark MLlib and ALS to implement offline recommender

  • from latent features of users, recommend a list of movies for a user (use ALS algorithm)
  • from the similarity of movies, recommend a list of similar movies for a movie (use cosine similarity)



Recommend in real-time, by collecting one single rating behavior of user in real-time send to Kafka, and process, compute the real-time recommendation list to update the MongoDB

  • get the latest K times of rating from redis
  • from similarity matrix, extract N most similar movies as the candidate list
  • for every candidate movie, calculate the score and sort as current user's recommendation list